Thursday, 31 October 2024




"Without the possibility of choice and the exercise of choice one is not a person but a member, an instrument, a thing." Archibald MacLeish Spirituality involves the freedom to change. Growth requires a variety of choices. My past addiction was a life of slavery because it removed my creative choice and left me obsessing about drugs and alcohol. My life, conversation, and thoughts revolved around the bottle, and I was oblivious to the true meaning of life. My freedom to experience the...


On this day of your life

I believe God wants you to know ...


... that you are innocent. You are blameless. You are

without foible or fault of any kind.


I know you do not believe this about yourself, but do

you believe this of the three-year-old beautiful child?

And what makes you think that you are anything less

in the eyes of God?

Declaring Our Intentions (OM)




20 Quotes by Rumi that have Saved Me Over & Over Again.


{*Did you know you can write on Elephant? Here’s how—big changes: How to Write & Make Money or at least Be of Benefit on Elephant. ~ Waylon}


Whether people realize it or not, the world is currently experiencing a huge collective “dark night of the soul.”

We have reached a critical turning point and there is no going back.

First, we had the pandemic. Now, climate change, wars, genocides, corrupted systems, the cost of living crisis, left versus right debates, and end-stage capitalism (and more) have all come up to the forefront for everyone (who is willing) to see and witness.

Unfortunately, this is a necessary and deeply painful process, as it is actually a result of everything that has been accumulating within our psyches (that is not based in love) being reflected in the outer world. And I’m talking generations and generations of it. Everything is coming up and out to be processed, purged, and healed. This is the only way the outer world will heal.

There is no more room for greed, pride, ego, narcissism, racism, sexism, lies, manipulation, nationalism, hatred, and negative belief systems. When we do not heal what is within us, it is not only us that suffers but the world around us. People who are rooted in love do not go around hurting and taking advantage of others. This says a lot about our current world leaders.

Hard times often make us reflect deeply on our lives and the general state of the world. We are pretty much forced to go inwards and look at what isn’t serving us anymore. Of course things are looking pretty bleak right now. More people than ever are struggling financially; we are angry with our world leaders and how they are getting away with hideous crimes. This can leave us feeling really powerless in the grand scheme of things.

If you ask me do I see any light at the end of this tunnel, I do. I will say it a thousand times. I do. I do. I do.

I know that love is going to win because love always wins. There is not a more powerful force than love.

Aristotle wrote it best: “Evil destroys even itself.”

We might think that there is not much we can do, but this is not true. We are so much more powerful than we think.

Now more than ever, we must surround ourselves with people who are good for our minds and spirits. We need to surround ourselves with people who care and are positive-minded. We need to look within ourselves and heal anything that isn’t helping us grow and thrive. We need to love and remove anything that is blocking us from moving in love. We need to move out of victim mode and stop believing that checking a box next to somebody’s name is going to change our lives for better in any way. We need to stop believing that external forces are more powerful than what we have inside of us. We need to learn about the power of our thoughts, the law of attraction, and change any scarcity and poverty mindsets within us. We need to learn about the energetics of money. We need unlearn all the negative and toxic programming society has imposed upon us. We need to be inspired by people who are doing acts of goodness and who have done in the past.

I have always been inspired by the mystic and poet Rumi and as of lately have been reading a lot of his works. Today, I’m sharing 20 quotes by Rumi that inspire hope within me and remind me that I am a powerful being, even in the hardest of times.

I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.

1. “Run from what’s comfortable. Forget safety. Live where you fear to live. Destroy your reputation. Be notorious. I have tried prudent planning long enough. From now on I’ll be mad.”

2. “You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.”

3. “You were born with wings. Why prefer to crawl through life?”

4. “You have to keep breaking your heart until it opens.”

5. “Yesterday I was so clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”

6. “Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open?”

7. “I learned that every mortal will taste death. But only some will taste life.”

8. “The wound is the place where the light enters you.”

9. “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”

10. “The cure for the pain is in the pain.”

11. “When setting out on a journey, do not seek advice from those who have never left home.”

12. “As you start to walk on the way, the way appears.”

13. “Start a huge, foolish project, like Noah…it makes absolutely no difference what people think of you.”

14. “Don’t be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your myth.”

15. “The garden of the world has no limit except in your mind.”

16. “Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder. Help someone’s soul heal. Walk out of your house like a shepherd.”

17. “Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart.”

18. “Gratitude is the wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk.”

19. “Let yourself become living poetry.”

20. “The universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself; everything that you want, you already are.”




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Nicole Baptista  |  Contribution: 77,790

author: Nicole Baptista

Image: Anastasia Shuraeva/Pexels

Editor: Lisa Erickson

Robert Pattinson’s “Unselfish” Definition of Love.


Love isn’t for the timid. Love is tough stuff. Love requires vulnerability. Love requires letting go. Love puts us on the chopping block for all our world to see.

While it may be pop culture gossip, it’s a reminder: love hurts. So let’s remember, that as every teen girl’s favorite vampire says, love requires room for individuality. And individuality requires room for mistakes, particularly when we’re young.

Robert Pattinson was asked: what is true love?

“I think it’s to be with someone and let that person be herself. Each one has to live their own lives, but with the support of the other person.

And you need to be able to do what you want.”


For more: Waylon Lewis’ “Love is Selfish.”



  • ·       “Love, unselfishness, must undergo a constant and living readaptative interpretation of relationships in accordance with the leading of the Spirit of Truth. Love must thereby grasp the ever-changing and enlarging concepts of the highest cosmic good of the individual who is loved.”

    ·       “It is increasingly the belief of all Uversa that the assembling Corps of the Finality are destined to some future service in the universes of outer space, where we already are able to identify the clustering of at least seventy thousand aggregations of matter, each of which is greater than any one of the present superuniverses.”

    ·       Munificence: The quality of being very generous.

    ·       We’re either getting better or we’re getting worse. - David Goggins

    ·       Help me to stay awake in this shifting season, to remember that things have to fall apart sometimes in order to bloom.

    ·       To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

    ·       You cannot tailor-make your situation in life, but you can tailor-make your attitudes to fit those situations.

    ·       Look for hidden treasures in the mundane. — Brooke

    ·       Pride makes us artificial and humility makes us real. - Thomas Merton

    ·       “The bigger the calm the more powerful the wind.” ~ Dr. Douillard

    ·       “MOST of the inhabited worlds of Nebadon harbor one or more groups of unique beings existing on a life-functioning level about midway between those of the mortals of the realms and of the angelic orders; hence are they called midway creatures.”

Inspiration Quote

Failure and deprivation are the best educators and purifiers. Albert Einstein

We can be truly successful only at something we’re willing to fail at. Mark Manson

Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed on an equal or greater benefit. Napoleon Hill

Wednesday, 30 October 2024

On this day of your life


I believe God wants you to know ...


... that everything you see, hear, touch, taste, smell, or

sense in any way is an aspect of Divinity.


It is when you judge it to be something else that it shows

up as something else in your life. Therefore, judge not,

and neither condemn.


For that which you judge, judges you; and that which

you condemn will condemn you. Yet that which you see

for what it really is will see you for what you really are.

And therein will be found your peace.

Trusting Our Inner Healer (OM)




Can You Be Professionally Lazy?



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{*Did you know you can write on Elephant? Here’s how—big changes: How to Write & Make Money or at least Be of Benefit on Elephant. ~ Waylon}

Ah, the art of being lazy.

Picture this: It’s a rainy Sunday, your to-do list is longer than the Appalachian Trail, and you have two massive assignments due before midnight. The clock ticks menacingly, but there’s something comforting about the pitter-patter of rain and your couch calling your name. The question arises: Can you be lazy…and still be successful?

The Lazy Worker Myth

Let’s get one thing straight: being lazy doesn’t mean you aren’t working hard—it means you’re working smart. Think of it as strategic laziness. The misconception that lazy people don’t accomplish anything is outdated. Have you ever seen someone fire off an email on their phone while lying in bed or “attend” a Zoom meeting with the camera off while folding laundry? That’s productivity, my friend, in a robe and fuzzy slippers.

Procrastination: Friend or Foe?

We’ve all been there. Procrastination is a close cousin of laziness, but it can sometimes work in your favor. Nothing lights a fire under you like a looming deadline. Why spend a week writing an essay when you can churn out a perfectly decent one in a caffeine-fueled, 11th-hour burst of genius? However, use this power wisely—this kind of stress isn’t sustainable (and trust me, coffee only carries you so far).

Automation: The Lazy Professional’s Dream

The ultimate lazy tool is automation. Why do something manually when you can get a bot, script, or app to do it for you? Salesforce? Trailhead? Boom, automated workflows! And sure, it may take a few hours upfront to set up, but then you’re golden. So, while it seems lazy to push a button and walk away, you’re actually freeing up time for the important things, like staring at the rain, contemplating the meaning of life and maybe finishing those assignments.

Maximizing Breaks for Peak Laziness

Work hard, nap hard. Successful lazy people understand the importance of taking strategic breaks. Instead of working non-stop, adopt the “pomodoro” technique. Work for 25 minutes, then reward yourself with a five-minute break. During the break, you can embrace full lazy mode: scroll social media, stare out the window, or take a micro-nap. By working in intervals, you’re not just lazy—you’re efficient. That’s right, you’re a productivity ninja in lazy pants.

The Fine Line: Lazy vs. Burnt Out

Sometimes, what feels like laziness is actually burnout in disguise. Maybe that heavy sigh when you open your laptop isn’t laziness but a sign that you need a breather. Listen to your inner lazy self—it might be telling you to slow down before you hit a wall. There’s a difference between taking a well-deserved lazy day and ignoring tasks until they become a problem (like, say, two assignments due before midnight).

Embrace Your Inner Lazy Genius

So, can you be professionally lazy? Absolutely. As long as you’re meeting deadlines, keeping things moving, and not driving yourself crazy in the process, laziness can be your secret weapon. Rainy days like today are made for a perfect balance of lounging and low-key productivity. With some smart shortcuts and a bit of procrastination, you might just become the most successful lazy person around.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have two assignments waiting for a last-minute miracle.



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Image: @giselle_dekel/Instagram

Editor: Molly Murphy