Thursday 4 November 2021



  • ·       I think the prime reason for existence, for living in this world, is discovery. - James Dean

    ·       The only greatness for man is immortality. - James Dean

    ·       Death can’t be considered because if you’re afraid to die, there’s no room in your life to make discoveries. - James Dean

    ·       My purpose in life does not include a hankering to charm society. - James Dean

    ·       Am I in love? Absolutely. I’m in love with ancient philosophers, foreign painters, classic authors, and musicians who have died long ago. I’m a passionate lover. I fawn over these people. I have given them my heart and my soul. The trouble is, I’m unable to love anyone tangible. I have sacrificed a physical bond for a metaphysical relationship. I am the ultimate idealistic lover. - James Dean

    ·       If you’re not afraid if you take everything you are, everything worthwhile in you and direct it at one goal, one ultimate mark, you’ve got to get there. - James Dean

    ·       "True religion is a wholehearted devotion to some reality which the religionist deems to be of supreme value to himself and for all mankind."

    ·       Desire is a contract that you make with yourself to be unhappy until you get what you want. - Naval Ravikant

    ·       "We have just enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love one another." - Jonathan Swift

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