Saturday 6 November 2021

Unite In The Work Of Upliftment And Enlightenment (EC)


Whenever you read the news or switch on the radio or television, fill yourself with light, surround yourself with a circle of light so you are not affected by anything that is said or shown, and then like a beacon of light send forth that light into the world situation in ever increasing power. As each one of My Light Bearers does this, just think what an affect it can have on the whole situation. Yes you have your work cut out for you. Do it and do it willingly and joyously. As more and more light is radiated out, the greater the uplift. Unite in the work of upliftment and enlightenment. Be still and allow the waves of disharmony and turmoil to pass over you, then when the waves have passed, come up and send forth the light and feel that inner peace and harmony, which can only help every situation and never hinder.

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