Friday, 10 March 2023

Taking Back Power In Chaotic Times

 As you know there are many challenges for us homo sapiens right now. Times are chaotic and uncertain.

I believe we are going through a powerful time of ‘baptism by fire’. Things always look darkest before dawn breaks and I know we are going to emerge in the Light… but how can we look after ourselves in these times, when there are so many breakdowns happening?

How do we take back our power in times of extreme global stress, when we feel powerless to control things?

As a community, having gone through the unspeakable horror and helter-skelter of narcissistic abuse up-close and personal, some of us are already brilliantly equipped for this time.

We’ve already been through a ‘death/rebirth’ experience, so we know what it is to feel like we are going to lose it all – and we possibly already did.

For many of us, when we did lose what we thought was our life, and even almost our very life itself, we discovered our True Life – an inner connection to something much greater than ourselves.

Well, here we are all over again – in times of uncertainty, bombardment, chaos and losses. Losses of the life we thought we would be living, losses of people we used to be close to, and a loss of the way we used to look at the world.

Sounds incredibly familiar to what we went through with narcissistic abuse, yes?

It is. And it’s time for us to rise like we never have before.


Personally Moving From Darkness To Light

Quantum Law is ‘so within – so without’. Therefore, to change your life from Fear, Pain, Uncertainty and Chaos requires shifting your Inner Being from these states on the inside, to Light.

Because it’s from The Light that everything comes.

It’s important to understand the ridiculousness of Law of Attraction. Trying to manifest in this way is still co-dependency. “I’m going to stop thinking about Fear, Pain and Uncertainty with my visualisation of Love, Release and Clarity instead.”

That is us trying to control things. Co-dependency is the disease of controlling: “I’m feeling empty and unfulfilled and I’m going to try to DO something to fix it.”

Visualising the ‘opposite’ does not fix states. It just brings up for you a constant need to keep doing it, and grave disappointment and self-judgement when it doesn’t hold.

What DOES work is releasing the OLD state and replacing it with Light. Peace, calm and centredness. Light just is. Constant, steady Light.

But how do we do this when our present-day lives are surrounding us with so many things to be concerned about?

I promise you with all my heart, I NOW have ZERO fears about this time.

I did have them, HUGELY! Three years ago, when the chaos started, I was initially MASSIVELY triggered. I am not alone. Many people I know who were close to me, as well as people in this community, also felt terribly destabilised – understandably so.

Maybe you went through this, or are still going through this and have been terribly impacted in some way. You could still be battling to try to stay positive and sane, against insurmountable odds.

In these intense triggers, I needed to turn within and do Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program (NARP) Healings, in ways I hadn’t needed to do for years.

I was literally crippled in fear until I did, feeling powerless whilst I was watching everything in my home town of Melbourne implode around me: people despairing, giving up, losing everything they had worked their entire lives for, cut off from their loved ones and ending their own lives.

I’ll never forget one day I sat in the bath and cried all day – tears of deep soul-wrenching despair. As an empath, I could feel people’s pain, their losses, their trauma and their powerlessness. These people had no hope and there was no sign of an end in sight.

(Were my deep feelings of grief JUST about the present moment, or also from times eons ago? You may relate…)

I realised this overwhelming embodiment of collective pain was destroying me. What use was I to anyone when I couldn’t function? Plus, it was simply too agonising to stay like this.

With the NARP Bonus Source Healing and Resolution Module I worked on myself for hours that night. I released the trauma inside me, and brought in Source’s Light to replace where the trauma had been.

From where there had been despair, arose relief, then calm, then clarity.

I had to keep going. There were many days and many sessions to keep letting go of this overwhelming dark engulfment. Eventually, I was no longer drowning as a victim of the chaos. I emotionally rose above it, using this power I had taken back to serve myself and others, doing what I could do for humanity.

Plus, I saw a truth – a powerful, bigger-picture truth.

I understood that this was all happening FOR everyone. I saw that this time was about taking back our power to go free, from the inside, regardless of what was happening on the outside.

Now instead of being the ‘I’, I had become the ‘I Am’, connected to ‘It All’. Let me explain. 

Releasing False Idols

Right now is NOT the time to check out and distract yourself with Netflix and ‘normal life’ and just hope it all just goes away. You are deeper than that and more vital than that.

The transition from The Piscean Age of ‘Knowing an outer God’ to The Aquarian Age of ‘Knowing you and Source / God are One’ is a profound time in history and you may consider this time to be one that you actually need to participate in – to help usher in this Golden Time ahead.

Here is what I believe our spiritual survival message is right now. It is time to give up False Idols – to stop worshipping things and people outside of ourselves, and stop handing our power away by making them ‘gods’.

That’s what landed us in this mess that we all now have to face. The results of being asleep at the wheel are now front and centre. We have let others dictate the fate of our lives for us, rather than choosing to live our lives through Source guidance, in truth and health, for ourselves.

It’s a selling of our own soul. We could have been knowing, listening and aligning with our intuition, our values and how Source / God relates to us – creating ourselves as the living embodiments of truth, love and wholeness. But instead we have made our existence reliant on sport, clothes, alcohol, labels, acquisitions, getting a lover, having a ‘trendy’ identity, fitting in, sexual stimulation, being approved of and accepted by the in-crowd. And the list goes on and on.

It amounts to being taken over by narcissistic control.

It also means we are highly susceptible to being gaslighted, manipulated, led, coerced, tempted, and steered away from our connection to Higher Wisdom and Truth, as well as the threat of the LOSS of things that we have been idolising.

It’s co-dependency leading us into narcissistic abuse all over again – on steroids.


Letting Go Of Life ‘As You Want it’

We fell for the darkness because we did not stand in our own Light.

This darkness was False Selves – narcissists and worse – pretending to be ‘saviours’ who instead harvested our life-force and soul to further their own ‘getting sprees’ at our expense.

We have been trained to be dependent on the status quo and our attachment to outer ‘things’ rather than valuing our ‘insides’.

When you live life from the inside, you don’t get tricked by the coercion and threats to maintain ‘stuff’. Instead, a deep re-membering – coming back together – activates, which is the knowing that when you are at One with Source, you already are what you seek. ALL things are possible, probable, inevitable, and GRANTED.

This I have learned the last three years; the doing and the getting in the old ways are obsolete. In a world of madness and chaos, having no idea of what is going to happen, I honour my Soul and Source and that is my rock to stand on.

That is the ascension of the Aquarian Age, and that is what 5D is – “Source and I am One”. Living from soul truth and Beingness brings miracles abounding in our lives. This is the place to expand and create from, not out of need, but because Source is flowing through you as you.

I want to ask you…

What are you hanging on to that is sucking your life-force? Do these things and people FULFIL you? What are your REAL values and truths? What do you feel called to? How can you be more real, connected with yourself, and serve your greater community? How would it feel to partner with the Higher Mind and live your life from this place?

Do you desire your own personal power and freedom, and to live from your deep inner knowing and guidance?

What IS your intuition, the voice of Source, telling you?

Are you willing to drop attachments to ‘things having to be the way you wanted them to be?’

I promise you I did. My Inner GPS said, “sell your home now” and I did, even though my ego would say, “that is your dream forever home, don’t sell it!”

I’ve learned what happens when I ignore my Inner God/ Source and try to live life through my attached egoic will, instead of my Higher Will. I know the difference – hard knocks and setbacks, or living the only life that would ever durably fulfill me.

The inner voice was right. If I had stayed and listened to my ego, I would be facing financial ruin right now. Instead I am living with much more financial freedom on a property that ticks every box imaginable in my life.

Is it as fancy? No! Is it my soul truth? Yes!

How often have we all, in narcissistic abuse, had the gut warnings, but because we did not listen paid a terrible price?


How Do You Know The Difference Between The Ego and Your Intuition?

These times we are in are about listening, because we can take back the power – which is our Higher Power – the relationship with Source and the Higher Guidance that moves through everyone of us, as us, if we incorporate it.

The voice of Source / God is not a needy panicked voice that is conditional on ‘getting something,’ or giving us some formula for a ‘set outcome’. Rather it is a wise, smooth, soft voice that just ‘is’. It is a direction that feels right and true, without us having any idea ‘why’.

It is like an inviting ‘come here with me’ feeling. In your body it feels warm, gentle, loving and spacious. It never tells you the ‘result’ of the idea, and it doesn’t need to, because you understand the result you want IS the warm, spacious, ‘correct’ feeling.

Everything that is worthwhile comes from THAT.

Of course there are times when fear, pain and confusion step in because I am human like everyone else.

But I have Quanta Freedom Healing as my super-tool to shift. I have NARP healings to keep letting go of these dense inner feelings, and to open up and allow Source to step in.

Living from your Soul with Source as One, means relinquishing control. It is allowing the Higher part of You, the Source Self, to step in and take over.

Which is a good thing, because Source is All That Is, and so has access to miracles that your logical mind and egoic self could never produce. This is your ascension into being impervious to the chaos in these times.

It is the knowing of the powerhouse you really are, with you and Source as One.

I hope you felt this article today, deeply in your soul.

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