Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Keep it Simple: 8 Principles to Make Your Life Less Complicated.



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What does this phrase “keep it simple” even mean?

I read a quote that has been attributed to Albert Einstein (but may not actually be from him) that said: “Everything needs to be stated as simply as possible, but no simpler.”

Not simplistic. No dumbing down explanations of ideas. Instead, speaking with clarity and using words that communicate to those listening to me. Instead of complicating things, I get back to basics.

I started wondering how this applies to my life generally.

I am a ruminator. The dictionary describes this as thinking deeply about something. It implies going over the same matter in my thoughts again and again. However, it suggests little of purposive thinking. Simply put, when I am ruminating about a past event, I am not focused on answering a specific question. My mind is going in circles and not “getting anywhere.” I may find myself going to a dark place where there is no way out. No answer to my problems.

Engaging with my thoughts in this way guarantees that I will complicate my decision-making process. It also causes me to hold a negative view of myself, and imagine myself as a failure. How might the goal of “keeping it simple” shine a light for me when I am in this place?

Here are some principles that I have chosen to “keep it simple” in my life:

1. I pay attention to my thoughts. They are the basis for my emotions and actions. I am learning to notice my thoughts and choose what I want to focus on rather than giving them the power to control me.

2. I am not responsible to keep others happy. Complications arise when I pressure myself to fix a breakdown in a relationship. Instead, I wait until the other person asks for help in clearing up a misunderstanding or is willing to hear my side of the story.

3. Being clear about my boundaries leads to ease and flow with others in my world. Something as simple as telling people I will not answer my phone after 9 p.m. is a way of preventing misunderstanding and resentment. I am choosing to make my need for a restful sleep a higher priority than what others might expect of me.

4. Saying no without feeling guilty is a practice that leads to clarity. I am a people pleaser and often will say yes to a request before I even think about it. An option I am trying out is saying, “I will get back to you.” This gives me time to check in with myself and respond with an authentic answer.

5. Self-awareness is helping me to simplify my life. I pay attention to my physical state when faced with a decision. If I notice tightness or heaviness in my body, chances are the answer will be no. I am realizing that my body has a wisdom that my brain may not have figured out yet.

6. Silence, solitude, and sleep are ways to heal and restore my energy. I am going to bed early and wake up to a time of meditation, journalling, and quiet contemplation. The candles glow and I breathe in the fragrance of freshly brewed coffee in my favourite coffee mug. These simple rituals form a foundation for my day.

7. Walking in nature is a daily activity. When I feel upset, sad, or frustrated, I go outside, rain or shine. My nervous system regulates itself as I breathe in fresh air and move my body. A brisk walk is also a way to celebrate on a day when I am lighthearted and content.

8. One simple step at a time is enough. Breaking down my goals into small increments keeps me motivated. Regular habits build a strong basis for growing stronger in my physical health, my inner peace, and my relationships.

There are many resources available about simplicity. I discovered that there is a National Simplicity Day every year on July 12, the birthdate of Henry David Thoreau. He thought living simply could make us happier, more productive, and more fulfilled.

Many other aspects could be researched around the topic of simplicity. I am curious what I will discover as I continue to ask the question: How would my goal of “keeping it simple” support me in a joyful and meaningful life?

I invite you to reflect on what “keeping it simple” might mean for you personally. I am sending best wishes for an approach to life that leads to lightness and love.




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Marjorie Warkentin  |  Contribution: 15,830

author: Marjorie Warkentin

Image: madebyralu/instagram

Editor: Lisa Erickson

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