Tuesday, 7 January 2025

Turning the Page: Learning from 2024 & Welcoming 2025.


“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” ~ Alan Watts


The world has changed drastically in the last four years, hasn’t it?

First there was the pandemic, which shook us to the core. On one had, it brought turmoil, chaos, and trauma, and it also gave us the chance to heal and grow in directions that we’d not explored before.

Social media formed its own identity and has become such an integral part of our lives. It’s almost like the world expanded and came closer at the same time.

Then came 2024, which was called the year of the “Wood Dragon” according to Chinese astrology and was touted to be the year of growth, expansion, creativity, innovation, change, and transformation. 2024 invited a lot of us to explore our deeper selves, find equilibrium, and reconnect with our true essence. It was about introspection, mindfulness, meditation, and fostering a deeper connection with our purpose.

Did you know that 2024 adds up to number eight and is referred to as the “karmic number,” representing justice, fairness, and accountability? For a lot of us, it was about harnessing our power responsibly, repairing past wrongs, and taking intentional actions that align with our higher selves, ensuring that we create good karma for the future.

I don’t know about you, but 2024 certainly was all this and more for me! While my professional endeavours made me feel rewarded for all the hard work that I’d been putting in all these years, I was challenged personally on so many accounts. Not only did I learn to be accountable for my actions, I also voiced my need for being treated in a just and fair manner.

2024 was both challenging and rewarding. As it’s coming to an end, for the first time in many years, I genuinely feel grateful, content, blessed, and empowered to a large extent.

Here are some key lessons that 2024 taught me, and I’m certainly taking them with me into 2025:

1. Your health will always be your biggest asset.

I’ve said this often, and I’ll continue to repeat this forever. My health struggles doubled and tripled this year. While everything looked good and sorted on the outside, I know what I had to endure to keep it that way, and if it hadn’t been for my pillars (exercise and nutrition) along with my resolve to do whatever I can to take care of my body, I don’t know what all could have happened. Hence, taking your body for granted is not something that I will ever recommend.

2. You need to be open to receiving.

Most of us know how to ask or demand from the universe or people around us but end up doing a bad job of receiving. We want things to happen at our time and pace and in our ways, but the universe doesn’t work like that. We must learn to ask for what we want and be patient enough to let it come in its own time and in some other way. Fixation on the desired outcomes takes away the joy of the process.

3. True success lies in your self-belief and not in awards and achievements.

Yes, I had the honor of receiving many accolades this year, and I cherish each one of them. But, what I realised now more than ever is that until and unless you believe in yourself and what you bring to the table, awards, recognitions, and mentions won’t come your way, and even if they don’t, you’ll still be standing your ground. I’ve worked on myself really hard to get to a place where I can say, “I’m worth it!” with nothing but love, compassion, and affection for myself, and I know that the power to create and achieve will always lie within me. You will be able to enjoy the love and accolades that the world throws your way only if you learn to value yourself; otherwise, even that can feel hollow.

4. Cherish your loved ones.

People who love you, value you, shower you with praise, or are always there for you—hold them close and make sure that you make them feel loved and valued as well.

5. Conflicts can bridge gaps.

I found myself amidst a lot of conflict this year, and while not all of it was healthy, some of it was essential to shake things up and bridge certain gaps. The key is learning how to navigate conflict and repair the relationship. Sometimes, light enters through the cracks and heals it.

6. There is absolutely no point in trying to chase any outcomes.

A lot of things happened unexpectedly. I learnt to enjoy and cherish the good moments and allowed the not so good ones to pass. A lot of things that should have happened (according to me) didn’t, and I learnt to be okay with that too. You only have the present and you only need to be in it—always.

I’m taking all these and many more lessons into 2025.

2025 is touted to be the year of the “Wood Snake” according to Chinese astrology (it’s something that’s caught my fancy at the moment!). It stands for transformation and renewal. The Snake is associated with wisdom, intuition, and elegance, while the Wood element represents growth, creativity, and expansion. This combination suggests a year that emphasizes personal development, thoughtful planning, and creating new opportunities.

Isn’t that exciting?

My words for 2025 are creation, contribution, and expansion (just not physically, haha!). What are going to be your words?

What do you want 2025 to bring for you ? Would love to know!




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Damini Grover  |  Contribution: 112,945

author: Damini Grover

Image: Super Straho/Pexels

Editor: Lisa Erickson

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