Saturday 11 September 2021

All are needed to create the Perfect (EC)


Timing is so important so do not try to rush anything, even when you feel a sense of urgency and that time is getting short. One false move on your part can cause confusion. I keep telling you it is so important each soul goes deep within and seeks and finds his own part. Learn to trust each other as you learn to love one another and only want the very best for each other, and you will draw the very best forth. This work cannot be done without love flowing freely between all of you. The more love and understanding there is, the quicker will the work advance. Cease criticising each other, for criticism creates barriers and barriers hold up the work. You each have your work to do, therefore go ahead and do it and be not concerned with the work another has to do, which may be completely different to yours. Simply realise it takes all sorts to make a world, it takes many organs to make up a body, but all are needed to create the perfect. Therefore, I need each one of you as you are doing your part to bring about My Plan.

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