Friday 26 July 2024



  • ·       Stop what you're doing and name three things for which you are grateful. — Brooke

    ·       “The metamorphosis of death constitutes the only possible procedure whereby they may escape the fetters of time and the bonds of material creation, thereby being enabled to strike spiritual step with the progressive procession of eternity.”

    ·       Give someone a little extra encouragement today. — Brooke

    ·       “The actuality of the existence of God is demonstrated in human experience by the indwelling of the divine presence, the spirit Monitor sent from Paradise to live in the mortal mind of man and there to assist in evolving the immortal soul of eternal survival.”

    ·       Make an effort to learn something new every day! — Brooke

    ·       “Because God is changeless, therefore can you depend, in all ordinary circumstances, on his doing the same thing in the same identical and ordinary way. God is the assurance of stability for all created things and beings.”

    ·       “To enjoy privilege without abuse, to have liberty without license, to possess power and steadfastly refuse to use it for self-aggrandizement—these are the marks of high civilization.”

    ·       Stop looking for a sign that the hard time will end. - David Goggins

    ·       “The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely.” ~ Carl Jung

    ·       A great man shows his greatness by the way he treats little men. – Thomas Carlyle

    ·       Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. - Richard Steele

    ·       Be gentle with yourself, and others. — Brooke

    ·       Express your feelings creatively! — Brooke

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