Friday 5 July 2024

Here’s a Comforting Thought, when the News is Scary.


Relephant reads:
>> Let’s be Smart about our Political Passions. ~ Waylon Lewis {Video & Podcast}
>> Why we should all care about Fake News. ~ Waylon {Video & Podcast}

Lately, many of us are caught up in fear, anxiety...and avoidance of The News. Of Politics. Of scary, stressful things out there. We don’t know where to run, and even a pint of (vegan) ice cream and Netflix and chilling doesn’t seem to cheer us up, fundamentally.

Well here’s one little big comforting thought (read below). 

Below, I list out a host of solutions that are right there, if, just if, we step up. A peaceful, happy, healthy world is there for the making and taking and giving and getting.

Add in comments what you would wish for! 


The News may be scary, but there’s no fundamental problem out there we can’t right…if we show up.

We can have all the good things, America.

Voting rights for all. Democracy, restored.

A comprehensive and aggressive (in a healing way) plan to change our economy and world to address our climate crisis (and save and make billions by doing so fully, fast)

Fun towns, fun cities, a stable, healthy economy where folks do what they love, are good at, can make money doing, that’s of benefit to the rest of us.

Walkable, bikeable, safe cities. Reasonable gun safety, instead of widespread low-level everyday fear.

Well-funded parks, libraries, infrastructure instead of potholes and illiteracy and trashed wild places.

Affordable energy that’s clean, and creates good jobs.

Don’t make perfect the enemy of good. Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote. Protect voting rights, in so doing. Restore kindness and compassion and caring and respect and facts and truth and listening to the national conversation. Show up.

Add something to the list. We can have it all. We just have to show up, and vote.


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Waylon Lewis  |  Contribution: 1,543,400

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