Saturday 13 July 2024



  • ·       "To teach us to live without certainty yet without being paralyzed by hesitation is perhaps the chief thing philosophy can do." - Bertrand Russell

    ·       Your voice matters. Let it be heard. — Brooke

    ·       “Man...can increasingly learn how to subordinate this physical-life machine to the directive wisdom of experience by the process of consecrating the human mind to the execution of the spiritual urges of the indwelling Thought Adjuster.”

    ·       In recovery, it’s all about putting one foot in front of the other. - Jennifer Storm

    ·       I can go through anything a day at a time, a moment at a time with the faith and the knowledge that my Higher Power is guiding me to peace and security. - Ruth Fishel

    ·       “Truly, “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither has it entered into the mind of mortal man, the things which the Universal Father has prepared for those who survive the life in the flesh on the worlds of time and space.””

    ·       Silence and modesty are very valuable qualities in conversation. - Michel de Montaigne

    ·       Stay close to those who want more for you, not from you. — Brooke

    ·       “When Material Sons, the biologic uplifters, begin their sojourn on an evolutionary world, their place of abode is often called the Garden of Eden because it is characterized by the floral beauty and the botanic grandeur of Edentia, the constellation capital.”

    ·       Greet each day with a sense of gratitude. — Brooke

    ·       “Truly, “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither has it entered into the mind of mortal man, the things which the Universal Father has prepared for those who survive the life in the flesh on the worlds of time and space.””

    ·       I lived in that solitude which is painful in youth, but delicious in maturity. - Albert Einstein

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