Monday 15 July 2024



  • ·       “Why need we weep over parts of our life? The whole of it calls for tears…” ~ Seneca

    ·       “It is most unfortunate that those who have come to venerate the divine and risen Christ should have overlooked the man—the valiant and courageous hero—Joshua ben Joseph.”

    ·       An early morning walk is a blessing for the whole day. - Henry David Thoreau

    ·       “Sometimes stillness is the best movement.” ~ JClay

    ·       “Being still and doing nothing are two absolutely different things.” ~ Jackie Chan

    ·       “The answers you seek never come when the mind is busy, they come when the mind is still.” ~ Leon Brown

    ·       Personal wealth has never been important to me. What is important is the team of people I work with. - George Davies

    ·       “International relations should be fostered, whether they involve language, trade, art, science, competitive play, or religion.”

    ·       We are all connected. Treat everyone with kindness. — Brooke

    ·       The glories of a mountain campfire are far greater than may be guessed. -John Muir

    ·       Take advantage of the ambiguity in the world. Look at something and think what else it might be. - Roger von Oech 

    ·       “Modern man is confronted with the task of making more readjustments of human values in one generation than have been made in two thousand years.”

    ·       It has been said that the highest wisdom lies in detachment. - Alan Watts

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