Wednesday 17 July 2024


  • ·       “Do not allow the magnitude of the infinity, the immensity of the eternity, and the grandeur and glory of the matchless character of God to overawe, stagger, or discourage you; for the Father is not very far from any one of you; he dwells within you, and in him do we all literally move, actually live, and veritably have our being.”

    ·       A great many worries can be diminished by realizing the unimportance of the matter which is causing the anxiety. - Bertrand Russell

    ·       He whom prosperity humbles, and adversity strengthens, is the true hero. - Josh Billings

    ·       Friendship is not about longevity. It is about the people who showed up and stayed during the rough times. — Brooke

    ·       “More of the character and merciful nature of the Eternal Son of mercy you should comprehend as you meditate on the revelation of these divine attributes which was made in loving service by your own Creator Son, onetime Son of Man on earth, now the exalted sovereign of your local universe—the Son of Man and the Son of God.”

    ·       Love is not what you do. Love is what you are. - Sadhguru

    ·       “I think that little by little I’ll be able to solve my problems and survive.” ~ Frida Kahlo

    ·       "It is the most unhappy people who most fear change." - Mignon McLaughlin

    ·       No matter your age, there is always something new to discover and experience. —Brooke

    ·       “The world needs more firsthand religion. Even Christianity—the best of the religions of the twentieth century—is not only a religion about Jesus, but it is so largely one which men experience secondhand.”

    ·       Beauty will save the world. - Fyodor Dostoevsky

    ·       "The foolish and the dead never change their opinion." - James Russell Lowell

    ·       Give yourself credit for all you've accomplished. — Brooke

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