Thursday 18 July 2024



  • ·       “The entire organization of high spirits, angelic hosts, and midway fellows is enthusiastically devoted to the furtherance of the Paradise plan for the progressive ascension and perfection attainment of evolutionary mortals.”

    ·       “You are the sky. Everything else is just the weather.” - Pema Chödrön

    ·       Workouts are energy. Food is medicine. Sleep is recovery. - Dan Go

    ·       The soul that is within me no man can degrade. - Frederick Douglass

    ·       “It is the business and duty of society to provide the child of nature with a fair and peaceful opportunity to pursue self-maintenance, participate in self-perpetuation, while at the same time enjoying some measure of self-gratification, the sum of all three constituting human happiness.”

    ·       Friendship is the highest degree of perfection in society. - Michel de Montaigne

    ·       “No matter what we’ve done, there comes a point where you think, ‘How did I get here? When are they going to discover that I am, in fact, a fraud and take everything away from me?'” ~ Tom Hanks

    ·       “You are not alone. Everyone feels like an imposter sometimes. The key is to not let it stop you.” ~ Adam Grant

    ·       “Sometimes people get the feeling that they just don’t belong. They feel like frauds, as if someone is going to discover them for what they truly are. This is called “imposter syndrome.” But I say, if you’ve made it this far, you belong.” ~ Arlene Dickinson

    ·       I knew that if I cut a tree, my arm would bleed. - Alice Walker

    ·       “Candidates for eternal life are practitioners of an invigorating and constructive technique for meeting all of the vicissitudes and harassments of mortal living. Every day a true believer lives, he finds it easier to do the right thing.”

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