Tuesday 9 July 2024

The Art of Allowing: How to Let our Higher Self take the Lead.



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A crossroads comes upon us, as is typical of life in this Earth school.

With its arrival comes a rumbling from within. A feeling of inner unrest looms like thunderous clouds on the horizon. Like the four elements—air, water, Earth, and fire—four energies rule our souls: our head, our emotions, our earthly obligations, and our inner purpose.

When out of balance, these energies collide with one another and compete for control. The soul has an innate need to bring forth one energy that has never seen the daylight—that inner fire that represents our purpose on this Earth.

However, the energies that we have permitted to rule our day-to-day lives due to our three-dimensional, earthly focus will not give up so easily. All energies have armored up, and the drums of battle sound. At first soft in the distance, they crescendo from within the body with each passing day that the presence of unrest remains unacknowledged. Finally, these energies release onto the battlefield and stir the soul to such a degree that a tornado manifests at the center of this crossroads. How do we release this inner turmoil so that we may meet ourselves at the crossroads and know which way to turn? We must first surrender to allow.


As difficult as it is, we must examine our emotions, for they are clues from within toward finding the answer. Do they show up in our dreams and leave us in a state of confusion? A theme or picture from our dreams may continue to bubble upon the surface of the subconscious and may leave us in a perplexed state of mind.

We must begin moving our emotions by writing them down. Look upon each emotion as a precious stone. Give each stone a color. They are our guides and our roadmap. See how they sparkle and ignite sparks within us. Look at a diagram of the seven chakras on the human body and circle the chakras with which they correspond. Take some time to read about what each chakra symbolizes and its associations. Write down what resonates with you as to where blockages may be present.

Instead of fighting our emotions, can we surrender to them? Can we welcome them in all their painful glory? Emotions exist for a reason. They are necessary in helping us realize the perceived problem and the way forward toward resolution and healing.


Let the emotions exist as they are and sit in a quiet space. Imagine that your soul is exploring in an open field. The field is glorious and magical. It is divine. Feel the wind caress your face. Listen to the leaves as they stir on their branches. Notice the flowers swaying to one side in unison and behold their petals flying as if on imaginary wings. Let your soul be still with this magic stirring around you.

In this moment, you have no problems. In this moment, you are safe. We are all born with nothing, and nothing is needed beyond our inner knowing. Our higher self, our source, our spiritual essence—whichever resonates most with us and within us—will hold the answers. This is not outside of us; it comes from within.

It is the voice that we always hear, but to which we do not always listen. It is our invisible muscle that is always available to us. Whether we choose to use it in these moments of challenge on this earth is sometimes the test behind the perceived crossroads that emerge in our lives. Just listen and feel. What is the voice saying? In which direction does the heart feel a magnetic pull?


Imagine taking the first step on one path. What feelings arise after this action? Does the ego put up a roadblock? Does the ego whisper doubt into the soul? Does it place handcuffs of practicality on the heart? These words are usually “should not” or “cannot.” Who wants to live their life in those shackles?

When we feel that we are drowning in self-doubt, know that this is the ego screaming at the top of its lungs, and we are onto something. Keep going! Brainstorm on what may be needed to pursue the path that feels right for the soul—the path that brings out the sunshine from within.

What is needed to move forward on this path? Do we need to release the false stories that we have created for ourselves? Do we simply need to begin? Sometimes beginning is the most difficult step. How are we going to spend our time on this earth? Will we allow our inner fire to emerge? We have the power to choose.


Will we allow our souls to explore this open field of Earth? How glorious it is to feel and allow the courage that is necessary to unlock our “heart” cuffs, wave goodbye to our ego, and step onto the golden path of our soul’s purpose. Allow your higher self to lead you on this journey. The way forward is now clear. When the crossroads appears once again (as it always does), you now know how to proceed through the often murky and turbulent domain, which leaves our energies competing for control.

Our hearts now beat as the river of inspiration flows and meets the ocean that is our universe.

Surrender. Examine. Listen. Imagine. Allow.



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Lindsey Kaplan  |  Contribution: 1,345




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