Friday 19 July 2024

Why the Phrase “We are all One” isn’t really a Spiritual Bypass.



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{*Did you know you can write on Elephant? Here’s how—big changes: How to Write & Make Money or at least Be of Benefit on Elephant. ~ Waylon}

Trends are so interesting.

Years ago, it became really trendy to flaunt how spiritual you were. Everyone was a shaman, teaching breathwork, and trying to be seen as an expert on social media.

Oneness was all the rage.

But now the landscape is a bit different. Now it’s trendy to make fun of spirituality but to do so in a way where making fun of it also means you are somehow more enlightened than other people.

First, I just would like to clarify that of course we can make an argument that the phrase “We are all One” can be used as a way to invalidate someone else’s lived experience or possibly as an excuse for avoiding responsibility for inhumane behavior.

I’m sure there are people who have done that.

But that’s not what I am speaking about in this article. So let’s put that argument aside and not throw out the baby with the bathwater.

For this conversation, let’s instead speak about how nullifying the absolute truth of Oneness between all things is actually detrimental if we are intending to create a world where we all live harmoniously and in peace—whether or not that is the world we have lived in or currently live in today.

The argument against this is that speaking about the concept of Oneness is tone-deaf when there is war and oppression, as we currently have it, and if we are doing so, we are avoiding the relative reality that we all live in, which is one of violence and separation.

Absolute truths, like “we are all connected,” are truths that are eternal.

Relative truths may be true right now, but will change over time. They have a degree of impermanence.

As soon as we, as a society, start behaving as if the absolute truths are actually true, the sooner we will live in a world where we get to feel and experience them.

It is my deepest belief that instead of the more popular dialogue right now that is currently bashing Oneness, we should actually double down and start teaching and sharing these truths with each other as soon as possible. En masse.

The absolute truths that make up the the natural world are what we have to get back to. It’s the only way forward to help us heal the pain and divisiveness we are currently experiencing in our culture.

The more we focus on hate, separation, and fear; argue about what is whose fault; or force people to choose sides against each other (and publicly declare it on social media), then we are actually perpetuating the same rage and fear that we are supposedly fighting against.

That is cancel culture—not activism.

Activism desires resolution. So does teaching Oneness. And it’s also scientific!

The interconnectedness between all things, which is what the phrase really points at, is actually a biochemical truth. Molecularly, atomically, and elementally, we (humans) are all made from the same star stuff.

We can ask astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson to explain that to us or listen to the sweet little ditty from Melodysheep released in 2012 called “We’re All Connected,” or watch my favorite scientists like Bill Nye and Carl Sagan get down with the metaphysical reality of our physical world.

And so, there is scientific truth within these yogic concepts. Whether we choose to perpetuate them in our current lexicon or look at them like an enemy is up to us.

Yogic consciousness is not a popular phrase but I’m going to use it here. When someone has yogic consciousness, they have the ability and maturity to allow two seemingly opposing or contradicting ideas to be simultaneously true.

Absolute truths and relative truths are both true but they are speaking to different planes of reality.

We must take into account our perception. Where are we speaking from? Because being interconnected is not a “pie in the sky” lofty concept. I don’t feel like it’s too out of reach for everyone to grasp. I believe in us.

Through education, sharing, and possibly a new thought wave or viral trend where we make Oneness cool again, people will start to catch on.

Oneness is simply a plane of reality.

There are many planes of consciousness. Many points of view to see the world from. And not to conspiracy theorize, but let’s consider another popular phrase: “United they stand, divided they fall.” Remember this when you see those who are preaching that the only way forward on the path ahead is acknowledging our separateness. Because I fear it isn’t.

Right now, what I see in the West is that our social justice language is being used against us.

“We are all One” is a real thing—and the sooner we start acting like it, the better this world will be.



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Michelle Coutinho  |  Contribution: 340




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