Saturday 20 July 2024

4 Tips to Knock Off All That Negativity (MonB)

 Do you have that one friend that seems to always have something to complain about? They always seem to have a myriad of problems at the ready. After conversations with them, you find yourself feeling zapped of energy? Or suddenly feeling like you have things you could easily complain about, too.

You’ve entered the Negativity Zone.

In the constant whirl of our daily lives, negativity can sneak in and take root just like this, often unnoticed until it has grown into something unwieldy and hard to manage. One seemingly innocent complaint often leads to more, creating a negative feedback loop that can be hard to break. It’s a phenomenon that is rooted in the way our brains work. When we focus on negative aspects and voice complaints, it reinforces neural pathways associated with negative thinking. Over time, this makes it easier to fall into patterns of complaining as the brain becomes more adept at identifying and amplifying negative stimuli.

Going back to that complaining friend for a moment, when we complain, it’s easy to see how it can encourage others to share their grievances, fostering a collective atmosphere of dissatisfaction. This shared negativity can perpetuate and amplify feelings of frustration and discontent among everyone involved!

So how can we stop a negativity loop and step outside of this Negativity Zone? When you feel a complaint or frustration coming on, ask yourself these questions:

1. Am I being proactive or just negative?

One of the first steps to releasing negativity is becoming aware of its presence, but we can’t do this when we’re clinging to it. It’s easy to think that by complaining, we’re addressing a problem, but unless we stop to see our complaint and identify what’s underneath, we’ll unconsciously perpetuate the negativity—and the issue will go unaddressed. Bringing awareness to our grievances is the first step to eradicating it.

2. What am I afraid of?

Beneath any negativity is ultimately fear, acting as a fundamental driving force behind many negative emotions and thoughts. When we experience negativity, it is frequently a manifestation of deeper fears—fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of the unknown. This underlying fear can distort our perception of reality, making challenges seem insurmountable and experiences more daunting than they truly are.

Understanding that fear is at the root of limiting can be incredibly liberating. It allows us to address the core issue rather than merely treating the symptoms. The next time you catch yourself in a negativity loop, look to see if fear is simmering just beneath the surface.

3. How can I see this differently?

Fear and discomfort arise solely as a way to help us grow—positive growth occurs when we acknowledge these feelings and address them and choose a different perspective. I’ve written extensively about fear and facing our fears is the swiftest path to growth. When negativity begins to permeate your experience, becoming aware and identifying the fear is key, the next step is shifting your consciousness.

Take the classic negative refrain: “I can’t do this.” When a thought like this arises, immediately turn it around and ask “What if I can?” or “What can I learn from this experience, regardless of the outcome?” It feels lighter, doesn’t it? There’s an instant shift from negativity to expansiveness and possibility.

4. Can I accept the things I cannot change and change the things I can?

This classic AA mantra may feel like a trope, but negativity grows when we focus on things we dislike but ultimately aren’t in a position to change. Reframing our thoughts is not about ignoring reality or pretending everything is perfect. It’s about choosing to focus on the aspects of a situation that empower you rather than those that drag you down. This mental shift can be incredibly freeing and can open up new possibilities for joy and fulfillment.

Negativity is a heavy anchor, weighing us down and preventing us from fully experiencing life’s joys and opportunities. It clouds our judgment, affects our relationships, and diminishes our overall sense of well-being. It, very literally, blocks us from the Light. Resulting in increased stress, anxiety, and even physical health issues. By letting go of negativity, we free ourselves to live more fully and authentically. We create space for positive energy to flow into our lives, enhancing our mental, emotional, and physical health. Dropping negativity is not just about avoiding discomfort; it’s about embracing a higher quality of life where growth, transformation, and joy can flourish.

And as for that complaining friend, everyone deserves a shoulder to cry on and a trusted friend to vent, but if that’s always the sum total of most interactions, see if you can consciously begin to shift the conversation. The world is filled with fascinating ideas and inspiration. And positivity spirals just as effectively as negativity!

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