Saturday 20 July 2024

CoDA Weekly Reading




‘I’ll mold myself into whatever you need me to be’

I told myself, drunk with CODEPENDENCY,

I’ll twist myself to meet your need,

I’ll remake myself to appease your greed,

“Whatever you need Me to be,”

I say, as I people please,

Yet the cruel reality is that you

Cannot see the real me,

Codependency has hijacked my reality,

It’s a pity, you see,

Because who I am without thee,

Is quite honest and quite free,

If I just got rid of this damn codependency!”



When I healed my codependency,

I remembered this story is about ME,

Not about fixing, rescuing, or saving,

Everyone I see in CoDA

A story about Self Love,

A story I am proud of,

As I evolve,

As I blossom,

As I BE,

Healed from codependency.


Mia   05/11/2024

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