Saturday 20 July 2024



  • ·       “We have to tend towards being, not appearing.” (Euclid from Megara)

    ·       “If you wish to make Pythocles wealthy, don’t give him more money; rather, reduce his desires.” (Epicurus)

    ·        “Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.” (Epicurus)

    ·       “Those who are serene with themselves are serene with the others.” (Epicurus)

    ·       “Those who think less about tomorrow, set out for tomorrow with more pleasure.” (Epicurus)

    ·        “If you grow fond of a pot, even knowing it is made of earth, complain not if it then breaks. In the same way, if you kiss your child, or your wife, say that you only kiss things which are human, and thus you will not be disturbed if either of them dies.” (Epictetus)

    ·        “The chief task in life is simply this: to identify and separate matters so that I can say clearly to myself which are external not under my control, and which have to do with the choices I actually control. Where then do I look for good and evil? Not to uncontrollable external, but within myself to the choices that are my own.” (Epictetus)

    ·       “Keep in mind that it isn’t the one who has it in for you and takes a swipe that harms you, but rather the harm comes from your own belief about the abuse. So when someone arouses your anger, know that it is really your own opinion fueling it.” (Epictetus)

    ·       Thank someone for the work they do. — Brooke

    ·       “This man of Galilee was not a man of sorrows; he was a soul of gladness. Always was he saying, “Rejoice and be exceedingly glad.” But when duty required, he was willing to walk courageously through the “valley of the shadow of death.” He was gladsome but at the same time humble.”

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