Sunday 14 July 2024

On this day of your life


I believe God wants you to know ...


... that happiness, that grand mistress of the ceremonies

in the dance of life, impels us through all its mazes and meandering,

but leads none of us by the same route.


Charles Caleb Colton said that, and he was right. Therefore,

since there is no One Way to find happiness, why not

find it the way that appeals most to you?

Why not follow your passion ---

even if others tell you that you are crazy for trying it?


Is someone telling you that now?

Don't listen. Don't listen to that!

The voice of caution knows nothing of real joy.

What joy is there in doing what there was

no doubt you could do? Where's the excitement in that?

Hey, try something that you could fail at. Now that's living.

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