Saturday 6 July 2024

Weekly Inspiration (EC)


You Will Be Able To Do All


Do you feel that you are part of the new? Do you feel that you blend in with the whole in perfect harmony, or do you feel uncomfortable and ill at ease? If you do, it is far better to move out and find another way. Only those souls who are in harmony with the new, who are willing to leave all the old behind without any regrets and who have the spirit of adventure, are ready for the new and will be able to move freely into it.

If you still want to hold on to the old orthodox and conventional ways and ideas, afraid to break the old moulds, then you are not ready for the new. It takes courage, strength, determination and a deep inner knowing that what you are doing is right. When your faith and trust are in Me and you know that I AM guiding and directing you, you will be able to do all that needs to be done with deepest love and joy. 

~ guidance received by Eileen Caddy

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