Wednesday 18 September 2024

It’s Already September?! (MonB)

 “But Monica, the year is hardly over!”

Yes, that’s true. It is only September. However, once this month comes to a close, the holidays are upon us—a time for celebrating, being with friends, winding down, and maybe even starting to look to next year. There is a natural tendency to slow momentum or to even feel a little lackluster about how those New Year resolutions shaped up…

But wait! There is still so much the year has to offer!

While we don’t think of the fall as a time to start something up, it can certainly be a time to recommit, breathe new life into projects that have stalled, or even just assess your progress and maybe set new goals to reach before the end of the year. Here are three things to consider as we enter the closing of 2024:

Assess where you are, but don’t criticize.

After reflection, it’s time to assess your progress. This isn’t about scrutinizing every detail but instead really understanding where you are concerning your goals. Use this time to evaluate what has worked for you and what hasn’t. Be honest with yourself, but also be kind. The purpose of this assessment is not to criticize but to gain clarity.

Ask yourself:

What goals have I achieved so far?
Where did I fall short, and why?
What external factors influenced my progress?
How do I feel about my current position?

This assessment can help you identify areas that need more attention and celebrate the areas where you’ve thrived.

What new goals can you set for these last months?

With clarity comes the ability to set new, more aligned goals. The beauty of the final four months is that it provides a condensed timeframe, which can be incredibly motivating. Use this time to set specific, achievable goals that resonate with your true intentions.

A reminder here: your goals don’t have to involve productivity. Maybe you’ve burned out this year, so the new goal you could set for these final months is scheduling (and sticking to) more downtime during the week.

Whatever your goal, write it down and break it down into small, actionable steps. This not only makes it more manageable but also allows you to track progress more effectively. They don’t need to be grand, they just need to inspire you!

Remember that Success Isn’t Only Measured in Accomplishments

As you move through these final months, keep in mind that success isn’t just about what you achieve but also about how you feel. Some would say that a true feeling of peace or self-love would be equivalent to achieving a major external goal. Strive to end the year not just with accomplishments but with a sense of inner peace and fulfillment.

Taking the time to work this process now will not ensure that you end the year strong. It will also help you to lay an amazing foundation for the upcoming year and, ultimately, the rest of your life. CS Lewis said it best:

“Progress means getting nearer to the place you want to be. And if you have taken a wrong turn, then to go forward does not get you any nearer. If you are on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; and in that case, the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive man.”

It’s a powerful reminder that unless we take the time to stop, reflect, realign, and continue we may be spinning our wheels and never actually making any progress at all.

The last four months of the year are that precious time for reflection, assessment, and renewal. By taking deliberate steps to contemplate your journey, assess your progress, set new goals, and cultivate a sense of peace, you can end the year not only feeling successful but also profoundly fulfilled. This process will prepare you to step into the new year with confidence, clarity, and a strong sense of purpose.

So, as the days grow shorter and the year winds down, remember to take a moment for yourself. Reflect, realign, and renew your spirit and enthusiasm for the journey ahead.

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