Tuesday 11 June 2024

Gemini: A Spiritual Thrill Ride (MonB)

 The beginning of the month of Gemini should come with the same disclaimer you hear at the beginning of a rollercoaster: “Fasten your seatbelt and keep your hands and arms inside the car at all times!” The energy of Gemini is fast, intentional, and forward-moving, and we’re all getting a dose of warp speed this month. Continuing with the thrill ride analogy, Gemini also brings with it a lesson:

Once you’re on the ride, you’ve got to ride it until the end.

A little about those born under this sign—I consider myself somewhat of an expert with two Gemini daughters and a part-Gemini husband—they are quick-thinking, alert, bright, fast-talking, and charmingly persuasive. They have a penchant for language, information, humor, efficiency, and novelty. A Gemini will grasp, with astounding agility, all sides of a question, integrate a stance, and make a decision simultaneously! It is both inspiring and dizzying.

But, like any other sign, it’s an energy that isn’t without its challenges. Because of the speed of their intellects, Geminis tend to be reactive, to act or speak without thoroughly thinking it through. Their quick wit is an effective tool in most cases but a sharp weapon in others. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the fastest planet in our solar system, traveling at 140,000 miles per hour and completing a full trip around the sun in just 88 Earth days. Both Gemini and Mercury represent communication in all of its forms, and this pairing has the power to move mountains—or level them.

Not coincidentally, one of the gifts of the month is movement, the ability to move forward and to make changes more quickly than at other times of the year. While this can mean making professional, personal, or creative progress, it all ultimately comes down to making spiritual moves.

Let’s say you’ve set a goal of going back to school and getting your graduate degree. You’re filled with inspiration and motivation, everything is lining up just right, and you’re already planning your graduation party and maybe even the work you’ll do post-graduation. Perhaps you’ve bought yourself a new computer, you’ve created an office for your work and study, and are energized with the vigor of a new beginning.

Now fast-forward six months. You’re knee-deep in finals, the kids have soccer, you haven’t slept, and thinking about carving out time to study is suddenly impossible. All of the excitement is gone, and in its place is stress, exhaustion, and maybe even dread. You can still see the end in sight yet find yourself wondering, is this really worth it?

This zone is what makes a Gemini run just as fast… in the other direction. The shadow side of Gemini’s electricity is their distaste for feeling trapped thus, making commitments is less than desirable. The swiftness with which they begin a new project, idea, or relationship is the same swiftness with which they abandon it. But, as with every challenge, the gold is mined in the dirt.

Where do you feel you’ve lost your enthusiasm? Is it a goal? A relationship? An idea? What has caused your lack of progress? I usually hear things like:

“I just don’t have the time anymore.”

“It probably wasn’t going to go anywhere anyway.”

“It’s too much right now.”

Whatever the excuse, the lesson of this month is contained right there. Why don’t you have the time anymore? Taking this question to heart could mean realizing that it isn’t a lack of time; It’s about needing to prioritize your needs. It isn’t about whether something is going to “go somewhere”; it’s about addressing your false belief that it won’t. It isn’t “too much right now” it’s just asking you to grow a little (or a lot) beyond your comfort zone.

This all brings me back to my statement above. Whatever kind of movement or growth we’re looking to make will only ever truly be about our spiritual movement and growth.

This month, explore all the things that cause you to abandon your stick-to-itiveness. When the going gets tough, use it as the opportunity to get curious—another Gemini superpower—and ask what is happening beneath the surface, become a sleuth for clues about why you lost your spark, and seek to connect even deeper to your trust in the process. And stay the course. To do this, we need strength, wisdom, and clarity, and luckily for us, we can have it because we have the opportunity to connect with Gemini energy all month long.

Because of this gift of movement, we can make significant spiritual progress during the month of Gemini. So… Commit to something this month! Not simply to the finished product or destination—commit first to staying the course, even when things lose their luster or get tough. Remember that the process is the purpose, and as you make your strides, know that it’s about how you’re growing, not where you’re going.

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