Tuesday 15 October 2024

The Married Single Mom: This is Her Story.


{*Did you know you can write on Elephant? Here’s how—big changes: How to Write & Make Money or at least Be of Benefit on Elephant. ~ Waylon}


She had finally found her soulmate.

The attraction was there from the start. Sparks were flying and they both knew they might have found the one.

She was blissfully happy. She had finally found someone. Someone to share her life with. Someone to grow old with.

She wanted kids right away and he happily complied. Their once romantic life quickly matured into a family.

As her family grew, her life became hectic. Her life was changing tremendously, but it seemed she was the only one responsible for everything.

Nothing had changed in his life.

She became the married single mom.

She was married yet took care of everything and everyone all by herself.

She did all the laundry. Since going out was the last thing on her mind, her Friday nights became wash night. So after working all week, the piled up laundry was sorted, washed, folded, and put away.

She did all the cooking. As much as she was exhausted from work, she attempted to have hot meals on the table for everyone, even cooking different meals on the same night to cater to everyone’s wants and needs.

She did all of the cleaning. She set her alarm early so she could wake before the kids to get a jump on the cleaning before the kids woke up and destroyed it again.

She took care of all the kids’ needs. Everything from after school activities to special appointments.

She took care of all the finances, bearing all of the stress that came with ensuring everything was paid on time and that there was enough money coming in.

She took care of all of the medical appointments ensuring each person in the house was seen by the required medical professionals throughout the years. There was never a missed appointment.

She dealt with insurance companies to ensure payment was received for all the medical treatment.

She was responsible for enrolling the children in school and supplying all the necessary paperwork for their acceptance.

She handled purchasing all of their school supplies and did a ton of research to get the best supplies at an affordable price and then carted all the kids around to each store to pick up all the supplies.

She attended back-to-school nights and juggled running between classes for each kid on the same night so she wouldn’t miss important information about expectations throughout the school year.

She handled everything in their lives. All of the responsibilities were on her shoulders while he focused only on himself.

She demanded help despite feeling like a nag. She told him she was going to leave if he didn’t step it up and be a part of their lives and help. She needed him.

He said she was being ridiculous. He said he did nothing wrong.

There was so much more to a marriage and he was never going to understand what it took to be in a loving marriage with a family.

She wasn’t asking for a lot. Even the bare minimum would have been a lot more than he was giving.

She didn’t get married just to have a body next to hers. She didn’t marry just so she could say she had someone. She absolutely didn’t get married to be a single mom. She wanted a partner. A real partner. Someone to do life with. Someone to share her life with. Someone to grow old with.

She should never have been the married single mom.

So one day she left.

She was tired of trying to beg him for more. She was tired of trying to convince him she needed more. If he hadn’t realized by now that more was needed, he never would.

She deserved better.

But her story was far from over. Her story was just beginning.



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Sharon A. DeNofa  |  Contribution: 201,530

author: Sharon A. DeNofa

Image: Brett Jordan/Pexels

Editor: Lisa Erickson

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