Monday 29 February 2016

What is Energy Healing? A Full Answer.

Via Dara Steinberg
Austin Ban/Unsplash

What Energy Healing Is and Is Not.

Maybe you have spent many years on your spiritual journey, and you long for personal guidance so that you can go deeper. Perhaps you feel like you want to go in a different direction professionally, or you are trying to figure out why there are so many negative people in your life.
You may be looking for inspiration, trying to find that old life spark, or you could be trying to figure out why it is so difficult to get through your day.
I’ve been there.
I spent more than 20 years on a spiritual path before I started working as an energy healer. I started reading spiritual books and practicing yoga when I was a teenager.
I was not one of those people who felt particularly confident my life’s direction. I knew I wanted to help people, but I did not know how I should do it. I dabbled in different career choices and even lived and taught at a yoga ashram for more than two years.
After returning to New York from the ashram, I got my Master’s degree in occupational therapy, got a job working with children, married a wonderful man and moved into the house of my dreams. I practiced yoga and meditation daily, but there was still something wrong. I was having trouble getting myself out of bed each morning, and I felt as though I was dragging myself through my days. I was not happy in my day-to-day life, and I couldn’t figure out why. Wasn’t I doing all of the “right” things?
I finally decided to see an energy healer, a clairvoyant who said that she could read my energy field and help me to connect to my soul.

She changed my life.

What Energy Healing Is Not.

Energy healing is not about “fixing yourself” or becoming a “better person”—we’re not broken!
Energy healing is not about achieving perfection. We are spiritual beings living a human life, and this human life happens to include facing challenges, experiencing pain, having fun, falling off the wagon and getting back on.
Energy healing should not be used as a method for delaying your life. Many people on a spiritual path put off living their life’s calling and doing the things that they need to do, because they think they are not ready yet (e.g. “I will start this project, make this decision, break up with this person when I’m healed, better, smarter, more peaceful…”).

So, What Is Energy Healing?

Energy healing is the process of stripping away that which stands in the way of our ability to experience who we are.
Maybe you have watched the HGTV show “Addicted to Rehab” with Nicole Curtis. Nicole restores old homes, and unlike many house flippers of today, Nicole believes in preserving the existing architecture of older homes rather than demolishing or modernizing them. When Nicole starts working on a home, many families have already lived there, and they have covered the original work with paint and linoleum or subdivided the home until it is unrecognizable. Nicole strips away the layers of paint and linoleum and uncovers hidden gems throughout the home. Is there a burn mark on the original wooden floor from that fire in 1969? You bet there is, but Nicole believes that these “flaws” add character and tell the story of the house.
So, when people come to see me for energy healing and energy readings, they are kind of like these old houses; they have layers and layers of old stuff in their energy field. These are typically layers of other people’s energy that the person did not even realize were there. No wonder they are walking around feeling tired, confused and uninspired. As a clairvoyant, I am able to see those layers of stuff, and as a healer, I am able to help move the stuff out, strip away the old paint, move out the old furniture and restore you to your former glory.
The thing is, I need your help to do it!
A Good Energy Healer Will Give You Tools.
Once Nicole Curtis is finished cleaning up the home and restoring it to its original glory, a new owner moves in and it is up to them to maintain it. The new owners may have to learn some tricks for keeping the home in good shape, but it’s up to them to make sure that the maintenance is getting done. In the same way, a good energy healer will give you the tools that you need to help you clear your energy field and maintain your spiritual home (your body!).
The Goal Is Not to Keep Your House Clean All the Time!
Most home owners find that their homes will get messy on a regular basis because of daily use. If they live with kids or have a lot of people over regularly, then they may have to clean their home more often. Sometimes they may have a slammin’ party, and it may take a few days to clean the house afterward. But that’s the point! Life is for living. Energetically, you get dirty—and hopefully some fun was had (maybe some tough lessons were learned)—but then you clean up the mess. A good energy healer will give you the tools that you need to clean out your energy field on a regular basis so that you can experience your original glory and live your life!

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