Friday 31 May 2019

How To Know If A Narcissist Is Finished With You


I can understand totally how wondering if a narcissist has finished with you can haunt you.
And if we obsess about this, it can be very difficult to move on with our life.
Many people ask these things often…
  • Will the narcissist try to hoover me?
  • What does it mean when things suddenly go quiet?
  • What should I make of the narcissist contacting me now after (insert the timeframe from days to years)?
  • Could all the things that he or she did start up again?
So, how do you know if a narcissist is finished with you?
Or really is this even the right question for us to be asking?

Handing Our Power Away

I think a very important point to understand is that the question of whether a narcissist is finished with you doesn’t just apply when a toxic relationship is finished. When you are going through narcissistic abuse, often or even daily, you may wonder whether or not the narcissist is ‘finished with you’.
Let me explain…
You wonder if they are ‘finished’ with that bout of making your head spin or if there will be any reprieve from the lies, confusing behaviour, accusations, smearing and projections.
We all went through this – the clinging on; the trying to appease or minimalise their behaviour by us doing something different or lecturing and prescribing to them to try to get them to see sense and decency in amongst their nastiness and insanity … so that finally we could feel loved, safe and sane.
A powerful Quantum Truth of Life is: the more we try to control someone else in order to feel loved, safe and sane, the more we end up out of control and controlled by them.
And, even after the narcissist’s discharge of us or our trying to stay away and uphold No Contact, we can still be hooked into believing our ability to feel whole, safe and sane rests on their behaviour.
This is an illusion – it doesn’t.
When we are focused on what someone else is or isn’t doing in order to have our own inner solidness and Life, this is for a very important reason. Emotionally within we have unhealed parts that have assigned someone else to be our ‘Source’ of something. We feel dependent. We hope this person will stop what they are doing and instead grant us what we don’t yet know we are capable of generating ourselves (regardless of what they do or don’t do) – namely love, approval, security and survival (or all four). These are deep inner hooks we may not be aware of, even in the case of having no love or longing left for this person at all, yet still being hooked in by the nasty things they are doing to us. Or maybe we carry such guilt and obligation from our earlier programming that we can’t let go of trying to fix and help this person.
Wondering if a narcissist is finished with you, is such a common trap to fall into. However, I promise you that when you learn how to take your power back and heal the Thriver Way, you will know that your life is not reliant on what other people are or aren’t doing.

Trauma Is the Fuel

How can you stop wondering whether a narcissist is finished with you?
The answer is this: accept that the trauma of everything you have suffered and are suffering provides the grandest opportunity to turn inwards to heal yourself.
When you adopt the greatest mission of your life – to become a whole source of love, approval, security and survival – you won’t keep wondering if a narcissist is finished with you; you will be too focused on resolving and developing your own inner power.
Our consciousness is an incredibly powerful entity – an interconnected wave function that Quantum Science now knows is directly affecting our outer realities. I have said the following often in my blogs, YouTube videos and even in every response I grant to people looking for help…
The greatest understanding for your liberation, healing, and resurrection after narcissistic abuse is the Quantum Law of so within, so without.
If you can embrace that you are so powerful and magnificent that you affect The Field directly with your emotional resonance, then you know that to change your life you need to change your emotional resonance.
The goal of your entire life is to BE everything at an emotional level that you seek. Then you will be the person who chooses and engages with healthy people and situations, and easily distinguishes and leaves alone who and what isn’t good for you.
That is what taking your power back REALLY means.
I believe at the core of our spirit we are already whole. It is just the human experience collectively, generationally and through unconscious parenting created a pressure cooker of emotional trauma that we absorbed. And this causes dysregulation to our beliefs and subconscious wiring.
Trauma, when released, allows us to reset back to our organic, already existing inner coded wholeness – the knowing of Who We Are and How to BE in The Field.
How do we release our trauma to BE this?
Neuroscientists have proven that you can’t think and talk your way out of inner trauma; that you need to take your attention off your outer experience and into your inner experience to address it. By doing so you are in contact with and activate the areas of the brain and nervous system necessary to resolve your trauma.
Another startling thing happens when we do this – we create an inner relationship that puts us back in the driving seat of being our own Source. It means that we are so much less co-dependent on people providing for us what, as healthy whole adults, we need to generate ourselves.
Even before anything shifts, we start to feel the love, security, solidness and peace that ‘all is well’ in ourselves and our life, which we had always been searching for just in all the wrong places.
The truth is, as adults no one can provide us with this. We can only be-come whole and healthy emotionally and then share a healthy and whole life with healthy and whole others. When we ‘be’ it then ‘comes’ – that’s what be-come really means.
When we understand the Quantum Law of so within, so without, there is no option other than to be-come whole in the means of self-love, worth, security and survival – otherwise we don’t get people turning up to take care of this wholeness, rather they turn up representing the evidence that we are not yet whole.
If you are still questioning if the narcissist has finished with you, then you have not yet turned inwards to know and partake in the truth – your only true mission is to clean up within and then all you seek can and will follow.

Painful Beliefs to Up-level

Many of you lovely NARPers have expressed how much you are getting from my sharing of certain beliefs that we can heal for big evolution results.
If you know that you are still handing power away to the narcissist, even just by still thinking about him or her, you may want to check these beliefs and see if they can be felt in your body – meaning that the traumas generating these beliefs still exist there.
  • This person can derail my life.
  • This person can affect me.
  • I am missing this person and I still feel like I need them or want them in my life.
  • I need to be on guard because I am scared of what may happen or what I may do if this person contacts me.
Please know these are all incredible normal obsessions that we have when we are in No Contact with a narcissist – but they don’t serve us. They keep us stuck in a holding pattern of trauma and the victimised peptide addictions coursing and multiplying through our cellular being.
We don’t get well and we can’t seem to go forward in our life.
Here are some goal setting statements you may wish to use with the NARP Version 3 Goal Setting Module.
  • I am solid in my body, truth and power, impervious to what others do or don’t do.
  • I am my True Self with no need to change anyone’s behaviour or opinion towards me. My power lies in what I believe, am and do.
  • I lovingly partner with and adore me eternally. Real love, power, and safety become my reality everywhere.
  • I accept and release my triggers, fill with Light and keep evolving into grander, more abundant and joyful trajectories.
If you are determined to shift yourself on the inside into this level of personal evolution – I want you to write below, ‘By healing me – my True Self, Life and Love be-comes real’.
In the first group of belief systems above the narcissist is still living on inside of you, insidiously controlling, limiting and defining your life.
In the second group you are taking your power back by becoming the internal shift that you want your outer world to reflect.
Now let’s get to where this is REALLY all leading to.

Have YOU Finished With the Narcissist?

I love this question for a variety of reasons – the main one being that this is the real question you need to get very interested in.
Being finished with the narcissist means we are in No Contact and we are purging this person psychically, mentally, emotionally and physically out of our Being. We do this by addressing all the traumas they have triggered within us, releasing them and living free of them.
Then what we discover is that our inner unconscious programs were hooking us to these people. All our unfinished trauma histories in our beings, including collective, generational, past life and childhood traumas, are released and reprogrammed as well.
What this literally means is that energetically and emotionally we are no longer a match for this person. We are finished with a narcissist when they no longer mean anything to us.
The incredible irony is that when there is no longer any energetic energy to extract from us mentally, emotionally or psychically, then they are finished with us too – because there is NO narcissistic supply available for their efforts.
People may think this is just a grey rock thing. It’s not – it must be on so much of a deeper level than grey rock. Quantum Science now knows that consciousness is connected through unseen wave functions. And this means that the narcissist is getting a feed from you even if you have had twenty years of No Contact but are still stuck in the trauma of what happened to you.
That’s why a TOTAL emotional, subconscious and cellular detox needs to take place.
When we get very dedicated to our cellular trauma detox, this transition can start to happen more powerfully and quickly than we could have ever believed. Some people literally achieve it in weeks, even after decades of repeat trauma.
I really hope this blog has helped put all of your wonderings about knowing for sure if a narcissist has finished with you into deep Quantum perspective for you.
I’d love to help you achieve vital emotional and energetic detoxing, so you couldn’t care less if a narcissist is finished with you, because you are claiming your True Self and True Life with both hands – regardless of what he or she tries to do.
You can do this by signing up to my free inner transformational resources, which grant you two free ebooks, my 16-day free course, and a free workshop where you learn how to release your trauma and live free from it.


"Any God I ever felt in Church I brought in with me. And I think all the other folks did, too. They come to Church to share God, not find God." Alice Walker

Iused to think God was separate, unknowable, and judgmental. I saw God more as a judge than a friend and myself more as a sinner than the son.With such low self-esteem, it was hard to associate God with my life! Then I began to search for the spiritual path to a deeper understanding of self. I found a loving, friendly God whose love is so pervasive I was able to discover the Divine in my life and the lives of others.The concept of meeting together to share God made sense.Discovering a God within made God knowable and comprehensible. Because God lives in me, I am alive.

Loving Creator,may I share Your life in my world.

On this day of your life

I believe God wants you to know ...

... that without knowing who you are and why you are
here, life has no meaning.

Seek, then, to study the questions. Work to experience
the grandest answers. Who You Are is an Individuation
of Divinity. Why you are here is to demonstrate that.

Today is going to offer you a perfect chance to do that.
Watch. Listen. Before the end of this day,
you will have a chance to be Divine.
Indeed, someone is counting on you to.

One Day at a Time (OM)

Taking one step at a time makes life much easier to navigate, rather than always looking at the big picture.

The years of our life do not arrive all at once; they greet us day by day. With the descent of each setting sun, we are able to rest our heads and let the world take care of itself for a while. We may rest assured throughout the night, knowing that the dawn will bring with it a chance to meet our lives anew, donning fresh perspectives and dream-inspired hopes. The hours that follow, before we return to sleep once more, are for us to decide how we want to live and learn, laugh and grow. Our lives are sweeter and more manageable because we must experience them this way: one day at a time.

Imagine the future stretching out before you and try to notice if you feel any tension or overwhelm at the prospect of the journey still to come. Perhaps you have recently made a lifestyle change, like beginning a new diet or quitting smoking, and the idea of continuing this healthy new behavior for years seems daunting. Maybe you have started a new job or are newly married and can feel an undercurrent of anxiety about your ability to succeed. If you can shift your focus from what may happen years down the line and return it to the day that is before you right now, you may find a measure of calm and renewed confidence in your capabilities. You may also discover an inner faith that the future will take care of itself.

The way we show up for our lives today and tomorrow has an enormous affect on who we will be and what we will be experiencing years from now. If we can remain fully engaged in the day at hand, enjoying all it has to offer and putting our energy into making the most of it, we will find that we are perfectly ready and capable to handle any future when it arrives.

The Quote

I have never been a millionaire. But I have enjoyed a great meal, a crackling fire, a glorious sunset, a walk with a friend, a hug from a child, a cup of soup, a kiss behind the ear. There are plenty of life’s tiny delights for all of us. Jack Anthony

Thursday 30 May 2019


"Every flower must grow through dirt." Author Unknown

Say Yes to Your Spirit is about divinity, love, and beauty, but it also includes suffering. Nobody is going to get out of life alive, and nobody leaves this life without experiencing pain and suffering. My suffering, although not exhaustively, has been from alcoholism; for others it can be divorce, poverty, racism, sexual abuse, sickness-the list is endless.We all suffer in life. But suffering is not the whole story. If we are to move away from victimization, we need to accept this and be prepared to move on. Day follows night; after the rain comes sunshine; better days inevitably follow. Just as the dirt is essential to the flower, so is suffering essential in the molding of the spiritual life.

I thank God for the dirt I can dust away.

On this day of your life

I believe God wants you to know ...

... that disappointment is your thought that
God doesn't know what God is doing.

That, of course, is impossible. So try to not be
disappointed in anything. Know that life is showing up
perfectly in every moment.

Today's disappointment could be tomorrow's springboard 
to all that you've ever wanted. In fact, it probably is.

You will not have to think very hard to know exactly
why you received this message today...

Good Vibrations (OM)

When we are in a state of good vibration, we attract more of that to us.

Feelings vibrate, just as all things in the universe do, at a particular frequency. Negative feelings like anger, guilt, and greed vibrate at low frequencies, while positive feelings like joy, appreciation, and passion vibrate at high frequencies. These high-frequency vibrations make us feel good. This is why people and places that inspire and cultivate positive feelings have what we call good vibrations.

Good vibrations inspire health, happiness, and optimism. When we are tuned in to good vibrations, our bodies heal, our hearts open, and our minds shift toward the light. We see new possibilities and feel powerfully energized to follow our inner visions. At the same time, we feel relaxed and capable of manifesting these visions without giving in to stress or struggle. Good vibrations put us in a state of perfect receptivity so that we feel it is the energy flowing through us that accomplishes what needs to be done. We feel guided, supported, protected, and nourished within this joyful flow. We sometimes forget that we are allowed to feel this way all the time.

Lower frequency vibrations are not bad in a moral sense, but they are bad in the sense that they simply don't feel good. Still, they have a purpose, which is to alert us to the fact that we are blocking out the higher frequency vibrations that we need to function well. They are a call for healing ourselves from within. The key to our healing lies in remembering that it is our birthright to feel good and that feeling good is the essence of our true nature. When we are receiving and sending out good vibrations, we are in the flow. When we are not, we can begin to raise our vibration by seeking out people, places, and situations that vibrate at a higher frequency. Whether we need to go on retreat or just call a friend who makes us laugh, seeking out those good vibrations and basking in them is a sacred and loving practice that returns us, time and again, to the joyful flow of the universe.

Becoming Like A Desert (MB)

The first verse in the portion Bamidbar says that the Creator spoke to Moses in the Sinai Desert. And since we know that all the words in the Torah were put there on purpose, there is something interesting to look at here. It is clear even in the most basic reading of this portion that they were still in the desert; obviously, then, when the Creator spoke to Moses, it was in the desert. So, why does the Torah feel it is important to let us know where Moses physically was when the Creator spoke to him? What lesson are we meant to learn?
Rav Yaakov ben Asher, in his commentary, Ba’al HaTurim, addresses this by quoting from the Midrash, saying that unless a person makes himself free and open for all, like a desert, he cannot possibly be spiritual or gain true spiritual wisdom, which is the essence of the Torah. Just as in the desert anybody can come in and do as they wish, so too a person needs to achieve this level.
The Midrash uses a term, hefker, which doesn’t have a true translation in English, but basically denotes something or someone who is completely free and open to do whatever it is they want, someone or something that has no owner or overseer – like a desert. This lesson, therefore, is an important one: the Torah is actually telling us that there is a prerequisite, which, unless fulfilled, will block us from achieving spiritual growth or connection to the Creator. We must be without any ego, not caring if someone did or didn’t do something to usnot becoming angry with another person if he does not do as we wish, for we are hefker, like the desert.
This idea of being like the desert is far-reaching into almost all facets of our life, and, in truth, is quite a daunting task. From the time we are born and throughout our lives, our nature is exactly the opposite of a desert. We fiercely guard all that is ours or that we think should be ours. We feel the need to strike back at anybody who infringes in any way on what we think is our territory. But regardless of the imposing nature of this task of making ourselves like a desert, the Torah is telling us that without this transformation, we cannot truly connect to the Light of the Creator.
It is a task that we need to take upon ourselves if we wish to grow spiritually and connect to the Light of the Creator.
It is important to remember, however, that we are not expected to transform ourselves into being hefker in one day. Rather, what is expected of us is that on a regular basis we do what is necessary to bring about this transformation. It is a lengthy process, for which we are given a lifetime to complete, and with the help of the portion Bamidbar, we can take the first steps to begin that transformation. As long as we are constantly transforming ourselves, we will be able to connect to the Light of the Creator; it is only if we make no effort to develop this trait of being like a desert, that we will not be able to connect to the Light.

The Quote

Appreciation...acknowledges the presence of good wherever you shine the light of your thankful thoughts. Alan Cohen

Wednesday 29 May 2019

Gaining Wisdom


We really didn't want to meet life on its own terms, and then we found that we had to, because there really wasn't any other way. Over time we develop so many tools that now it's a pleasure and a privilege to.

Wisdom manifests-sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly-from repeatedly working with life on its own terms.

On this day of your life

JI believe God wants you to know ...

... that life will resolve itself in the process of life itself.

Let the moment play itself out. Try to not push the river.
Life knows what It has in mind. Trust Life.
It is on your side.

Do you know how I know? You are still here.

How much more proof do you need?

Silliness (OM)

Giving yourself permission to be silly will nourish your creativity, and is a good exercise in letting go.
Children appreciate all that is silly as a matter of course. Their grasp of humor is instinctual, and even the smallest absurdities provoke joyous gales of earnest laughter. As we age, this innate ability to see the value of silliness can diminish. Work takes precedence over play, and we have less incentive to exercise our imaginative minds by focusing on what is humorous. When we remember childhood, we may recall the pleasures of donning funny costumes, reciting nonsense poems, making up strange games, or playing pretend. This unabashed silliness nourished our vitality and creativity. We can take in this nourishment once again by giving ourselves permission to lighten up and be silly.

Too often we reject the wonderful silliness that is an inherent, inborn aspect of the self because we believe that it serves no purpose or is at odds with the grown-up culture of maturity. We play yet we do not lose ourselves in play, and our imaginations are never truly given free rein because we regard the products of irrational creativity as being valueless. Yet silliness itself does indeed constitute a vital part of human existence on a myriad of levels. Our first taste of ethereal bliss is often a consequence of our willingness to dabble in what we deem outrageous, nonsensical, or absurd. We delight in ridiculousness not only because laughter is intrinsically pleasurable, but also because it serves as a reminder that existence itself is fun. Skipping, doodling, and singing funny songs are no less entertaining than they were when we were children. We need not lose all interest in these cheerful and amusing activities, but to make them a part of our lives we must be ready to sacrifice a little dignity and a lot of fear.

It is precisely because so much of life is inescapably serious that silliness should be regarded as a priority. Through the magic of imagination, you can be or become anything--a photographer, a professional athlete, a dancer, a pilot. Whether you take hundreds of silly pictures, revel in the adulation of your fans as you make the winning catch, boogie down rock-star style in front of your bedroom mirror, or turn your desk into a cockpit, the ensuing hilarity will help you see that lighthearted fun and adulthood are not at all incompatible.

CoDA Weekly Reading

I recently experienced a major shift. Before this shift, any little “attack” from my narcissistic husband or my adult children would be soooo painful it would send me spiraling down into hopeless despair because I thought I needed their love and approval. Their responses to me “defined” me as a person.

Since this shift (through counseling and CoDA), it is like the attacks bounce off and I don’t feel the pain. Now I feel irritated and disgusted by the immaturity of the attacks. I am much more able to speak up, stand my ground, walk away, and most importantly, not be hurt by it or feel rejected when their opinion differs. Now I’m able to say, “I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree.”

When I started using and growing into these non-codependent, more mature responses, initially I felt guilty. “Was that mean? Rude? Unsubmissive?” Then God showed me it’s like I’m trying to learn to ride a bike with my God there cheering me on. First I fall one way (too codependent), then I wobble and fall the other way (too reactionary in my newfound speaking up and boundary setting). He reminded me that I don’t know what “normal” looks or feels like. I have not experienced it ever before and it was not modeled for me, just like a child doesn’t know what “normal” balance feels like the first time they get on the bike. They have to learn it by trial and error.

My God isn’t angry, he isn’t frustrated or irritated because I can’t just “get it” right off the bat. I see an excited smile on His face and a gentle encouraging tone in His voice. He says to me, “You’re doing great! Try again. You’ll get it! It takes time, don’t be discouraged. Let me help you get your balance. I’m just so happy you’re willing to learn and keep trying!” And so, I can give myself grace while I “keep trying” to learn these new skills. I can look back and see the smile of approval on my God’s face and hear His words encouraging me and taking away my fear. He is confident that one day soon, I’ll “get it” and then I’ll always “have it” and nobody will be able to take it away. I’m thankful for CoDA for keeping these principles before my eyes, always reminding me what codependency looks like, and what healthy responses look like, an d for always informing me, “No, not that way… this way.”

Tina – 2/23/19

The Quote

The most fortunate are those who have a wonderful capacity to appreciate again and again, freshly and naively, the basic goods of life, with awe, pleasure, wonder. Abraham Maslow

Tuesday 28 May 2019

On this day of your life

I believe God wants you to know ...

... that independence is your soul's natural state, and
Freedom is another name for God.

The Divine is that which is totally free, all the time.
Nothing constricts It, nothing limits It, nothing stops
It or prohibits It or denies It in any way.

You are exactly the same. Your soul is nothing
more than an Individuation of Divinity...and it is
absolutely nothing less. Act as if you are divinely
free today -- and watch your life change.

Breaking Family Cycles (OM)

Breaking your family patterns may be the most important work you do and the most challenging.

It is easy to believe that in leaving our childhood homes and embarking upon the journey of adulthood, we have effectively removed ourselves from harmful and self-perpetuating familial patterns. In looking closely at ourselves, however, we may discover that our behaviors and beliefs are still those that were impressed upon us during our youth by our parents, grandparents, and the generations that preceded them. We may find ourselves unconsciously perpetuating cycles of the previous generations, such as fear of having enough, not showing affection, and secrecy patterns. Yet the transmission of negative patterns from one generation to the next is not inevitable. It is possible to become the endpoint at which negative family cycles that have thrived for generations are exhausted and can exert their influence no longer. Breaking the pattern is a matter of overcoming those values imprinted upon us long ago in order to replace them with pure love, tolerance, and conscious awareness.

Even if you have struggled with the cumulative effects of family cycles that were an expression of established modes of living and a reflection of the strife your ancestors were forced to endure, you can still liberate yourself from the effects of your family history. The will to divest yourself of old, dark forms of familial energy and carry forth a new loving energy may come in the form of an epiphany. You may one day simply realize that certain aspects of your early life have negatively affected your health, happiness, and ability to evolve as an individual. Or you may find that in order to transcend long-standing patterns of limiting beliefs, irrational behavior, and emotional stiltedness, you have to question your values and earnestly examine how your family has impacted your personality. Only when you understand how family cycles have influenced you can you gain freedom from those cycles.

In order to truly change, you must give yourself permission to change. Breaking family patterns is in no way an act of defiance or betrayal. It is important that you trust yourself implicitly when determining the behaviors and beliefs that will help you overwrite the generation-based cyclical value system that limited your individual potential. Many people are on the earth at this time to break family cycles, for all of you are true pioneers. In breaking negative family cycles, you will discover that your ability to express your feelings and needs grows exponentially and that you will embark upon a journey toward greater well-being that can positively impact generations to come.

The Quote

The legacy of heroes is the memory of a great name and the inheritance of a great example. Benjamin Disraeli

Monday 27 May 2019


"To teach us to live without certainty yet without being paralyzed by hesitation is perhaps the chief thing philosophy can do." - Bertrand Russell

I suppose the Twelve Steps are a practical philosophy for living positively with the disease of alcoholism: (a) Don't drink. (b) Find a God in your life that is understandable. (c) Begin to make positive choices in attitudes and behaviors. (d) Let "Never forget" be an essential part of the message. The miracle of this philosophy is that it reaches out to so many who suffer with addictive compulsions and teaches us how to live with our imperfections. I believe the Twelve Steps are the answer to "The Fall" of humanity -we are going home to God. - Leo Booth

Let me see beyond the logic to Your loving energy.

By the Light of the Moon (KB)

The Creator is the Original Cause. All things that have transpired after are merely the effect. Whereas the Creator is likened to the sun, we are likened to the moon. All of creation is like the moon and is the effect. Like the moon, we do not generate Light on our own, but the Light we bring forth we channel and reflect. We are vessels for the Original Cause. Our spiritual purpose in coming to this world is to develop the ability to reveal the Creator’s Light and use it to remove darkness. This world is like the moon, offering no Light on its own. But, take a moment to think about how many beautiful things exist and to contemplate all the good we have created throughout the history of humanity. This world may not offer Light of its own, but we are here. We each have the divine privilege to become vessels for the Creator and to reveal love and beauty. Just look around. Can you see all the wonderful things humankind has created and achieved? The love of generations after generations of families. The moments of great leadership and societal change where we fought for freedom and for human dignity. The masterful works of art, literature, and music that are found in all the corners of the world. But most importantly, let us acknowledge the many hearts that have been opened and acts of love that have been made over our thousands of years here on earth. The Light has been slowly building. We have slowly revealed with each passing year more and more goodness. This week, we take the reins of action and commit to revealing the last remaining Light this world needs. We see our world, like the moon, slowly building and glowing brighter throughout history. We commit to our spiritual path to reveal the Light that we and the world need. We are so close to achieving all that we have been sent here to achieve, and this week we take another step towards this most authentic spiritual goal.
Our portion this week is the very first portion in our new book of the Torah. We begin the fourth of five books with the portion of Bamidbar. Bamidbar means “in the desert.” The Israelites have been journeying in the desert since being freed from Egypt. The desert is a place where nothing is considered to exist. It is devoid of Light. Our world is the wilderness of the desert. We are indeedbamidbar. This portion introduces to us the energy of the fourth book of the Torah which relates most closely to our world and our actions in it. Life can seem like a desert, regardless of the climate where we may live. After Egypt, the Israelites have been taken under the wing of the Creator and entered into their spiritual journey. The desert is the necessary background for this holy endeavor. It is only in the dark that we can reveal Light. For only when we are given the space and distance from the Creator may our small Lights be seen at all. In Bamidbar, the Israelites are gifted with new and vital energy to thrive in the wilderness of life. The Creator asks Moses to empower and strengthen the Israelites, via a counting process, so they are emboldened to continue forward in the journey of revealing the Light in this world. Camps and groups among the Israelites are created. However, on a deeper level, the Israelites were actually being elevated above the negative influences of the zodiac and nature’s elements. We receive this same divine assistance, as well, this week. Bamidbar comes to us in order to bolster us on our spiritual journey. We are helped to overcome the challenges and inclinations that prevent us from awakening a loving and giving heart. We are aided in surmounting the obstacles that prevent us from loving one another and revealing the Light in our “desert world.” Bamidbar also discusses the unique job of the Levites in regards to the Tabernacle. The Levites were the Israelites who did not participate in the creation of the Golden Calf. Even while in Egypt, they were extraordinarily spiritual and inspired the other Israelites to pursue a relationship with the Creator. We read about the Levites to be gifted further with the energy to be spiritual, loving, caring, and strong in our relationship with the Creator. Earlier in the Torah, Moses had asked, “Whoever is for the Lord, come to me.” All the Levites rallied to him. Bamidbar gives the power we need in this world to reveal the Creator’s Light and move closer to Him. We are only the moon, but through the gifts of Bamidbar, we are bestowed with the ability to turn towards the Creator and reflect His great Light throughout our world, removing the existing darkness. 
Life, at times can be a place of coldness, fears, and doubts. It can feel like the wilderness. Without our care and spiritual effort, the world can turn from the Light like a waning moon. However, it does not have to be this way. We came to this world to unify the moon with the sun. We are here to be the vehicle by which the moon can shine like the sun. We are here to open our hearts and love one another as much as we can. In the process, reflect and reveal the totality of the Creator’s Light, removing pain and suffering from the human landscape. This is nothing less than our purpose and reason for existing. This week, we are given the strength and ability to create Light where there once was none. We are afforded the power to transform the moon into the sun and turn on the Light within ourselves and in the world.
For your meditation, take your thoughts to the night’s sky. Envision a beautiful and bright full moon. It is the midnight sun. It shines brightly and it is in full radiance. It illuminates all of the sky. It is full and at its peak. Now, see yourself in this same way. Visualize yourself at your potential. See yourself living the life you desire. You are doing what you love and every day you manifest the truest desires of your heart. You are a force of love and giving in this world. See your potential in what you are able to manifest, create, and contribute. Feel your heart open and see it giving love to everyone and everything. You are shining like the sun. Even though we ourselves may not have Light of our own, it does not matter in the least. We are one with the Creator and one with the Light. There is no difference anymore between the sun and the moon, between the cause and the effect, and between us and the Creator. Everything has become unified, and the Light now fills our entire world.