Sunday 31 July 2022



"One must not lose desires. They are mighty stimulating to creativeness, to love, and to long life." - Alexander A. Bogomoletz

Today I desire to live. I have discovered value in my life. I have experienced personal self-esteem. I am able to feel, talk, trust, and laugh again. I desire to live fully! I can remember when I felt lonely, isolated, angry, shut down, and hopeless. My desires were destructive when mingled with alcohol. Then the pain became too great and I experienced a vital "moment." I realized I needed to make a choice:Was I to live or die? I chose to live! This was the beginning of my spiritual journey into self from which I discovered God and this world. Creative and positive desires were reborn in my life, and I am able to live and love again.

God, may I continue to desire those things that do not hurt me.

The Deeper You Go The More You Will Find (EC)


Be spiritually minded so you are able to see through the outer conditions and situations and understand the cause operating in the unseen realm of the mind.
Do this by being very still. Go into the silence, raise your consciousness and allow the spirit of truth to flow through you shedding My pure light onto every situation. Seek not the answers without, seek them deep within. Do not expect anyone else to do your spiritual work for you. No one can lift you into the realms of the spirit, only you can do this yourself. As you seek so will you find. The deeper you go the more you will find. Cease scratching the surface, which will get you nowhere, and leave you frustrated and dissatisfied. Dig deep and you will surely find the treasure you are searching for.

CoDA Weekly Reading


Keep My Head and My Feet in the Same Place

Four weeks from my wedding Omicron was tearing through my county. What if my mom catches it and can’t come? What if his immunocompromised mother catches it on the flight, in the restaurant, at the wedding and we kill her? What if I catch it? How do you have a wedding without a bride? Or a groom?

After a few days of unmanageability, I finally reached out to my sponsor who offered me: “Keep your head and your feet in the same place.” My feet were in January, but my head was in February. I can’t say I had much success the first day. But I kept coming back to an awareness of how I was not all in one place. I kept giving up the circumstances of our wedding day to the loving care of my Higher Power. After a week of practice, I had seemed to come into the acceptance that I had no power over the future. Serenity.

Our wedding day came. Everyone made it to the wedding, and no one caught Omicron from it. And my Higher Power gave us the most stunningly beautiful wedding, on top of everything. My worrying 4 weeks earlier was over nothing, and I’m so glad that I was able to come into serenity for the final 3 weeks before my wedding – thanks to my loving Higher Power and CoDA.

Vanessa 06/08/2022

On this day of your life


I believe God wants you to know ...


... that in Hollywood if you don't have happiness, you

send out for it.


Rex Reed offers us that bit of humor today--but there

is more truth than humor in it...because this is exactly

what God says about LIFE.


If you don't have happiness...send out for it! God

will be your delivery man. But don't beg God. Don't

plead. Put your order in knowing you will receive it.


All things work out in the end, and happiness is but

an attitude change away. So smile. Really. Smile.

Soul Seeing (OM)



The soul is the purest expression of an individual and is not bound by physical forms or fleeting emotions.

When we want to see deeply into the heart and mind of another person, soul seeing, also called soul gazing, allows us to see their soul. The soul is the purest expression of an individual and is not bound by physical forms or fleeting emotions. Through a simple art that involves looking deeply into a partner’s eyes, soul seeing can show you a person’s inner beauty that you might otherwise miss. It is possible for someone who appears cold to have a warm, giving, nurturing soul or someone of average appearance to have a beautiful soul. Soul seeing is a way of looking past shapes, sizes, attitudes, and behavior to see the real individual that lies beneath the surface. It allows you to see the true essence of another person, the radiance of their being, and their spirit within.

Soul seeing is accomplished by sitting face to face with another person. It is helpful to first state your intention before you begin. As you stare softly into each other’s eyes without stopping to look away, each of your souls is revealed to the other. Try not to look for anything in particular or seek traits you’re hoping to find. Simply let the other person’s soul reveal itself to you. After twenty minutes have passed, stay where you are and share a period of silent reflection with your partner for two minutes. You may have suddenly seen your partner’s inner nature as clearly as a bright day, or you may need to meditate on your experience before you feel comfortable with your impressions. Either way, soul seeing can be a wonderfully intimate and shared experience. 

So little of who each of us is can be captured by our appearance or personality. The thoughts, fears, desires, and longings that are part of what makes us whole are not always written across our faces. Often, the most surprising thing you may learn while soul seeing is that while you and the other person may appear on the surface to be quite different, you actually share many of the same inner qualities. And then there is the unique beauty that resides within that is longing to be revealed to another who is willing to see. Soul seeing can help you experience the people in your life as they truly are, beyond any mental barriers or physical limitations.  



  • ·       Let not your mind run on what you lack as much as on what you have already. - Marcus Aurelius

    ·       I celebrate my heritage.

    ·       "Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud." ~ Maya Angelou

    ·       "The acceptance of sonship, co-operation with the indwelling Adjuster, is the price of evolutionary survival."

    ·       Instead of saving humanity, every person should save himself. - Alexander Herzen

    ·       "It takes a wise person to handle a lie; a fool had better remain honest." - Norman Douglas

    ·       Help me seek the good life in those things that are good.

    ·       "You should rejoice in the recognition of the ever-present possibility of immediate communion with the bestowal spirit of the Father so intimately associated with your inner soul and your spiritualizing self."

    ·       Freedom from desire leads to inner peace. - Lao Tzu

    ·       A funny thing happened on the way to my sobriety: I finally looked up from my misery and saw a life worth living. Maybe we don't choose recovery for all the right reasons in the beginning.

    ·       "Religious practitioners live and carry on as if already in the presence of the Eternal. Believers react to this temporal life as if immortality already were within their grasp."

    ·       We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements in life, when all we need to make us really happy is something to be enthusiastic about. - Charles Kingsley

Wisdom Quote


Saturday 30 July 2022



Humility doesn't allow people to walk all over me. -James Baldwin

The word "humility" has often been misunderstood. James Baldwin understood this. Christian piety often gave the impression that it was spiritual to let others take advantage of us-and we suffered in silence. But real humility involves respect. It is necessary to respect other people, treating them with dignity and genuine interest. But we must also respect ourselves. Say Yes to Your Spirit affirms this balance. I'm not respecting you if I allow you to disrespect me. - Leo Booth

I affirm a humility that respects self.

Words That Build (KB)


Karen Berg
JULY 17, 2022

This article on the portion of the week was originally published in 2016.

This week we enter into a 21 day period the kabbalists call Ben HaMetzarimwhich is often considered to be three of the most “negative” weeks of the year. I put the word “negative” in quotes for a reason, because Rav Berg would often teach that this time has the potential to be one of the most positive. This is the duality of the material world that is connected to the Tree of Knowledge Good and Evil. Even the word “evil” spelled backwards becomes the word “live,” To the degree that there is darkness, we are given an opportunity to reveal the same degree of Light.

"Let us use our words to fill the world with Light."

So the question becomes, how can we do that? What can we do, this coming 7 days in particular, to begin the process of making these weeks the most positive of our year instead of the most negative as they are inclined to be?

For the answers, we look to the Zohar. The portion of this week, Matot, concerns itself mostly with the idea of vows and the power of speech. The kabbalists teach that God granted all of us the power to create angels with our words. For every negative word that we say, an angel is created whose purpose is to initiate darkness. With every positive word we say, an angel is created to radiate Light.

Of course, it is not the words themselves, as all words have the potential to be either negative or positive, what matters is how and why we use them -- to build, or destroy. The Rav would always say it takes one moment to destroy what it takes years to build. We might use our words to gossip about a longtime friend, to admonish someone harshly, or even use our words to put ourselves down or beat ourselves up (“I’m so stupid, why did I do that?”). On the other hand, we can use our words to brighten someone’s day, or bare witness to someone’s pain, with a simple “I understand,” or simply tell someone that they matter.

In this way, we can begin to see that for the angels, every word is a vow as angels have no free will of their own, and so they are avowed to carry forth the energy with which our words are spoken.

In this, the first week of Ben HaMetzarim, let us use our words to fill the world with Light. Over the course of the next 7 days, let us speak words of kindness to others and to ourselves. Let us utter words that build -- words of wisdom, peace, and love -- and by doing so fill the world with positive angels that can elevate us on their wings. I invite you to share this possibility with others so that we may multiply our efforts by thousands and thousands, through which we can alter the energy that exists in the world today, and perhaps by the end of Ben HaMetzarim, the world will look that much better because of it.

This week, let words that build be your true North.

You Hold Deep Within You All The Secrets Of The Universe (EC)


Let nothing disturb or distress you. Seek deep within and find perfect wisdom and understanding. Have you ever watched a spider spinning its web? Every inch of that thread comes from within itself. So with you, you hold deep within you all the secrets of the Universe. There is no need to waste time seeking them from without, they have been yours from the beginning, but have had to lie dormant until you were ready to recognize them and accept them.

"Its Goodness Is Concealed Within It"


Michael Berg
JULY 13, 2022

As we have spoken about many times before, Shabbat Pinchas is a very powerful Shabbat – not just for healing, as has been discussed, but it’s also an important time to both connect to and understand what we’re connecting to, during what is called the "three weeks." Nothing is a coincidence, and therefore, there is a reason Shabbat Pinchas usually comes towards the beginning of a time period considered to be the three most negative weeks of the year, what the kabbalists call the Yamei Ben HaMetzarim. Literally, those words mean these are days of narrowness, or that are constricted. 

"It is within the places that have the greatest concealment, usually experienced by us as a challenge or darkness, where the greatest Light is."

The great kabbalist the Ohev Yisrael, Rav Avraham Yehoshua Heshel from Apta, explains that not coincidentally in this week’s portion, we read about all the holidays that appear throughout the year. He points out that the number of holidays throughout the year is 21. And those 21 days of holidays, he says, correspond to the 21 days that begin the three weeks, up until the 9th of AvTisha B’Av, what’s considered to be the most negative day of the year. And he says that concealed within each one of these 21 days is Light that is even greater than the 21 days of holidays. We all know how powerful Rosh Hashanah, or Yom Kippur, or Pesach is... now, imagine that we have 21 days which have the totality of that Light, consecutively, one after the other, at least in potential!

It says that while the 9th of Av is the most concealed day, it is really the day when the Light of Mashiach is revealed. Why? Because, as the kabbalists teach, it is within the places that have the greatest concealment, usually experienced by us as a challenge or darkness, where the greatest Light is; the channels of Light opened by the transformation of darkness reveal great Light. 

"Within the next weeks there is great Light."

The Zohar uses a beautiful phrase referring to the letter Tet, which is 9, for the 9th of Av; it says, “Its goodness is concealed within it.” And that’s why the letter Tet points inward, as if to say, “Yes, over these 21 days you might experience challenges, but if you are able to maintain the clarity and the certainty that within each one of the challenges, within each one of the 21 days, its goodness, Light, and power is concealed within it, then you can uncover greater Light than at any other time of the year.” Therefore, it says that for those of us who are running after the Shechinah, running after the Light of the Creator, the time of year in which we are the most capable of catching that connection with the Light of the Creator is during these three weeks called Yamei Ben HaMetzarim - the days that are outwardly constricted, outwardly not as filled with Light.

And so, on Shabbat Pinchas, what we want to ask for, of course, is all the Light of Pinchas, the Light of healing. But, just as importantly, we want to understand that within the next weeks, leading up to Tisha B’Av, there is great Light. We are going to experience the shell of that Light, we are going to experience, to some degree or another, the concealment of that Light, but if we’re able to maintain the certainty and clarity that the great Light is concealed within these 21 days, the Yamei Ben HaMetzarim, and within the challenges, then we reveal that great Light.

As we ask to receive the Light of healing, we also want to draw from Shabbat Pinchas the strength over the next few weeks to really be able to extract the goodness concealed within these 21 days, knowing that in reality what we can connect to and receive during this time is greater than any other Light we can receive throughout the rest of the year. 

On this day of your life


I believe God wants you to know ...


... that you cannot find or create a costume big enough

to hide your true self from anyone.


In truth, we're all wearing The Emperor's New Clothes.

We parade before the world naked--thinking that no

one can see us. Why not just be proudly revealed, and

authentically who we are?


And do not worry about being rejected and alone. It is

the real you that everyone falls in love with--

and that God adores.


You will not have to think but a second to know

exactly why you received this message today.

Beauty Day (OM)



Take the time today to really notice and appreciate the beauty that surrounds you.

Sometimes we go through whole days without really tuning in to the beauty of nature that surrounds us. We have a habit of seeing it without really taking it in, yet once we begin to notice it we treat ourselves to an exquisite realm of subtle, complex scents, miraculous forms, and ethereal light. The natural world enriches our entire being through the vehicles of our senses. When we are low, nature lifts our spirits. When we are tired, it rejuvenates us -- if we pause long enough to drink from its beauty. If you have fallen out of the practice of taking time to observe the light as it filters through the leaves of a tree, or the concentric rings a raindrop makes as it plops into a puddle, you can retune yourself by dedicating a day to noticing the beauty in nature. 

On this day, one possibility is to rise early enough to see the sunrise. Watching the sky change colors and the world emerge from darkness is an experience that will influence the whole rest of your day in ways that words cannot describe. Or simply observe the quality of the morning light as it infuses the world with its particular pale golden beauty. You may let the light play on your own hand, remembering that you are also part of the natural world. Let your intuition guide you to the elements of nature that call to you throughout the day, such as the sound of the wind as it shakes and sways a tree or the feeling of snowflakes landing on your warm eyelids and cheeks. 

After you devote one day to opening your eyes more fully to the beauty of nature, you may want to make this part of your daily routine. Each day drink from the beauty all around you, and allow it to rejuvenate your entire being. All you have to do is pause, for just one minute, and really take it in, remembering to thank Mother Nature for her beauty. 



  • ·       “Find someone who can accept you as you are but also inspires you to evolve because they take their own growth seriously.” - Yung Pueblo

    ·       “A mature partner will embrace your ups and downs. They know that some days are harder than others and that it’s not possible to feel your best every day. What they care about is that you’re being the real you with them. They don’t rush you to be happy; instead, they give support.” - Yung Pueblo

    ·       “There is no shortage of people who ended a new relationship with great potential because they were unconsciously attached to perfection. Running away when slight friction occurs is a sign of being emotionally unprepared. Great relationships are built, they don’t come ready made.” - Yung Pueblo

    ·       “Your relationship has reached a deeper level of emotional maturity when you both stop trying to win during an argument and instead focus on understanding each other’s perspectives.” - Yung Pueblo

    ·       “Finding the right partner can make life beautiful, but only if you add to that beauty by doing your own inner work.” - Yung Pueblo

    ·       "There is a direct attractiveness of a spirit nature between spiritually minded persons of like tastes and longings. The term kindred spirits is not wholly a figure of speech."

Wisdom Quote





Friday 29 July 2022



Patriotism . . . applies to true love of one's country and a code of conduct that echoes such love. - Howard Fast

I was born in England, and I love to read about the history of my country. I especially enjoy reading about Sir Winston Churchill and the many speeches that he made. He was a true patriot. Some years ago I became a citizen of the United States. I'm proud to be an American, and today I'm reading about this country and the famous men and women who have contributed to its charter of liberty. Liberty is not only an idea; it is also a code of behavior. If I am to enjoy freedom, then I need to encourage the experience of freedom in others-and not just my fellow citizens.

In my Say Yes to Your Spirit, I realize I'm a patriot of the world.

CoDA Weekly Reading



Meetings With “A Lot of Recovery”

I’ve been in this program for six years. In that time, I’ve attended a wide variety of meetings; each with their own format, structure, and style. I‘ve been welcomed and understood, over and over. I have experienced a sense of belonging like the Twelve Promises of CoDA mention. I have noticed some common threads that make that possible:

·         Experienced CoDAs offer healthy modeling by listening well and sharing honestly.

·         The meeting format encourages a safe space by making guidelines clear for everyone.

·         Newcomers are appreciated for showing up and encouraged to keep coming back.

·         Conversations during fellowship are respectful and inclusive.

·         Decisions for the meeting are made by Group Conscience, everyone is invited to participate.

·         Conflicts that come up are resolved by relying on the wisdom of the Twelve Traditions.

·         Humble leadership is done by willing volunteers who are actively working the Twelve Steps.

·         Trusted Servants take turns doing different jobs and ask for help when they need it.

·         Opportunities are available to everyone who wishes to be of service.

When I was new to CoDA, I felt intimidated by the leaders in my first few meetings. As I kept going back, I got to know them as real people instead of the authority figures I was expecting. Their dedication and general attitude were inspiring to me. They were warm, caring, and funny, so I started to be more at ease. They were doing their best and the fact that they were open about not being perfect gave me hope. When I took on a service position, I was encouraged to ask for help if I needed it, but they also trusted me to handle it in my own way. That was scary and liberating at the same time. Over the years, I’ve gradually taken on more and different service commitments at many different levels. My confidence increases each time I stretch myself. Every now and then, a newcomer will say something to me that reminds me of how I used to look up to trusted servants and I’m amazed. It also helps to keep me mindful of what it was like to walk into the rooms in the beginning. I really do want to share the gifts I’ve received and continue to gain through this program. That’s why I do my part to help the meetings I attend, so that we can co-create an environment where “a lot of recovery” can keep happening.

Gratefully in service,
Caryn T. 6/5/2022