Wednesday 30 November 2022

On this day of your life


I believe God wants you to know ...


... that time stays long enough for those who use it.


Leonardo Da Vinci said that, and he was right.

There are those who say that "time flies," but they are

those who do not use every minute of it. Time is actually

your greatest gift. It is better than money. Invest it, therefore, wisely.


What will you invest your time in today?

What will be your return? What did you invest your time in

yesterday? What was your return? Is it "time" to use you

time more wisely? Just wondering...

Going through a Phase (OM)


The gift of going through a phase, is that it will pass and you will come out the other side.

We are all almost always in the process of learning something new, developing an underused ability or talent, or toning down an overused one. Some of us are involved in learning how to speak up for ourselves, while others are learning how to be more considerate. In the process of becoming, we are always developing and fine tuning one or the other of our many qualities, and it is a natural part of this process that things tend to get out of balance. This may be upsetting to us, or the people around us, but we can trust that it’s a normal part of the work of self-development.

For example, we may go through a phase of needing to learn how to say no, as part of learning to set boundaries and take care of ourselves. During this time, we might say no to just about everything, as a way of practicing and exploring this ability. Like a child who learns a new word, we want to try out this new avenue of expression and empowerment as much as we can because it is new and exciting for us and we want to explore it fully. In this way, we are mastering a new skill, and eventually, as we integrate it into our overall identity, it will resume its position as one part of our balanced life.

In this process, we are overcompensating for a quality that was suppressed in our life, and the swinging of the pendulum from under-use to overuse serves to bring that quality into balance. Understanding what’s happening is a useful tool that helps us to be patient with the process. In the end, the pendulum settles comfortably in the center, restoring balance inside and out.

CoDA Weekly Reading


The Lotus Flower Still Blossoming and Breathing

I have always wanted to submit a story to the CoDA community. I went to my first CoDA meeting in late July of 2016, just a few months after entering my AA program. To this day, the beautiful women I met at my very first meeting, are still just as near and dear to me. They are “my tribe” and my “soul sisters” in recovery. Without their and so many others’ humility, courage, and strength, I don’t know if I would still be here today. Without my strength and willingness to continue to be open, learn, grow, share (especially when I don’t want to share), and be completely honest where I am at, then I would not be here today.

I had a really hard time in my first year or so “getting” or understanding the CoDA program and how I could turn the decades of emotional abandonment, old tapes, real emotional trauma from the time I was a freshman in high school due to severe bullying, and all the fear and shame over to my higher power. So, I was honest, took notes in my CoDA books, reached out to women I trusted, journaled, and kept talking. I started to find myself and trust myself more and more. Sometimes I had to fake it until I made it. All those feelings and experiences was growth. Learning how to trust myself was and still is growth.

When I find myself “off the beam” as my dear friend would say, I can identify that feeling and check-in with myself sooner and ask myself what I need or reach out for help. Or sometimes, I just sit with that feeling, but not pack a bag and stay there too long. Acceptance. That is the power of working the program and showing up and learning and growing for me. I go back to Steps 1, 2, and 3 as many times as I need to get my bearings. I share and keep coming back without shame if I am still stuck. I believe I am where I am supposed to be and keep learning as I go. I may have some, dare I say the word “defects” of character, but when I am checking in with myself, I can say “hello, thank you for helping me right-size that a little better.” The dis-ease (disease) – getting it out so it does not take me out. I deserve to breathe and love myself! Learning this from other’s experience and shares helps me stay on a brighter path on a sometimes-muddy road. I more often find myself dancing on that muddy road than hiding. Thanks to CoDA and my sisters and recovery peers.

Looking back on where I was and where I am now, I can say I have learned to love myself, trust myself and find beauty even in the dark. This is my journey – a miraculous, beautiful journey that has changed me and blossomed me just like a lotus flower. When I don’t know what to do, I just breathe and pray, because I know I am not alone and it will be ok. Keep coming back. You are loved and WE are worth it.

H.O.P.E. – Hold On Pain Ends. This is one of my favorite lines. It is true! We are all miracles every time we show up. It is a true miracle to watch others transform and grow in their program. It is special to be able to pass my experience, strength and hope to another. That’s all I have to do. It helps me and others. The 12 Promises are real. They’ve happened for me. And I am working them because I’m worth it!

Becky F. 9/21/2022

Wisdom Quote




Tuesday 29 November 2022




Everywhere is within walking distance if you have the time. -Steven Wright When we Say Yes to Your Spirit we acknowledge that there is a thing called time; it is the space that makes up our hours, days, weeks,months, and years.We are born into time. Spirituality teaches us to respect time. Take time. Relax. We can rush at life or we can seek balance. I believe that if we are always in a hurry, rushing, never smelling the roses, then we abuse time. The psalmist suggests, "Be still, and know...


On this day of your life


I believe God wants you to know ...


... that you have two voices with which you speak: your

MindVoice and your SoulVoice.


These two voices are also -- all the time -- speaking to you.

Which voice you listen to will determine

which voice you speak with.


God invites you to listen to, and speak with, your

SoulVoice. This will vastly improve your personal

communications -- to say nothing of your mood.

Keeping Your Energy Strong (OM)


Keeping our energy strong and pure throughout the day, is vital to somebody that is sensitive.

Being a sensitive person in this world can sometimes feel very draining due to the fact that we are very receptive to the energy of the people and environment around us. Still, we want to be part of situations that involve small or large groups of people, and we would like to do it without becoming overwhelmed or exhausted. With a few simple strategies we can entertain at home and socialize in the world without running the risk of losing ourselves in someone else’s energy or giving our energy away. All this takes is a little time and practice, and the result -- being part of social events without ending up depleted -- is well worth the effort.

The whole purpose of this self-care ritual is to help keep yourself strong energetically when you are in a situation that could potentially be draining. For example, if you are having a party, you might take some time to prepare beforehand. Just as you spend time cleaning your home and preparing food, it is essential to prepare your inner home for the event. This can be as simple as taking a mindful walk or a cleansing bath, or engaging in any other activity that gives you energy. You can even just sit alone for a set period of time, tuning in to your energy and connecting to yourself so that you are less easily carried away by the energy outside of yourself. You may employ a mantra such as “I am centered and safe in the home of myself.” You can also charge a crystal or gemstone or any piece of jewelry with protective energy and wear it or carry it with you. This can be helpful during the event when just seeing it or touching it can remind you that you are centered and safe.

Keep in mind that it is always acceptable to excuse yourself for a bathroom break or to step outside for a moment. This can give you the time and space you need to check in with yourself and correct any energetic imbalances you detect. Whether you are at home or out in the world, taking care of yourself in this way enables you to keep your energy strong, even as you open yourself to others.

The Choice (KB)


Karen Berg
NOVEMBER 27, 2022

This article on the portion of the week was originally published in 2019.

Every minute, every, day, week, month and year has its own unique energy. As it says in the Bible, “For everything, there is a season.” There’s a time to plant, and a time for harvest. A time for planning, and a time for action. The energy of this week, the week of Vayetze, as we will discover together, lends itself towards a shift in our consciousness. With spiritual study and the deeper understanding that it brings, we just might be able to see things differently at the end of this week than we had in the beginning.

"For everything there is a season..." ~ Ecclesiastes 3:1

In Vayetze, we find Jacob beginning a spiritual journey. After much travel, he meets Rachel and instantly falls in love with her. Rachel’s father, an evil warlock named Laban, makes Jacob work seven years before allowing him to marry Rachel. On the day of Jacob and Rachel’s wedding Laban devises a plan to deceive Jacob, disguising his other daughter Leah as the bride and unknowingly Jacob marries her instead. To now earn to be united with Rachel, his true soul mate, Jacob agrees to work another seven years for Laban.

Vayetze means “and he left.” A few weeks back we had the portion of Lech Lecha, which translated means, “Get you out.” Is this yet another portion in which the Bible is imploring us to embark on a spiritual journey? To leave our comfort zone? To go outside ourselves? In a way, yes I believe it is. However, there is a distinct difference; a new level of understanding here for us. One from which I think anyone engaging in a spiritual lifestyle can surely benefit.

While from Lech Lecha learned the benefits of going outside our nature, getting uncomfortable and extending ourselves to others, the story of Jacob in the portion of Vayetze is the story of what happens when we mindfully choose to take upon ourselves the spiritual work. Yes like Abraham, Jacob had to leave the place he considered his home – his personal comfort and security – to go to his next level of spirituality, but as soon as he did, he was faced with so many difficulties, so many opportunities to choose or say, “Nah, this is not for me.” The secret that the portion of Vayetze reveals is that the way we grow spiritually is through the choice we make to keep going, to persevere. I often hear from students that the moment they made a true commitment and said, “I’m going to be more spiritual,” they were faced with choices. Suddenly situations presented themselves. “Why now,” they ask, “When I’ve made this great decision that I want to do more and be more?”

"The portion Vayetze reveals that we grow spiritually through the choice we make to keep going, to persevere."

The answer is: In order to do more and be more, we must always re-choose to be on this journey. To continue to work another seven years even though the first seven did not give us exactly what we wanted.

What choices are you facing in your life right now? This is a good week to think about them, and to start to see them in a different light. For any fork in the road that arises in the next seven days, no matter how big or small, is an opportunity for us to re-choose.

The spiritual path is one that will always be fraught with detours, roadblocks, or forks. It’s learning to see those as a means to become the cause and chooser of our destiny, to choose the path of Light. After all, isn’t that why this world was created for us? So that we could be the reason, the source of our own fulfillment.

Wisdom Quote


Monday 28 November 2022



7 Ways to Build a Strong Relationship to Ourselves.


The most influential resource we have is our relationship to self.

When it comes to creating and living our best life, there is one resource within us that is the most influential on our journey.

It isn’t something we have to go out and get or even learn. It’s a resource that we have had our entire lives. It will continue to be with us forever, in this lifetime and the next.

Ask yourself: how much do I respect and support myself? If you don’t, life can’t support you back. When we trust, accept, befriend, and cheer on ourselves, then life opens up in ways we cannot imagine.

The reason why relationship to self is so important is because we all possess an innate wisdom inside us. When we build a strong relationship to self, we are able to lean back and trust this inner wisdom and know that the insights and goals given to us are real.

When we have a solid relationship to self, we can go after the life we desire with full confidence. The opinions and judgments from other people become irrelevant. Life opens up in ways we haven’t even imagined are possible. New people and opportunities present themselves. Magic literally unfolds.

Can you think of anyone you know who is confident in who they are and share their insights? Do they have fun in life and not take anything too seriously? Do they make you feel more inspired when you are around them? Do they offer great advice that you trust? Are they grounded enough to know they can change their mind at any point?

These are the people that have a strong relationship to themselves. Life seems to just open up and get better for these types of people. This is the reality they have created from themselves once they learned to trust their intuition.

So this all seems like an amazing way to live, but why do so many people struggle with it?

Unfortunately, society and marketing discourage us from trusting ourselves. We are instead encouraged to buy things because we are told this will bring us fulfillment. So we keep going after new products or the next big thing in order to feel better. And like a mirage in the desert, that promised fulfillment never comes.

The good news is that we can build a strong relationship to self at anytime by choosing to trust ourselves and accept the wisdom we have—to look to the inside, rather than the outside, for answers. We can follow the clues and notice the synchronicities that reassure us that we are on the right path.

This looks different for everyone—we are all unique individuals with our own life paths and purposes.

Here are some ways to build a strong relationship to ourselves:

1. Knowing your values and living by them. We all have different wants, needs, goals, and strengths in life. That’s why it’s crucial for us to know what our own personal values are about the type of life we wish to live. From there, we are able to attract the right people and opportunities into our life.

2. Surrounding yourself with inspiring people. When we surround ourselves with people who match our values, it is easier to stay inspired. This is why that saying “you are the five people you surround yourself with” is so true. Spend time around those you wish to emulate.

3. Setting goals and working toward them. This is so important when we are building confidence and learning to trust ourselves. When we set goals and go after them, we start to realize what we are capable of. We know that no matter what happens in the outcome, we will be stronger from the journey

4. Setting boundaries. Setting boundaries will help us listen to our innate wisdom. When we tune out all the external noise and spend time alone, we can hear our inner voice. Let the people around you know what you need in order to take this time for yourself.

5. Sharing gratitude daily. Gratitude is an overlooked aspect of creating your dream life and living your purpose. People who are focused on the end goal often forget to see the beauty in all that they have already created. What you focus on grows, so start to acknowledge all the amazing things you have in your life.

6. Finding a routine that raises your vibration. When we are able to raise our vibration frequency, life starts to appear more magical and exciting. We are more happy than not, we open up new possibilities, and we have more fun. Craft a daily or weekly routine that makes you feel your best and raises your frequency.

7. Committing to growth, always. This is probably the #1 thing that determines how our life and mindset will be. When we commit to growth no matter what happens, we become stronger and more confident. We can tell that life is happening for us, not to us, and that there is nothing to worry about or fear. If you can do this, even if something unexpected happens, you will continue to get to know yourself more deeply.

Are you ready to be unstoppable? Start by getting to know the person in the mirror.


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Annie Das  |  Contribution: 13,355





  • ·       “There are no created beings that would not delight to be hosts to the Mystery Monitors, but no orders of beings are thus indwelt excepting evolutionary will creatures of finaliter destiny.”

    ·       Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think. - Benjamin Disraeli

    ·       "The truth and maturity of any religion is directly proportional to its concept of the infinite personality of God and to its grasp of the absolute unity of Deity."

    ·       The secret to life is to go deep, not wide. Go all in. - Maxime LagacĂ©

    ·       "[The Apostles) ... made the important discovery that many human perplexities are in reality nonexistent, that many pressing troubles are the creations of exaggerated fear and the offspring of augmented apprehension." 

    ·       People are always looking for shortcuts. The only way to achieve greatness in life is to have patience, consistency, and discipline. - David Goggins   Thought: "Success" is not a matter of intensity. It's a matter of consistency.

    ·       "The certainties of science proceed entirely from the intellect; the certitudes of religion spring from the very foundations of the entire personality."

    ·       A man has made at least a start on discovering the meaning of human life when he plants shade trees under which he knows full well he will never sit. - David Elton Trueblood      Question: Are you only doing things for yourself? Or sometimes for others too?