Wednesday 31 January 2024




"Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes." Oscar Wilde Oscar was being a little naughty with this statement. But then again, naughtiness came easily to Oscar! We do learn from our mistakes.Often in my recovery meetings I share my story and tell some of the mistakes and mishaps in my life, and that usually there is a learning curve associated with these incidents. In the shadow of my life I discover the light! Also my experience is fed by the stories and incidents that other...


On this day of your life


I believe God wants you to know ...


... that on this day will you have an opportunity to attend

your own campaign.


You are invited by life to elect yourself a Spiritual

Leader, and to take office today. What does a

spiritual leader say? A spiritual leader does not say,

"Follow me." A spiritual leader says, "I'll go first."


Decide today to take the oath: I promise to "go first"

in demonstrating forgiveness, compassion, understanding,

generosity, kindness, cheerfulness, positivity, and love.

Reactions to Life Events (OM)




Wisdom Quote





May I mindfully acknowledge that others, like myself, are still growing spiritually, and forgibve their past offenses, as I forgive my own, so I can know the blessings of a loving heart. - Jean Smith Over the years many of us have accumulated resentments that we might not even remember. They don't surface unless something triggers the incident that caused the resentment. The more we hold on to these memories, the more blocked we are from feeling joy. Once we realize resentments do us more...


The Physics of My Rage. {Poem}


A running argument in my almost 20-year-old marriage—one that neither of us will ever win—is which one of us is the worse stealer of the covers.

There have been times when I’ve woken up with the entire top sheet somehow wrapped completely around me, making me wonder if he might be right.

But then there are nights when I’m up late reading and he’s tossing and turning, taking the entire comforter over to his side, leaving me exposed and cold as an icicle.

It happens often since I’m a night owl and usually still awake after my husband has fallen asleep. I’ll try to present this evidence for my defense whenever the playful argument ensues, yet he never yields and sticks to his accusation that I’m the head cover thief.

Every time it happens, I feel a spurt of rage for not being believed, silly as it is, and tonight this poem came to me as I shivered once again on my side of the bed.

It is always there
Like energy that can never be created or destroyed, its form can only change

Sometimes faint
Sometimes fierce
Always under the surface, mostly

Triggered by imperfection
When I don’t pay attention and hit my head so hard my teeth rattle, feeling like a klutz

Triggered by silly
When I yank them back after he tugs the covers to his side of the bed, feeling like a warrior

Triggered by obvious
When I am lied to and manipulated by people I thought I could trust, feeling like a fool

Who passed it down?
What is it meant for?
When is it okay?
Where does it come from?
Why can’t it be controlled?

How can it be ignored?

It is real
It is valid
It is a reflection, of love

How could I rage if I did not know love?
How could I rage if I did not feel love?
How could I rage if I did not mourn love?

It is not meant to be beat
To be conquered
To be crushed

It is not meant to be suppressed
To be abandoned
To be erased

It is meant to be felt
To be observed

It is meant to be accepted
To be released

It is meant to be loved, by me
As I never was, by them

It will always be there
Like energy that can never be created or destroyed, its form can only change

Sometimes fierce
Sometimes faint
Always under the surface, mostly

And I will love it
Like I never was

Because it is a part of me
And I must love all of me

Compassionate and reserved
Stubborn and flexible
Impulsive and thoughtful
Trustworthy and irresponsible
Naïve and wise

And sometimes, raging.



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Crystal Tomlinson  |  Contribution: 34,605




3 Earth-Helping Strategies that will Better our Well-Being & the Planet’s Well-Being.


In the summer, when it is hot and I need a cold beverage, I always stop at my favorite coffee shop on Pearl, with my water bottle in hand.

After ordering an iced tea at the counter, I ask the person if they can fill up my water bottle instead of a single-use cup. They happily say yes and mark off some money.

Now that it is winter, I love to use an insulated and reusable mug, like a Contigo or Yeti, to grab a hot chocolate or sweet chai.

I make my routine work for myself and the planet because as a global community, we have many environmental issues on our hands. In my opinion, the most pressing ones are single-use items, abundant plastic waste, and unsustainable transportation. Yet, there is hope on the horizon.

In our daily lives, we can choose to reuse, avoid plastics, and use public transport.


Reusable containers for lunches, snacks, leftover food, and drinks make a huge positive environmental impact. Each time you use a reusable alternative to plastic, you are not supporting the fossil fuel industry to keep creating plastics. Changing habits is not easy, but if you begin to carry, use, wash, and clean reusable items like travel mugs, glass food containers, and metal silverware, it becomes more familiar, feels good, and protects the earth.

Avoid Plastic Packaging

Do you ever notice how much plastic waste results from a Costco run or trip to the grocery store? In many stores, the products we use daily are coated in plastic. Many companies choose single-use containers because they keep food fresh, items sealed, and prices low. There are alternative ways for consumers to get food and other products without the packaging.

Building routines is an important step in implementing more earth oriented strategies into your life.

Here are some ideas on shopping almost zero-waste:

>>Farmers markets: fresh organic produce—no packaging; check dates and times.

>> Bulk and zero-waste stores—Nude Foods Market in Boulder, CO, and Simply Bulk in Longmont, CO, are two.

>> Sustainable cooking—use bulk sourced items, collected with your own jars and containers so there is less plastic involved in your masterpieces. 

>> Eco lifestyles—watch, copy, and learn from mentors! See if their strategies work for your lifestyle. If not, change them to fit your groove better.

>> Cloth bags and containers—bring your own for veggies, fruits, bulk, and more.

Alternate Transport

Boulder County has a neat bus system and can be used by everybody. Tip: anyone 19 and under can ride free on public transport in Boulder County. I suggest trying the bus to get to and from work or school. Number one tip for first timers: the day before, get your schedule down by checking the RTD app. I like to wake up a little earlier than usual. One time, I missed the RTD bus because I forgot to check the schedule. I saw it leave Broadway and Regent (20th street) while I was waiting to cross the road, yikes! The importance of timing.

If you drive into town, consider carpooling with someone you know. You might gain a new friend!

Finally, walking and biking. Boulder has so many bike paths that go all over town, getting you places fast and efficiently without the emissions. I bike to my job regularly and really enjoy it. I suggest getting a good lock for your bike and not leaving it after dark or overnight. I recommend this because when I left my bike overnight after school, my seat was gone by morning! I have many other tragic bike anecdotes, but I will not go there.

If you apply earth-helping strategies like reuse, staying away from plastic packaging, and alternative transportation to your daily life in a way that fits your lifestyle, you will know that you are bettering your own well-being and the planet’s well-being. If you are extra ambitious and want more specific ways to reduce your waste, look at my presentation that I made here.



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Anya Hoth  |  Contribution: 100