Friday 30 September 2016


All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. -Walt Disney

What do I want to be? What do you want to be? And can we see it? Having dreams is not enough. We need to take the action, or change the attitude, that will make our dreams come true. Say Yes to Your Spirit is an attitude of mind. Our mind is important because through it we will create the life we wish to live. For many years I thought it was enough to have dreams, but recently I've realized that work and effort are involved in making dreams become a reality. Martin Luther King Jr. said, "You need not only dream. Now is the time to march." Our dance in God is the action necessary to focus our dreams so that they can become a reality.

I dream with my feet planted on the ground.

Unfortunate (S)

You never know how things gonn' turn out, huh?

I know you got the best love that I ever had
I swear that when I look at you the time don't pass
Intoxicated without a sip from a glass
Infatuation was real thought we would last

But you're gone away
Thought you was gonna stay
I got deceived again
I can't believe

And now you got someone who don't
Treat you right
Treat you right
Treat you right
Treat you right
Treat you right
Treat you right
You already know who used to
Treat you right
Treat you right
Treat you right
Treat you right
You look for me and you know I be
Out of sight
Out of sight
Out of sight
Out of sight
Out of sight
Your the one that told me you wanted me
Out your life
Out your life
Out your life
Out your life
That's unfortunate
That's unfortunate
That you didn't believe in me

I know I got the best love that you ever had
Tell me how it feels to know you would never get it back
Baby tell me how a train never got above track
Never felt be the same thought our hearts were attached

But you're gone away
But you're gone away
Thought you was gonna stay
I got deceived again
I can't believe


Man it don't last forever
I'm telling 'cause I have been there
Hurt turns to anger
Friends turn to strangers
But right now I don't care
And you'll get there (you will, you will, you will)
You didn't keep your promise


You never know how things are gonna turn out, huh, huh, huh?

On this day of your life

Neytiri & Jake, I believe God wants you to know...
...that the word salvation in the Bible means perfect
health, harmony, and freedom.

Emmet Fox said that, and he was right. These things
are the will of God for man, he said,
and he was right again.

When you ponder how to achieve your 'salvation,'
make sure you understand, first, what 'salvation' is.
We are seeking here to save ourselves from our own
misunderstandings about Life and How It Is, and
about Who We Really Are.

Move into the fullness of your True Identity, and

watch your whole life change.

Life's Natural Rhythm (OM)

Universal Timing
Slowing down and listening to your own natural rhythm can quickly connect you to the Universe.

Nature’s natural rhythms orchestrate when day turns to night, when flowers must bloom, and provides the cue for when it is time for red and brown leaves to fall from trees. As human beings, our own inner rhythm is attuned to this universal sense of timing. Guided by the rising and setting of the sun, changes in temperature, and our own internal rhythm, we know when it is time to sleep, eat, or be active. While our minds and spirits are free to focus on other pursuits, our breath and our heartbeat are always there to remind us of life’s pulsing rhythm that moves within and around us.

Moving to this rhythm, we know when it is time to stop working and when to rest. Pushing our bodies to work beyond their natural rhythm diminishes our ability to renew and recharge. A feeling much like jet lag lets us know when we’ve overridden our own natural rhythm. When we feel the frantic calls of all we want to accomplish impelling us to move faster than is natural for us, we may want to breathe deeply instead and look at nature moving to its own organic timing: birds flying south, leaves shedding, or snow falling. A walk in nature can also let us re-attune is to her organic rhythm, while allowing us to move back in time with our own. When we move to our natural rhythm, we can achieve all we need to do with less effort.

We may even notice that our soul moves to its own internal, natural rhythm – especially when it comes to our personal evolution. Comparing ourselves to others is unnecessary. Our best guide is to move to our own internal timing, while keeping time with the rhythm of nature.

How I make each Day with my Children Magical. (& You Can Too!)

Via Anisha Pandya Patel
author's own: Anisha Patel (not for re-use)

My son is back in school after three months of summer break, and I haven’t figured out if that makes me want to leap for joy—since I have a tiny bit of order back in my life—or hug him a little longer, because I miss my other 24-hour sidekick.

I’m new to the stay-at-home-mom gig, and this was my first summer at home with my kids. To say it was an adventure is an understatement.
There were days that were absolutely picture perfect.
The ones when the kids were beaming with laughter, we explored a new city together, and I drank coffee that hadn’t gone cold. It was marvelous. I’d even go as far as calling it magical.
These were the days that reminded me of the reason I put my decade-long career on pause in the first place. There is no place I’d rather be than in the presence of these two little love-bugs.
My little humans were an absolute blast, and they reminded me how lucky I was to spend away the day with their tiny hands in mine. Even a thousand photos couldn’t capture a single ounce of the joy I experienced on these days. We giggled. We explored. We created memories. I was riding a high—perhaps the hot coffee I enjoyed in the morning had a little bit to do with it—but mostly, it was my well-behaved, huggie-dispensing, “I love you” exclaiming kids that made me beam. I’d quietly celebrate the idea that I must be doing something right after all. Parenting? Pshh, I got this.
And then there were…those days.
One child screams in a competitive plea for attention, whom I carefully console for fear of jeopardizing his chance at being an emotionally stable adult. “You are special to me. I love you. No, I don’t love your brother more!”
Meanwhile, little Nolan Ryan is practicing his pitches from the highchair. Why wouldn’t I want to pick up spaghetti off the floor for the fourth time? When I think we’ve finally reached a dormant state, the baby’s diaper explodes from a volcanic eruption which now necessitates a complete bath. Oh, by the way, I still haven’t eaten—and a shower sounds like a luxury that only princesses get to experience.
A small gleam of hope sparkles when I finally get a child to nap, and it’s quickly crushed as I notice the baby propped up in the crib after only 15 short minutes. I muster up some energy to prepare a healthy-ishdinner (by this point, ketchup is looking like a fruit) and finally get these adorable yet gangster children to bed. With all intention to brainlessly watch some tube, I pass out on the couch…yes, those days.
It was easy on those days to question whether providing my kids a “magical” summer was a far-fetched idea and a little bit naïve. The idea of failure was a hard pill to swallow. But let’s face it, when you’re wiping oatmeal out of your hair and you can’t find one single pair of clean pajama bottoms for the toddler, it’s hard to see the big picture. I felt down on myself, and I thought the only magic I was giving my kids was the fact that Mommy hadn’t completely collapsed on top of one of the very full laundry baskets.
Now, as I sit here reminiscing about the three months my children and I spent together, I can see how silly it was to think that there wasn’t magic in every single day—regardless if it was smooth sailing or chaos-filled.
The fact is, our “mom egos” certainly get bruised (“How were all those other moms doing it?”), but we are in fact giving our kids the magical childhood that we dream to provide.
To our kids, being loved and feeling loved is where the magic exists. Feeling connected to us is how the magic lives.
It doesn’t exist in the perfectly designed science projects or the plethora of trips to museums. It doesn’t exist in how calmly and quickly we finished lunch and clean up.
It exists within us and our bonds.
From the exotic adventures, to the completely mundane, it’s the experience of being together that makes their childhood magical. I realized that the joy is, in fact, in a collection of moments: sometimes in the extraordinary, and other times, during the normal humdrum.
It’s not always about what we do, it’s about how we do it—smiling, laughing, feeling grateful.
Anisha Patel's (author) personal pic

It is just as incredible to:

>> Go to the science museum to learn about different types of insects, as it is to sit on the couch and watch a mosquito swirl around, and laugh as we try to capture it.
>> Take a road trip to explore a deer habitat, as it is to make a run to Costco because—well, we need food.
>> Attend a stellar basketball camp where he can learn new skills, as it is to also roll a ball across the family room floor “just for fun.”
>> Take the chairlifts to 11,500 feet elevation and gaze out at the amazing view, as it is to stand in front of the bedroom window and simply watch the cars pass by.
>> Take a dip in the cool waters of a hidden river, as it is to splash around in the bathtub with some soapy bubbles.
>> Practice our scales on the piano, as it is to make burping sounds and laugh really hard.
>> Spend hours at the boardwalk on thrilling rides, as it is to enjoy a lift on Mommy’s back across the family room floor.
>> Explore dark tunnels inside of a live cave, as it is to build a fort out of pillows and blankets.
>> Hike the mountains at night in search of scorpions, but take a walk around the neighborhood on a cool day.
>> Enjoy an entire day exploring the zoo, as it is to sit at home and enjoy our own zoo.
My children are getting the magical childhood I have always wanted to give them. It isn’t a far-fetched fantasy—it’s real, and it’s happening every, single day.
We can give our kids that beautiful childhood that we sought out to do the moment we first held their teeny bodies and promised them the world.
Sure, there are days that we feel completely defeated. There are days that test our patience and even our physical stamina. There are times that everything seems upside-down, but we seem to make everything feel right-side up to our children just by being together.
We are their constant in an ever-changing world—our presence alone puts the magic into motion.
The thing is, my kids and I were together this summer. We were together during the meltdowns and messes. We were together through all the action and adventures. We were together from morning breakfasts to late-night bedtime stories—and for that, I’d say there was some magic in our summer after all.

Author: Anisha Pandya Patel

6 Ways to Minimize the Impacts of our Toxic World.

Susana Fernandez/Flickr

If we ask our doctor about detoxification, he or she might dismiss the idea as nonsense. Yet if we reframed that question slightly, we might get a completely different answer.

What I mean is that instead of asking about the many benefits of detoxifying, ask how bad things can get once our kidneys or liver stop working. Our doctor will probably give a passionate, informative answer.
Unfortunately, prevention and maintenance often take a backseat among conventional doctors. They only become concerned once the problem occurs.
That means they often overlook that our body continuously detoxifies. They fail to understand that with an unprecedented level of environmental and dietary toxins, our body simply cannot keep up with the constant daily barrage and remain healthy.
These 80,000-plus chemicals can interfere with our metabolism and stall weight loss, even when we stick with a normal-calorie diet.
We call these environmental toxins obesogens, or foreign chemical compounds that disrupt fat metabolism and create weight gain. Stop and consider the average newborn has 287 chemicals in his or her umbilical cord blood. It only gets worse from there.
Animal studies show early-life exposure to environmental toxins contribute to insulin resistance, hormone disruptions, and obesity. Toxins affect our metabolism, hormones, and brain function.
A vicious cycle ensues. Being overweight makes us toxic, and toxicity makes our body cling to fat. That partly explains why almost 70 percent of Americans are overweight and about 35 percent are obese.
Even animals and lab rats are getting fatter, suggesting an environmental aspect. Animal studies show toxic chemicals create weight gain independent of things like increased calorie intake or lack of exercise.
These toxins lurk nearly everywhere: in cosmetics, skin care products, soaps, shampoos, deodorant, food, water, air, household cleaners, Tupperware, furniture, mattresses, and carpets.
We live in a toxic world, yet we have tremendous opportunity to minimize toxic exposure. I’ve found these six strategies benefit my patients in reducing toxicity.

  1. Eat organic whenever possible. Follow the Environmental Working Group’s (EWG’s) list of“Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen” to know the worst and least contaminated fruits and vegetables.
  2. Become aware of toxic skin products. Creams, sunscreen, and cosmetics that contain paraben, petrochemicals, lead or other toxins become easily absorbed through our skin. If we wouldn’t eat it, we don’t want it on our skin. Visit the EWG’s page about skin products to learn more.
  3. Eat clean, organic animal products by choosing grass fed or pasture-raised animals without hormones or antibiotics. They cost more, but we can eat smaller amounts with more plant foods.
  4. Increase foods that help our body detox. Eat one to two cups a day of organic cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, kale, Bok choy, and lots of garlic, onions and ginger and turmeric.
  5. Support the body’s own detox system by drinking eight glasses of filtered water a day, andeating lots of fiber to eliminate daily.
  6. Exercise and sweat regularly. Vigorous exercise increases sweating, which helps move and excrete toxins from our body. Saunas or steam baths also help release the toxins through our skin.

Have you become more concerned about toxicity and its health effects? What measure have you taken to reduce that impact? Share yours below or on my Facebook page.

Author: Dr. Mark Hyman

4 Quotes that Helped me Discover my Calling.

Via Justine O’Connell
difficult roads

Do you know the official term for the type of image that you see above?

It’s called a “meme” (meem).
An image, video, piece of text, typically humorous in nature, that is copied and spread rapidly by Internet users, often with slight variations. ~ (Google)
The past three months for me have been consumed with this little social media tool that has changed my life.
On my recent year out from life after suffering anxiety, I took up a life changing opportunity to cultivate a life worth living and loving—I joined elephant journal’s apprenticeship program. I was at a crossroads in my life, having just completed a yoga teacher training course in India and staying on in the country, I was accepted to Elephant Academy, a three month apprenticeship taught by this inspiring, mindful publication where you can learn journalism, ethics, editing and social media.
During our first meeting, I was full of anticipation, and a little anxiety, as we were told how to manage a Facebook page and post things called memes.
I had no idea what people were talking about…and there was the start of a steep learning curve.
Many articles that I came across contained deep and meaningful quotes. I am not begrudging of these, they have their place, but sometimes when life is sucking all your energy a sense of humour is all that you need, I mean who doesn’t like a cute cat dressed in a suit? In today’s media driven world words and images are constantly flashed in front of our eyes, we sometimes barely pay attention to them, but when those words and images speak to our soul they can make a positive impact to our lives.
In today’s media driven world words and images are constantly flashed in front of our eyes, we sometimes barely pay attention to them, but when those words and images speak to our soul they can make a positive impact to our lives. We read quotes every day, whilst scrolling through social media feeds, in books and newspapers. They inspire us, make us laugh or cry and make us think about our lives and our actions. They may come from our favourite films, celebrities, religious leaders, scholars and authors or those ‘anonymous’ ones that some soul penned somewhere at some distant time to enhance our lives.
They can be in beautiful lettering, scrolled over an inspirational landscape, or harsh bold type shouting at us over an image of Leonardo DiCaprio.
By sharing a quote, it means that it spoke to us we connected with it. Something of its knowledge, wisdom or humour resonates with how we feel at that moment. It is a little glimpse into out current state of mind, how we view ourselves and this gesture shapes how others feel about us.
This made think about the quotes that have inspired me of late. I hope they put a smile on your face and remind you to not let any struggles get you down. Use them as your daily mantras or add your own story to them. Most of these quotes are not attributed to a particular author, but if words can touch a person then they are worth sharing.
“Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.” ~ Unknown
I created this meme during on the final months of my last journey. I had just climbed up to the top of Mount Triund in India—the wrong way! Thankfully, I was with a wonderful friend, one that had been through similar struggles as me.
As we sat at the top of the mountain, feet and legs sore and admiring the pure wonder of the beauty around us, we reminisced about the hard road we had taken to reach our destination—just as in life, we had climbed up the mountain the wrong way.
But that view, and the satisfaction of reaching our destination—was well worth the struggle.
This touched my heart.
It had been a long and difficult road to get there but facing up to those difficulties and aiming for my destination led to beauty. It led to a new life and this has to be one of the greatest lessons that we learn. So when things are getting you down, just remember that life will always be difficult, but we have to go through hard times to appreciate the good times more.
everything will be okay
“Everything will be alright in the end, if it is not alright it is not the end.”~ John Lennon (supposedly)
This quote was on my fridge when I first moved into a new home in London with new housemates after a devastating break up. It got me though those tough times, the heartbreak every time I reached to get milk for my tea. Because, you know what, life is sh*t, and its hard work.
Adversities are sent to test us and make us better.
I urge you to read this quote if things are feeling too hard, if there is that dull feeling in the pit of your stomach and tears prickling your eyes. Read it and read it again and remember it. Remember my story and the stories of many others who have shared their journeys here on Elephant Journal. It will be all right in the end—it has to be.
There will be an end in sight, but it may take time.
My struggle has been four years in the ending, but it is turning out alright.
“Sometimes you need yoga. Sometimes you need wine. Sometimes you need both.” ~ Anonymous 
This is a nice light hearted meme and to me this sums up how I now look at life: to stop taking life so seriously. Follow the 80:20 rule or the 5:2 diet, whatever you do enjoy it and enjoy life’s luxuries in moderation. Don’t deny yourself the things that make you happy. This is true for every part of your life; work, diet, exercise, love, independence.
Perfection does not exist and things are there to tempt us for a reason, so why limit yourself from the things that you love?
there will never be
“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me.”~ C.S. Lewis
There are two things that you will notice if you visit my house: I have a lot of books, and the kettle is always on. A friend bought me a frame with this quote in and I love it. It sits proudly with my books and I have yet to find both.
For me, the bigger the cup of tea and longer the book the better.
When suffering from a mental health struggle, I find it very helpful to identify a place that I can go to to give myself some much-needed “me time.” Sometimes this means escaping into a good book. Pair this with a big and comforting cup of tea and all of the minds chatter can be quietened for a little while. For you, it may be watching a film with a big bowl of popcorn or engrossing yourself in your favourite magazine. But is should be something comforting that is completely on your own time.
do what you love
“Do what you love what you do.” ~ Anonymous
This quote sums up the best way to cultivate a new life.
I had this postcard on my dressing table at home, and I would read it every time that I looked at myself, repeating it out loud to my image staring back at me. It was the inspiration to change my life and start to cultivate my loves. I love the alliteration in the quote—there is something about it that sticks with me.
That’s where this apprenticeship comes in—to cultivate a lifestyle of doing what I love and loving what I do. To travel, to read, to drink tea, do yoga and write.
These are all part of this journey. I think we all need a little reminder that this is possible if we put our mind to it and to realize what we love.
I hope that these quotes complete their meaning in life—to speak to you, put a smile on your face and be of inspirational mantras to write on your mirror, use for your phone background, your dashboard or your yoga mat.
I hope that they will help you be happier. 

Author: Justine O’Connell 

This 9-year-old Girl from Charlotte gave a Heartbreaking Speech that all of America Needs to Hear.

blank photo embed

When Zianna Oliphant stood up at her City Council meeting to speak she was almost to small to reach the microphone.

She didn’t plan to and she was a little scared, but she had something important to say.
“I was a little nervous, so I decided to just go up there and tell them how I feel,” she said afterwards.
She got the world’s attention. #ZiannaOliphant on Twitter:
But are we really listening? And are we prepared to act to change the world she lives in—the world we all live in?
“We are black people and we shouldn’t have to feel this way.” ~ Zianna Oliphant

Author/Editor: Khara-Jade Warren