Wednesday 21 June 2017

Free Yourself: Simple Affirmations to Wake Up & Balance your Chakras.

bed sleep morning wake

If you’re tired of suffering, it’s well within your means to change how you feel. Five minutes a day can change your life.

When I asked to be shown a new way to live, free from self-caused suffering, I was introduced to the chakras.
Chakra study, meditation, and knowledge has been around for centuries.
The ancient Hindu yogis have been aware of the power and importance of chakra system balance for thousands of years. Ancient texts outline points of the body and what these points control. So it’s not just some New-Age mumbo jumbo, as I have been accused—it’s older than many Western religions. Even Christianity refers to energy points of the body.
A fantastic place to start bringing attention and awareness to these points is affirmations. When I started, I had no idea what I was doing or how to quiet my mind and start believing in my worth, but I practiced affirmations daily. And they worked. Imagine that.
We can use affirmations for balancing each particular chakra. Here are some examples of my personal affirmations/mantras that I use:
Muladhara: I am safe. I am alive. I am one with the Earth. I draw my strength from the Earth. I am grounded in the present. I smell the Earth and it cleanses me. I allow the Earth to heal and balance me.
Swadhisthana: I am fluid and I am flexible. My emotions may flow like water and it is okay. They may come they may go, I am constant and I’m not my emotions. I taste the water of life and I am cleansed. It is safe to let go. I can trust.
Manipura: Like the fire of the sun, I am healed. I give what no longer serves me to the fire. I am the light of the sun, and I see the beauty in me. I am here. I am secure. I am worthy and safe. I can compromise.
Anahata: I am open and I am loving. I forgive myself and others. It is safe to greet the world with love. My heart remains open to the world. I feel the air on my face and I can go lightly like air. I can be vulnerable, and it’s okay. I am worthy of love. I am balanced and loving. I will love myself and other unconditionally. It starts with me.
Vishuddha: Like the wind, I am free and clear. It is safe to express myself and my needs. I am safe in my identity. I can speak and I can listen with love. I am a spiritual being and my spirit expresses itself here. It is safe to communicate. My voice is clear. I can speak my truth with love.
Ajna:I am calm, peaceful, and centered. I am exactly where I need to be. I am serene, content, and in tune with my higher self. It is  safe for my mind to rest and my spirit to soar. I am not my thoughts. My mind is my friend but I am its master. I can listen to my intuition.
Sahasrara: I am the light. I am the healing. I am balanced in body, mind, and spirit. I am you and you are me. We are One. All is as it should be. I am exactly as I am meant to be. I am Divine, whole, and perfect in my existence. I am one with my Higher Self. I can trust my intuition.
These are helpful because they begin to rewire our thinking patterns. In combination with meditation they can work wonders for shifting our perspective of the world. When we rewire our beliefs miracles occur.
Our reality begins to shift and we become more in tune with what is actually occurring rather than our perceptions. We see the real picture, instead of our picture. We cease to be prisoners of our limiting beliefs and reactions.

We begin to invoke what sometimes seems like magic to me.

I know how busy we all are. I understand how attached to our social lives, social media platforms, electronics and incessant need to be on the go. I get it. I lived it.
What if five minutes a day for a month could begin a process of inner peace, one that no words in the world could describe? Would you take the inner peace or opt to keep your hectic, drama-filled life?
If you’re tired like I was tired and your soul yearns for more, I ask you this: What have you got to lose by committing to five minutes a day practicing these affirmations coupled with deep breathing?
If your answer is “nothing,” congratulations, you’ve taken your first step on the path to an existence beyond imagination.
Try it. The chaos will always be waiting if you don’t like the place a meditation practice brings you.

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