Sunday 17 May 2020

CoDA Weekly Reading

Dream Resuscitation

Sitting by the window in the back seat of the car as my dad drove home from our friend's house in Germany was always a healing time for me. The German countryside was so beautiful and lush. Home was a place of constant fear for me, but when I was in the back seat of the car I could be anything I wanted to be. My spirit lived in the dense forests that rolled past my backseat window. I would jump from the car out of my heavy physical body and dance among the trees. I was free and happy and the animals and birds were with me, also playing about. This was something I always did during car rides. It left me feeling joyous and free.

As I grew and we moved to Texas and then to Louisiana only 2 short years later, I would say I wanted to be a dancer. I wanted to be a writer and write stories and novels. I wanted to write song lyrics, which I did so many of. I wanted to meet a man who is kind, spiritual and also a writer. But after 30 years of abuse on every level imaginable, I just figured I was too broken for any of it to come true. Any dream I had got kicked or punched or verbally downgraded to the point of me doing the only thing I was expected to do and that was to be subservient to everyone around me.

In the culture I came from you are entitled to one marriage. Being a female I was taught to be subservient and do whatever my husband wanted, and that marriage is for life.
However, I have learned from my CoDA program that I stayed way longer than I should have in these dream-detrimental relationships until I felt lower than a snake's belly. I had given up on everything when my current husband came along. I didn’t like him at first but I slowly learned what a spiritually kind person he was. He was also a writer and we became great friends and later married.

I remember thinking that my dream finally came true and nothing else was important. His writing was so good that I shrunk down to the size of a pea and my writing dream left me. The dream walked away holding hands with my confidence. I figured since I wasn’t good enough that I would just support his efforts and help him get recognized for his writing. I never wrote again, except for a few natural health articles. But I had dreams of writing children’s books, songs, poetry, stories and one day a novel. I turned my back on my dreams. I was like a toadstool under this huge oak tree feeding its roots with my slimy co-dependency. Since I surrendered to my higher power and have been working on my CoDA program, I have noticed that one by one, I am revisiting my childhood dreams.

One by one, light is shining upon my dreams as I revisit the rubble to see if there is anything there worth salvaging. Of course at the age of 55, living with cirrhosis, maybe the dream of becoming a dancer is not realistic. The Serenity Prayer tells us, ‘The Wisdom To Know The Difference’. But that doesn’t mean that I can’t dance myself into using the gifts that my Higher Power has blessed me with. It doesn’t mean that I can’t embrace being Happy, Joyous, and Free by not hiding my light away in the dark.

Thank you for reading my story. Have a Blessed Day.

In Peace, Love and Understanding,
Pamela W. - Feb. 26th 2020

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