Wednesday 22 July 2020

Manifest Deep Healing in Your Body (WD)

“If you desire to purify your body and live from a disease-free place of perfect health, simply assume the feeling of love throughout your body and live as if it were your reality.” — Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Dear Jake,
Your Intention Is to Experience the Healing of Your Body
When referring to her near-death experience (NDE), Anita Moorjani (introduced earlier in this book) said, “I was shown how illnesses start on an energetic level before they become physical. If I chose to go into life, the cancer would be gone from my energy, and my physical body would catch up very quickly. I then understood that when people have medical treatments for illnesses, it rids the illness only from their body but not from their energy, so the illness returns. I realized if I went back, it would be with a very healthy energy. Then the physical body would catch up to the energetic conditions very quickly and permanently.” Can you be open to the idea that Anita learned, while in her near-death state, that all illness starts at an energetic level?

You don’t have to know what the state of your energetic pre-disposition for some illness might be—all you need to do is align your subconscious mind with the conscious suggestion that you have an energy body, and if you can heal the energy that pre-supposed your illness, then you can quickly and permanently heal your physical body. You might say that this is grandiosity, and it just offers false hope to those who are incurably ill.

I always loved the words of Michelangelo regarding this subject: “The greater danger is not that our hopes are too high and we fail to reach them, it’s that they are too low, and we do.” Hopes are thoughts in your imagination that you can change into present-day facts. You do so by assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled and choosing to use your new I ams as facts that you feel and give subjective attention to.

When you experience any kind of maladjustment in your body, you are offered a great deal of objective information to consider. “A friend of mine died from what you have,” “Here’s some published research describing what you have as incurable,” “Trust modern medicine rather than these airy-fairy ideas,” “One-third of the population successfully deals with the same condition with medication while your malady gets worse because you refuse medication”—these and thousands like them are objective offerings. You need to remain alert to your subjective attention by going to the I am that you have placed in your imagination and assume the feeling in your body of that wish already fulfilled.

Here’s an offering from The “I AM” Discourses by Saint Germain: “A remarkable Statement that would be enormously helpful to the students would be to say: ‘“I AM” the Miracle-Working Presence in everything I require to have done.’” This is subjective attention at work in you. You are the I am presence, if you trust in your highest self. And your highest self fearlessly pro-claims I am God.

Begin to trust in the I am presence—it is your very essence as a spiritual being having a temporary human experience. Persistently place your fulfilled wishes in your subconscious mind with sentences like, I am the almighty governing presence of my life and my world, and I am the health, well-being, and harmony, self-sustained, which carries me through everything that confronts me. Trust in your inner guidance and your Divine connection to the creator of worlds, rather than giving so much credence to what-ever objectified information appears in your daily life that is an assault on your spiritual nature.

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