Friday 18 December 2020

CoDA Weekly Reading


“I can be grateful and enjoy it”

I talked with my coworker today. She was frustrated because she had so much to do at work. I listened. "It sounds like today has been a tough day for you, " I said after she had finished talking. "I have to go back to work now." I left her office and returned to mine. As the day continued I kept thinking about my coworker's frustration and wondering how I could help. Should I speak to my boss? I asked myself. Because of CoDA I told myself, "No." I am not responsible for her. If she feels overworked she will speak to our boss about it. Should I feel guilty because my day was much easier than hers? "No.” My day has been given to me by my Higher Power. It was exactly the day He wanted me to have and I can be grateful and enjoy it. I don't need to worry that it is not hard enough or feel guilty because I have peace.

"What can I do to help my coworker?" I asked my Higher Power. Pray for her was the thought that my Higher Power gave me. So, I prayed and released her into the loving, supremely competent hands of my Higher Power. And as the day continued into this evening I pray again for my coworker and myself that we may trust our Higher Power and surrender to Him.

Nicole 10/13/20

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