Wednesday 3 February 2021



"In every child who is born, under no matter what circumstances, and of no matter what parents, the potentiality of the human race is born again." - James Agee

Today I see and believe the God-given dignity of the human race in the faces and lifestyles of others. In the challenge and rebelliousness of youth, there is the hope for tomorrow. I associate myself with the need to question, risk, and be outrageous. I play and laugh at myself and own my craziness. I do not need to be perfect. When I used drugs, I was judgmental, serious, and controlling. Everything had to have a place, an answer, or be acceptable to others. My guilt was caused by my inability to please others. Today I can be childlike and identify with the radical message for tomorrow: "To thine own self be true!"

God, I see a child looking at the stars and I smile. I am that child.

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