Tuesday 20 December 2022

Be A Beacon In The Darkness

 This week I sent out an email that I felt very passionate about called ‘Healer – Are you Drowning?’ The reason being that so many of us are going through massive change and turmoil right now.

I want to ask you – are you struggling?

Do you feel out of sorts, confused, lost and fearful?

Or bloody seething ANGRY!

Are you being triggered? Are you finding out that people and situations you thought were aligned with you, all of a sudden aren’t?

These sudden triggers are not only about people but also include uncertainties and many stressful circumstances. And the theme of all these triggers is ‘being unable to know what will happen in the future’, on a global scale, as well as in your personal life.

Unsettling to say the least!


2023 – A Year of Ascension – from the Inside Out

As we race towards 2023 it’s fascinating to see that this is a ‘7’ Universal year (2+0+2+3 = 7).

Seven is all about the Inner World – our spirit, and finding centred integrity, truth and peace. The time is absolutely ripe for this when nothing on the ‘outer’ is certain anymore.

Without inner peace and solidness you may feel like you are breaking apart, without your usual go-to outer props being there for you.

Maybe you are aware of huge shifts in everything that you thought was your reality even a few short years ago. You may already be aware of how ancient civilisations (such as the Mayans) viewed this time.

We are in the change of eras – the ending of the age of Power Over (ego reigns), to the age of Co-creative Consciousness (Source and our spirit combined wins.)

The Bible and many other ancient texts speak of this time in differing ways.

Many people believe this time is the end of the Age of Pisces, to enter the Age of Aquarius and move from Separation Consciousness (me against you), to Unity Consciousness (I am creating my Outer Universe from my Inner Universe, because I am ONE with All Of It).

I have written about this in my articles before – but now let’s really get down to it, shall we?

In this Age of Awakening there is a powerful opportunity to move out of the darkness of handing power away to people and situations outside of you, and into the Light of taking back the power inside of you.

Now is about coming home to the re-membering that you ARE Source. That you and Creation are One – rather than you being a powerless victim, at the mercy of people and situations outside of yourself.


What Is Really Going On?

You may already be engaged in your ascension into 5D consciousness (more about this soon). Or you may only have recently discovered this way of living. Or maybe you are starting at the beginning, sensing that the old way of Being and Living just isn’t working for you anymore.

In fast-track acceleration, as the Old Order crumbles to make way for the New Order, it may look like everything is in desperate chaos both personally and collectively. Yet things need to break down completely for the REAL truth to anchor in.

Light is streaming in now, from heightened solar flares, from Earth’s place in the cosmos coming through the photon belt, and as a result of many mega cycles all simultaneously aligning.

What does additional Light create?

Shadows being flushed into the open. That which was once hidden is now being exposed – with nowhere left to hide.

This is happening on micro and macro scales, on a personal and global level.

Yours and my greatest responsibility is to deal with what is going on in our everyday lives. Hubris, defences, energy blockages, unhealed wounds and unresolved issues between love-partners, families, friends and colleagues are now coming up to be cleansed and healed.

You may be feeling triggered beyond measure and under attack. You may even be feeling massively abandoned by those who you thought were your people, who are now at loggerheads against you.

Maybe you are seeing the sordid truth about situations and people that you were tolerating all along. Or possibly you always had a strange gut feeling about certain people that is now fully confirmed.

However, this doesn’t make the ending of those relationships – and the exiting of those people from your life – any easier to comprehend and accept. So maybe the following will help…

A spilt is occurring right now on this planet. It’s BIG. In many cases this is not just a ‘misunderstanding’ that can be broached and rectified.

It’s a definite split in consciousness, and darling people it’s now time to PICK A LANE.

One thing is sure: coming from patterns of abuse, you will no longer wish to try to manage toxic, painful and unfulfilling relationships.

But how can you ascend beyond this?

Even non-narcissistic people are currently becoming so triggered they are lashing out. They are becoming irrational, judgmental and quite frankly nasty. They are also attacking others in droves, especially those trying to help, save or reason with them.

As I wrote in my latest email, ‘Healer – Are you Drowning?’, what is this calling us now to do?

STOP and be STILL.
STOP trying to rescue people.
STOP trying to make them understand and ‘get it’.

It’s time to let GO and embrace the inner journey to meet and HONOUR yourself.

Now let’s go back to ‘picking a lane’. What are the lanes and what does this mean?

Let me explain the ONLY 2 possible lanes.


Fifth Dimensional Integrity, Liberation and Expansion

This is about:

  • Transparency, honesty and direct communication.
  • Nothing to hide, and standing in “I am myself” without games, energy leaks and fear.
  • Leadership, in integrity with healthy boundaries, allowing people to be and show themselves, regardless of whether they will continue to be a match for you or not.
  • Letting go of people who are no longer at the level of truth, humbleness and integrity that you wish to authentically live at. If they are not at that level, how does this show up? They will be refusing to be honest and transparent. Hiding. Attacking and judging. Parasitising your energy. Being entitled. This is what narcissists famously do, and now it is also happening with unconscious people who are not ascending from the Old Order to the New Order of consciousness.
  • Facing your own shortcomings, triggers and unresolved wounds to up-level constantly to keep moving out of internal darkness, to anchor in more of the streaming-in Light.
  • Leading by example, in a ‘commanding’ way. “This is my truth and these are my boundaries. If you wish to COME AND (comm-and) join me in this higher vibrational reality please do, and if you don’t wish to, or don’t have the capacity to, I release you and myself to situations and people who are a match.”
  • Living in the now, from your heart and spirit, knowing you don’t need to see, and can’t know, the road ahead. Relinquishing control and allowing your Higher Self to guide you. This is the only place from which TRUE results now happen.




Third Dimensional Defences, Pain and Fear

This is about:

  • Being disingenuous, not speaking up, holding resentment, grudges and being ‘false’.
  • Acting how other people want you to, or manipulating others to suit one’s own agenda.
  • Trying to manage, fix and change people into who you want them to be, in order to make you happy.
  • Judging, preaching, lecturing and prescribing to others from your own superior viewpoint.
  • Battling toxic relationships whilst not looking at your own integrity or speaking up honestly. Not addressing wounded triggers within to understand your own energy leaks and unhealed projections.
  • Refusing to turn inwards with humility to be accountable and own your unhealed stuff.
  • Trying to control other people and outcomes, and having absolutes. This is living from the fearful ego which doesn’t work in this higher vibrational frequency that is now streaming down onto the earth.


All of us at the moment are being challenged with our inner stuff.

Lately (and for months) I’ve come across huge shocks in my own life with certain people and situations, which on a human level has been devastating, yet on an ascension level all has been ‘as it should be’.

I have heard reports from so many of you experiencing this as well.

I know what this is. That which is NOT REAL is breaking and falling, and that which IS real will be left standing.

How do we survive these massive breakdowns, making way for the breakthroughs?

Like this: Let go, don’t identify with what isn’t true, stand in what is, and take care of your own vibration in this drastic changing of eras.

Ian Zen Lumgold, an expert of Mayan prophecy, stated that as the Light frequency accelerates onto planet Earth, all that is in the shadows will be exposed as frequency vibrates faster, finer and higher.

Imagine a spinning top. If in integrity, the faster it spins the more powerfully solid it becomes. If it has pieces missing – if it is out of integrity – it will start to wobble dangerously, then crash and break.

None of us are exempt from this heightened vibration.

Those in victimhood, with unresolved, unmet wounds are exploding. People out of integrity are going downhill fast – they are being exposed, getting sick, becoming nasty and the wounds they could previously hide are now evident for all to see.

Narcissists understandably are getting worse. They are already in the darkness that is being rattled harder by the streaming in of Light.

Even non-narcissistic people who are not turning inwards to heal their wounds (and instead are blaming everything outside of themselves for how they are feeling on the inside) are now appearing almost as nasty as narcissists.

These people are attacking the very people who could lovingly guide and help them heal!

Let me know in the comments below if you have seen this happen too?

You may have noticed how very big and strong emotions are coming up for you too. You could be feeling angrier and more frustrated than usual.

Or at times you may feel like you are losing your mind and your grip on sanity.

It’s all part of the cleansing. It’s a call to CHANGE.


Being The Beacon for Self and Others

Are we going to examine, hold and release our darkness? Or keep stuffing it down?

Are we going to move through this ascension with open eyes, hearts and spirit? Or are we going to keep the trapped traumatic energy stuck inside us, where it can only break us apart even more?

I promise you that lately – more than for a very long time – I have had to do many Quanta Freedom Healing shifts.

I’ve had to shift out old, stale, stuck, dark energy from inside me – beliefs and pain about feeling unsupported, and annoyance at people’s lack of integrity and honesty.

It’s a fine balance – letting go of these triggers, showing up in integrity without fear, and keeping an open heart accepting everything ‘as it is’. There have been times I’ve wanted to EXPLODE, and have broken down in uncontrollable tears!

Thank goodness that for years I have refused to stay mired in negative emotions, and I am not about to descend back into that dark pit now.

Hence the Quanta Freedom Healing shifts, and then I’m so grateful for what is happening for me, through this messy ‘fog of war’. It’s a new aspect of myself, like a butterfly coming out of a dirty old cocoon. I’m realising a Higher Level of consciousness that I couldn’t access until now.

I know this way of Beingness is available for all of us. Today, I want to call it How To Be a Beacon in the Darkness.

(Thank you to my wonderful MTE Team members Karen and Iva for granted this analogy – which is SO perfect for today’s article!)

Lighthouses don’t run around trying to save people from hitting the rocks. They stand as the Light showing the way.

Being a Light Beacon is about being strong, real and honest. Never being held hostage by others because of fear, and not taking responsibility for others who are in fear. It is simply about Being and shining integrity.

If I judge others, wrestle with them and am derailed by them, then I am out of the Lighthouse and getting dashed against the rocks. I can’t shine the way for myself and others.

The last vestiges of my old 3D self – that are dying, kicking and screaming – want to project blame and judge others. My ever-increasing 5D consciousness wants to let go, stay strong, let it all fall and be FREE to ascend.

Knowing that my now is about cleansing and shedding darkness means I can take what has been triggered to the surface and shift it out. The more I do this, the more the Light, power and truth are flooding in.

I’ve stopped rescuing people and trying to get them up to speed – which is a massive lesson when it comes to loved ones! I can relax where I am, and let them find their own way – if they wish too. I know that this does not impact on my life’s creation because Source is my Source, no matter what others are or aren’t doing.

The Lighthouse is whole, complete and steadfast in itself.

In this life event I am witnessing the absolute joy of those who are levelling-up and joining in 5D ascension with me – in joyous, exciting co-creation that bears no resemblance to the destruction going on around us.

It’s like living in another Universe.

Those who have made their choice (often very unconsciously) to not make the leap of letting go of the Old Self and Old Ways, I can bless, let go of, and still send them love.

I’m rattling and internally rocking and rolling. We ALL are. This is not for the faint-hearted. There is no turning back for me. I know many of you are coming along too – or sense that you need to.


In Conclusion

I hope today’s article has resonated with you and made sense. I’m passionate about helping people understand what is going on right now and about vibrationally and energetically supporting you.

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