Thursday 27 October 2016

Mastering the Art of Manifestation (WD)

As you successfully ramp up your awareness of your imagination, you will begin to make this private inner world a more active component of your everyday living. Trusting that what you are thinking is more than just a mental exercise, you will begin living from this new place within you. This inner invisible world of yours will be the source of your new reality.

Through determination and unabated intention, you can begin the process of assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled, imagining it, living from it in your mind, and feeling it in your body. If you are unwilling to place your attention on a salubrious application of all of these new elements, all of your efforts will assuredly be in vain. The key word here is attention.

When you decide and begin to use the information presented here to live a wishes fulfilled life, you are going to encounter a great deal of notice in a variety of forms. Friends and associates will offer uninvited opinions concerning this new you and what you’re attempting to manifest. Your immediate family may try to dissuade you from making any changes that they think might cause them to feel inadequate or uncomfortable. You’ll be presented with scientifically verifiable facts to deter you from believing in your unlimited self. Strangers will relate stories about someone who died attempting to do what you are thinking about. Stories of the absurdity of your desires being manifested will be sent to you in the hope that you will realize that you are not a Divine being. You might be threatened with punishment from God, or Jesus, or the devil, or some spiritual deity who’s angered and going to put a curse on you for offending their sensibilities.

As you engage in the process of living from your highest self, trusting in your own God-realized strengths and becoming more peaceful and content, all the while feeling the love you are choosing to align with—your new ideas about who you are and what you can accomplish and become will be noticed positively and negatively. You may have to convince yourself to be steadfast in the attention that you place on the wishes you are going to fulfill.

Never let your attentiveness to what you are in the process of manifesting be sidetracked by external pressures of any kind. As Neville reminds you, “All progress, all fulfillment of desire, depend upon the control and concentration of your attention.”

Whether it’s your health, wealth, happiness, or any other element of your entire life experience, it is essential to keep in mind the importance of the movement of your attention. You must be obstinate and persistent in not allowing the viewpoints or information of others to alter your inner world. You know what you wish to become and what you would like to manifest for yourself. Now keep your imagination so aligned and feel it in your body. Using your subjective attention will produce the desired conditions.

Suggestions To Apply:
Become conscious of objective efforts designed to persuade you to abandon the ideas and ideals you have tucked away in your imagination. As your awareness intensifies, practice a subjective alternative to those objective efforts. Whenever your attention is drawn to negating what you are in the process of manifesting, close your eyes, sit quietly for a moment, and repeat your I am to yourself over and over until you feel it reverberating within your body. Be on guard—ready and willing to dismiss any objectified information that conflicts with your inner vision. The more you practice this, the less your old mind viruses will impact you. Soon there will be a new embedded trust in your ability to manifest the life you desire.

Use what I call the superglue method for placing intention into your imagination: Imagine you have a substance that’s so strong it can’t weaken or break. This is the stuff you dab on your I am as it is placed in your private inner domain. It’s equivalent to saying, “Nothing external to myself has the power to remove what I place on my inner screen.” When you say, “I am healthy,” “I am prosperous,” “I am happy,” or any other I am, you are using the name of God, which is inviolable as far as you’re concerned. This is a spiritual decision on your part to become the ideal that you know deep within you is your calling. The superglue metaphor will remind you to use only your subjective attention when your wishes fulfilled intentions are visible to others.

— Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

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