Friday 20 October 2017

New Moon Manifesting Ritual (AB)

By Aine Belton

The New Moon is the birthing cycle of the moon’s various phases when the energy is fresh and new, so an ideal time to affirm your heart’s desires, wishes, goals and intentions. One way to do so is with a New Moon Manifesting Ritual! I share a simple process for that below.
Dream Club includes various worksheets as part of the free welcome pack you receive, including the Monthly Manifesting Worksheet ideal for use at the New Moon, or at any time (that can also be used weekly).
The few days preceding the birth of the New Moon are a time of releasing the old and what no longer serves you. For that reason, it can be a great time for letting go of anything constricting you’re wanting to release – thoughts, feelings, patterns, energy, situations.
The New Moon Ritual is ideal for setting intentions, goal-setting, future visioning and new beginnings. The exact New Moon time is Oct. 19 at 20:12 BST/ 15:12 EST/ 12:12 PST – aim for the time of the actual New Moon or 24 hours after (i.e. not before when the moon is still waning).
You can think of the new moon as a time for planting seeds. These can be in the form of wishes and desires, and writing those down, for example. Seeds need a period of gestation before they break through the soil and reach for sunlight. This can be true for our ideas also, before they emerge to become that new reality.
The dark side of the moon during the New Moon period offers a nurturing environment where your wishes and dreams can cultivate and grow roots. These can then sprout as magical manifestations as the moon continues its cycle.
PREPARATION for the New Moon Ritual
Only numbers 1 and 2 on the preparation list below are essential, the others are optional additions. The 8-step ritual itself is shared after.
Set aside some time at the New Moon for your manifesting ritual, at least 20 minutes if you can. Before you begin your ritual, check the New Moon has actually ‘birthed’ and that it is at least AT or in the 24 hours AFTER the New Moon, not before when the moon is still waning.
I share the exact New Moon (and Full Moon) times at Dream Club each month. You can also search online for those.
Let this ritual include whatever feels true to you. There is no right or wrong way of doing this, I share some simple suggestions here as a guide to support you.
1. Have at hand a notebook and pen for writing down any wishes, goals and intentions. You can also print out the Monthly Manifesting Worksheet that comes with the Dream Club Welcome Pack which is ideal for this.
2. Lighting a candle is a lovely way to support any kind of spiritual ritual or process and invite in supportive light and illumination.
The Spiritual Practice Guide that also comes free in the welcome bonus pack includes a number of other elements, as well as a basic beautiful meditation process, you can include in any kind of spiritual practice.
3. You may want to play some relaxing/uplifting music, perhaps some meditation music, if you feel that supports your energy in getting settled and reflective for the ritual.
4. You may want to light some incense, or use an essential oil burner with essential oils, or use a purifying smudging herb like Sage if you want to cleanse the energy of your space and aura before the ritual. Sage is particularly helpful for cleansing and has long been used by Native Americans to clear a space of negative energy while inviting positive feelings. (This is available typically as a ‘smudge stick’ where you simply light one end and blow out the flame until it has a wonderful glow, then fan to allow the smoke to bellow).
5. Before the ritual, you may also want to take a cleansing bath, such as with a cup of sea salt, Epsom salts or Himalayan salt, some drops of essential oils, flowers… In your bath you can reflect on your heart’s desires for the month ahead and your life in general.
8-Step New Moon Manifesting Ritual
1. Ensure you are comfortable and relaxed and somewhere you will not be disturbed. You may want to have some soft music playing, a nice cup of herb tea, whatever you feel supports you.
2. Take a few deep breaths to relax, and light your candle, welcoming in the light of the divine, ‘the new’ and all that is in your highest. You may want to include a few words or a prayer while or just after you do this, invoke the help of the divine, your Higher Self, spiritual guides or angels, thank the Universe/God-Goddess for their love and support. Whatever feels true to you!
3. Ground yourself, perhaps by simply imagining roots extending from your body or the base of your spine deep down into the Earth. Feel your loving nurturing connection with the Earth and let that be a two-way process. Connect to her, and receive from her.
4. Meditate to get still and quiet and allow in the cleansing and renewing energies of the New Moon. Meditate in whatever way feels true to you. You may want to also breathe in love and out love, sending out wishes, blessings and prayers, and so on.
5. Take some moments to reflect on what your heart desires for the month ahead, and your life in general, and write those down.
The Monthly Manifesting Worksheet that comes with Dream Club is ideal for this and has a number of sections. You can print that out to use in this ritual, or write down a list on paper.
You may also want to write at the top of this list: “I accept these things or something better into my life now for my highest good and for the highest good of all”.
6. After writing these down, return to a meditative state and feel the joy, love and enthusiasm you have for your wishes and heart’s desires. Get in touch with the feelings behind what you have written on your list and imagine your wishes and goals happening and coming to be. However vaguely you visualize, allow the feelings to be there, and the feelings of you fulfilling those experiences. Then release your attachment to them.
7. Blow out your candle with a breath of love and gratitude to the divine, and to yourself, and to Life itself.
8. Keep your New Moon wish list available to refer to during the month ahead if you wish. You may want to place it somewhere that feels right in your home, or keep your list in your bag or wallet to have at-hand. You may want to bury it in the garden if that feels like a positive symbolic gesture of planting your wishes (if you do so, you might want to keep a copy of the list to have at-hand throughout the month also).
You can then create action lists from your New Moon wishes. This doesn’t need to be done at the time of your New Moon Ritual, unless you want to do so then.

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