This meditation uses some visualization. If visualizing isn’t your thing, follow the steps with your intention and work with it in whatever way feels true to you.
1. Dedicate your meditation to love and loving. Make that intention using whatever words feel true to you. You can do this while lighting a candle to support the process if you wish. You may want to affirm in your mind any other words or an invocation, whatever feels true for you.
2. Sit upright in a chair with both feet firmly planted on the floor, or cross-legged on the floor; aim for your spine to be comfortably straight, and notice where your body connects with the floor. Feel the earth beneath you and your connection with the earth. Imagine your body is becoming a little heavier, as if it is sinking into the earth as you get a sense of it beneath you.
3. Imagine yourself surrounded by a bubble of light. This light feels warm, loving, supportive and nourishing. It might be a bright white light, but if another colour appears that feels good to you, go with that. Perhaps the colour changes during the meditation, or perhaps you don’t imagine any colour if visualizing isn’t your thing, in which case allow yourself to be aware of a loving presence surrounding you.
4. Begin conscious breathing. Focus on your breath and allow your mind to quieten and your body to relax. Observe your breath entering and leaving your body. Feel the sensations of that experience. Allow yourself to focus on your breathing as intently as you can for 5-10 full breaths. If thoughts come in and the mind wanders, simply bring your focus back to the breath (and be patient with yourself).
5. Begin inhaling unconditional love, and releasing whatever you wish to on the exhale. Imagine this love flowing in with each in-breath. Perhaps you feel yourself absorbing it through your mouth and lungs, or through your heart, or all of your skin, or your chakras.
With each in-breath, breathe in this unconditional love. You may imagine this love as an energy or a light, such as the light surrounding you, or perhaps you experience it in some other way, or simply through your intention/imagination/knowing, you allow this unconditional love to enter you on the in-breath.
On each exhale release any constriction and anything you’re wanting to let go of.
Repeat the above for 5 or more breaths.
6. Allow yourself to both breathe in unconditional love, and breathe out unconditional love. Imagine the energy of unconditional love flowing both in with the in-breath, and radiating out on the out-breath too. Perhaps you feel it flowing out of your lungs, or out of your heart, or skin, or hands, in some way.
You can repeat steps 5 and 6 with any quality or energy you wish to receive, be that peace, joy, freedom, ease, enthusiasm… Inhale any quality you would like to receive.
Before ending the meditation you might like to send out the energies you have received and generated into the world as a blessing, or do this when you blow out a candle at the very end if you have one lit for the experience.
7. Ground yourself as you end the meditation experience. Bring your attention to your connection with the earth again. Notice where your body is touching the floor, or chair, etc. Start to gently move your body, rub your hands together perhaps, move your feet and toes, take some breaths. Bring yourself back to full awareness. You may want to stand up, lightly stamp your feet, and feel yourself fully grounded.