Monday 23 January 2023

How To Manifest Conscious Love

 Today’s article is especially important, because relationships are under great strain at the moment. I’ve been writing about this is one way or another for the last couple of weeks.

I now want to have a deeper conversation with you about trauma, energy levels, how dense energy trapped in our Inner Being plays havoc on relationships, and why it is so much healthier to clean it out and move higher.

To help you with this, I am offering a 2½ hour workshop on Valentine’s Day called ‘Manifesting 5D Love Relationships’ where I will explain all I cover today in greater detail. It also includes three Quanta Freedom Healing shifts and a Live Q & A session, to help you go beyond unconscious blocked love manifestation to reach healthier, happier, higher-vibrational relationships.

Many people right now are going through the decoupling of relationships. So much division and separation has happened over the last few years, but this is more than that divide due to politics, personal choices or literal separation by distance of those times.

There has also been a massive divide in consciousness.

In this healing community many people are up-levelling their relationships, by realising it is incredibly destructive to be in relationship with people who don’t have integrity, ethics and a conscience. Yet that’s only the starting point. Their choices are universally becoming even more refined so that many people, especially those doing the inner work to evolve themselves, are deeply desiring conscious relationships in their life.


What are Conscious Relationships?

What does this really mean?

This is not about people being perfect because perfect people don’t exist.

I’ll give you my definition. It’s about people who are authentic: those who are kind-hearted, honest, can speak up, show up and are interested in Unity Consciousness.

What does Unity Consciousness mean? It means being a team; being open, caring, truthful, and invested in the cause or common goals of the relationship. Rather than being narcissistically invested for self, or otherwise unable to engage in that level of relationship due to an inability to honestly and humbly recognise and resolve unmet, unhealed inner wounds and defences.

To be unified with others requires being unified with self.

Trauma has erupted within people over the last few years, and there are many people with old and accumulating trauma who are not unified with self.

How do these people show up? They aren’t growing. They are stuck in the same stuff – spinning their wheels whilst things are getting worse for them. They look outwards, not inwards. They blame others and refuse to take responsibility for their own inner and outer lives.

It’s becoming much harder to hang out with them.

And I promise you, humbly, there is no judgement with this. Everyone is on their own personal journey, and I bless that. I’m just making an honest observation.

Conversely, personally and collectively many are going through incredible growth spurts spiritually, as well as connecting to their purpose and calling in the world. The intense pressure of the last few years was the grist that has pushed them there. They were diamonds under pressure, and butterflies emerging from sticky and constricted cocoons.

Even individuals who are not sure of what their personal calling is yet, know they no longer have an appetite for the ‘same old same old’ dramas and skirmishes that they once took part in. They are now focussing on deeper, more important and urgent matters, including their own inner personal development.

For many there is an inner calling to commune with their conscious soul mates and tribes. It’s become completely empty and unfulfilling to play out the blatant unconsciousness of inauthenticity, pretending and ‘going along to try to get along’ with people who just don’t share the same journey as you do.

This article today is for those of you who are feeling like this, know it MUST exist and wish to manifest conscious love.




The ‘Usual’ Traumatic Levels of Human Love

Love is about so much more than romantic love.

Higher vibrational love is love from a Higher Source than the usual ‘human’ versions of love. It creates authentic connection in real-life human love – as well as with self and life itself.

Abuse and trauma has had much to do with the human experience, and sadly many ‘love’ experiences – with any impactful person, as well as intimate partners – can create being stuck in the three lower chakra centres.

This means not being able to open one’s heart to true conscious love and not being able to engage in it.

Let me explain why…


Being Stuck In Survival

The base chakra is to do with survival. When unresolved traumas – of fear around finances, providing for self and others, and being able to make it in the world – get stuck here, then toxic energy is blocked in this lower level.

This results in not having access to a flow with Source. It denies us the knowing that Divinity is the unlimited provider, and means we are unable to become a self-generative source, in conscious creation – with unlimited potential to be abundant, expansive and prosperous.

The manifestation of this is survival lack within self and therefore fearful dependencies – being dependent on another for survival.

People in this place (and I used to be one of them) are attracted to those they feel can ‘look after them’.

Many people in this situation work in vocations they hate, to try to survive financially; or never express their talents because they don’t believe they can succeed; or get attached to people who will abuse them, because of their dependency. Or they may try to hitch a ride on a successful individual, only to have that person call them out to step up, and not allow them to be dependent and exploitative.

In other words, it never ends up well. It brings exactly what is feared – financial losses and struggle with survival.


Being Stuck In Desire

Then there is the blockage at the second level, the navel chakra. This is to do with desire.

Desire is a powerful manifestation energy, if the energy can move up through the heart and beyond. But if energy is stuck down below the heart chakra, then desires become addictions – namely, ways to self-medicate away unhealed trauma.

A desire to ‘get’ what someone may need to feel whole from ‘outside of self’ is where ‘love’ becomes ‘obsession’. Communion becomes manipulations of ‘giving to get’, or ‘control to get’ and connection falls into power-plays – often co-dependencies and narcissism.

Others are held responsible for the painful interactions in relationships, rather than having the consciousness to look within, take responsibility and heal oneself. It’s all about defences and fear: “you didn’t grant me what I wanted – and you are to blame.” As victims we can play this out as much as narcissists do.


Being Stuck in Seeking Love and Approval

Then there is the last of the lower three chakra blockages – the solar plexus. This is about ‘identity’.

If the energy is stuck here because of traumatic fear and pain, then the lack of identify flow to heart and Source connection means a need to look to False Sources (others) for love and approval.

This means “I need you to ‘see’ me for me to feel worthy. What you think of me is more important than what I (and Source) think of me. It’s the opinions of others that grant me my value in the world.”

This is a very precarious position. It means “I’m only as good as my last job, pay check, attractive acquisition or your opinion. I therefore can’t be vulnerable and real about the parts of me I need to heal. I try to hide them from myself and others, and be ‘who I am not’ to get approval from others.”

This all equals how to lose, bring disastrous interactions in close relationships and ultimately the hidden belief of “I don’t love and approve of myself at all” comes home to roost.

Now let’s see what happens beyond these places, where conscious love operates.


Accessing the Higher Levels of Consciousness

During this shift that we are in at the moment, there is ‘the great divide’ between those stuck in the 3D, separation consciousness of lower-vibrational unhealed trauma (fear and pain) and those who are letting go of trapped internal trauma to move up higher.


The Heart Chakra

Let’s look at the fourth chakra consciousness that is required for Unity Consciousness. If you have released dense stuck energy from the lower three primal levels, then you have the ability to open your heart to yourself and Source with power and safety.

The opening of your heart with consciousness and honesty, without defences, allows you to be connected to Source. You have access to Divine Love.

In this place you know you are loved by Source and belong to The All, and you can be yourself.

This means that you can open yourself to life, self and others, with discernment anchored in love, honour and self-respect. You are true to your values and truths, and you deeply know that Source is your Source of love, NOT false sources. You need no person or thing to conditionally provide you with what you want, in order for you to feel worthy of love.


The Throat Chakra

Then we have the fifth chakra, the throat. If you have liberated yourself up through the lower levels and moved into your heart, then you can rise into the authenticity of speech.

This involves being authentic and no longer simply going along with what people want to hear.

Instead, it is telling people the truth about how you feel and being able to have the difficult conversations when necessary. It is an ability to be vulnerable, real, honest and to express truth about self.


The Third Eye Chakra

Then we have the sixth chakra, the third eye. This higher spiritual level can only be accessed by living energetically through the heart and throat to receive Higher Wisdom.

This is the knowing and understanding of the Higher Picture – such as “It is all happening FOR me and not TO me.” It is the ascension from victimhood into seeing life through the eyes of Source and being accepting of your soul journey. You are then able to follow that journey with awareness and Source flowing through you as you.

This is where you have access to ALL infinite wisdom and information. This is the seat of being able to hear, listen, access, and trust your intuition. Rather than second-guessing yourself, using other people as your authority, and allowing yourself to be manipulated or guided by your triggers and unhealed wounds.


The Crown Chakra

Finally there is the seventh chakra – the crown chakra. This is the connection to absolute Unity Consciousness – the knowing of Quantum Oneness. “My inner being is the generator of my outer experience. Everything and everyone in my experience is a reflection of me co-creating all of it, either consciously or unconsciously.”

This is also access to the knowing of “I am spirit in a physical being; my true essence is infinite, immortal and indestructible.”

And ultimately “Source and I am One.”

These higher levels of consciousness change how we show up to relationship and also the ‘bar’ that is set for our future relationships.

As I said, this is not about perfection. It is about people who are growing – in humility and contact with their true essence – wanting to heal and connect to greater relationship authenticity.

I am loving seeing this powerful shift happen in our community, where more and more of you are moving down this ascension path. Absolutely this heaven on earth exists – and in more abundance now than EVER!


In Conclusion

Right now relationships that are out of integrity are crashing and crumbling because they are making way for the connection and people who are your conscious soul tribe – including romantically.

It’s time beautiful people!

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