Monday 30 January 2023

The Mysterious Power Of Narcissists

 How do narcissists pull it off?

You may meet one and every morsel of your being recoils. Yet later you feel yourself drawn to, and even attracted to, this person.

Have you heard the story of the Alabama corrections officer who fell in love with a narcissistic inmate and helped plan his escape? Maybe you know of psychologists who start relationships with diagnosed narcissists – even their clients.

What IS this about?

Today I want to share with you exactly what it is…


Being Mesmerised by a Narcissist

It’s very true, narcissists are charming.

They have a certain energy that is captivating – intoxicating even. They can appear so vulnerable, sweet, enchanting, exciting, courageous and downright sexy, all wrapped into one person.

Yet, I promise you this… many of us who used to fawn at a narcissist’s feet (or at least be drawn to them in some way) now feel revulsion around these people. They feel ‘off’ instead of ‘alluring’.

Please know I am not criticising you in any way if you are still going through the very painful feelings of being ‘soul-captured’ by one of these creatures! Have faith that one day you will get to where we are!

I promise you, in this article I will explain the mysterious power of narcissists to you, in a deeper way that helps you realise you are not going mad and there isn’t something horribly wrong with you.

In fact, what you are going through is completely normal considering the power and validity of this connection that you have with a narcissist. And there is a REAL purpose in this.

I am going to go into depth about that soon.

Just like my previous self, my colleagues, friends, clients and students who are now free from narcissists, you may be BAMBOOZLED.  Your situation is untenable and unliveable.  This person is completely and utterly destructive to your life-force, health and possessions. So why does none of this count, and why do you still feel like you can’t live without this person?

Read on…


Narcissists are Anti-Source and Anti-Life

I’m just going to say it how it is – narcissists are psychic vampires. They are emotional predators, who are not connected to True Source (their Higher Self).

Source equals Life-force. It’s that simple; iit’s the energy that creates everything you see.

Therefore, without Source, narcissists require other people’s emotional energy in order to sustain themselves, just like mythical vampires require human blood to escape being dead.

You’ve probably had the experience of feeling literally exhausted and lifeless after spending time with someone – even over the phone. There is a very good reason for this.

You are a fractal of Source / God / Creation. Unlike the narcissist – who has sold their soul by crossing the line into total darkness and purposefully inhumane acts – you are a pathway to Life-force. That is the energy that the narcissist seeks to feed upon to sustain him or herself.

How do they suck your Life-force?

Simply by interacting with you and using your attention to connect themselves to you. The more emotion you have involved in this interaction, the more Life-force this person can steal from you.

This is going on at a deep emotional, unconscious level – it is NOT logical. Trying to logically solve a spiritual, energetic quandary such as narcissistic abuse with thinking, talking and researching is like tuning into a radio station and hoping to get reception on your TV.


How Do Narcissists ‘Get In’?

Narcissists are experts at working out how to appear as a ‘salvation’ to someone. They hit all the hot emotional buttons to infiltrate, enmesh and then start extracting Life-force, and everything else they can get their hands on.

If you are feeling empty of love, approval, security or survival, you are ripe for the picking. Narcissists energetically feel people very succinctly. This is a skill these emotional parasites have honed, as a necessity to survive.

Here is a powerful truth that people and teachers wishing to hang on to the ‘victim narrative’ don’t want to hear or speak about. You are only susceptible to being manipulated, mined and harvested by a narcissist if your own connection to Source is NOT solid.

If you are connected to True Source (in relationship with your own Higher Power) these False Sources are Not Your Reality. They simply do not get your attention.

A connection to your own Higher Power can be purposefully created by doing the inner work to release the traumas that the narcissist triggers forth. These inner spaces can then be filled with Source Light – and my Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program (NARP) is an effective process to do this.

Then you will emerge feeling inwardly solid, self-generative, full and calmly peaceful, with the ability to show up authentically.

Narcissists quickly recognise people like this. They know they will not hand over their power, make rash decisions or get involved with another without taking their time to sensibly assess the suitability of this person. Also, authentically connected people are guided by the voice of Source which is a firm “yuck” about narcissists!

But, of course, until awakening this is NOT the majority of humankind. We have been trained to outer-seek our salvation through people, objects and being attached to results – rather than the focussing on our own Beingness.

Narcissists can target us until we develop beyond an ‘ordinary’ human life into an ‘extraordinary’ human life: knowing we are at One with Source, having a spirit-filled and spirit-led existence whilst being in a physical body.

Knowing that we are literally One with the Power that creates Universes, and are made from the same stuff. This is not hubris, it is humble energetic reality.


The Truth – The Spiritual War

Now let’s go back to these circumstances, of being enmeshed with a narcissist DESPITE all the insanely obvious red-flags.

You know the narcissist has cheated on people before you, yet you’ve convinced yourself that you will change this person. Even after you catch the narcissist cheating on you!

The jail warden who planned to escape with the criminal believed a faux story of innocence. But why THIS inmate when she had been on the job 10 years and heard it all before?

Why do you keep going back to THIS person, even though previously you would never have tolerated such terrible behaviour and the destruction of Self? Yet NOW you feel powerless to stop it?

People say it is because “We have kids and property and businesses together”. Yes these are factors, but I promise you that I have seen people with NONE of these things have the identical struggle. I’ve also seen people with ALL of those things leave narcissistic relationships in empowered ways once they shift their Inner Being out of trauma and back to a Source-filled Self.

Something much more profound is going on. It’s completely mysterious until you awaken to it.
With narcissistic abuse, not only do you have heart-break, unresolved feelings of betrayal, devastation and loss, but you also feel like you have been soul infected, infiltrated, taken over and possessed.

It is the most soul-snatching feeling of someone hijacking your mind, emotions and dreams. They are wedged in your life experience on repeat by association to things everywhere.

It’s soul-haunting.

It’s like black ink and shards of glass flooding your body and veins.

It takes everything you have to merely survive these feelings.

In order to break free and take your soul and life-force back from this energetic predator, your healing needs to take place at the level of your emotional soul and spirit – because the narcissist is interacting with you at this level.

You are in a spiritual war fighting for your soul.

It’s literally a battle between ‘Light’ and ‘Dark’.

Will you return your soul home to its True State – Source – which is your Higher Power?

Or does the Dark Overlord – the narcissistic False Self – take your soul instead?

By waking up, you can decide.


Soul Contracts

I’d like you to open your mind to this possibility.

What if this person in your life was a soul contract?

What if some unconscious part of your spirit (the REAL you) created this ‘interaction’ for some Higher Reason?

Upon meeting a narcissist, often there are feelings of familiarity, good and bad. Many people have reported they felt uneasy, sensed this person’s ‘darkness’, or knew this person was ‘dangerous’ because of being warned by others.

Yet somehow events conspire and you find yourself feeling the exact opposite way towards them. It could be so intense you think “You are exactly the person I’ve been waiting for”.

This, I believe, is the absolute truth, but not in the way we initially believe.

Many years ago, when I was going through the devastating and soul shattering breakdown of my marriage to a narcissist, I read a book by Barbara DeAngelis where she talked about soul contracts. She spoke of a ‘soul vision’, discussing her potential earth growth with her spiritual guides.

She said something like, “I wish to learn self-love and value myself.” A soul appeared and said he could help her. She asked “How?” He said “I will meet you in this lifetime, you will be drawn to me, fall in love, and love me more than life itself. I will hurt and abuse you until you let go of me, and return home to your own Source of love and power. I will not stop until you do.”

As a soul she was overjoyed, and was thrilled to embark on this lifetime.

Of course, for a time she forgot. We all do in our human amnesia. We forget that as a fractal of Source, as a Divine Creator made in the image and likeness of Creation itself, that ‘another’ is NOT our Source.

When we are in Oneness with our Higher Self – our true essence – we already are love, fullness, calm and personal truth. From this place will simply cannot and will not tolerate narcissistic abuse.

Back to the point – narcissists get in. They are MEANT to get in.

Then, despite all the warning signs, traumas, disappointments and devastations that we encounter with them, we struggle to let go. We try to FORCE them to be our Source of love, approval, security or survival.

Because we are not partnered with Source, the Highest Contextual Field or All That Is yet.

If you had a narcissistic parent or a family member, as a child you were powerless to let go, take the necessary soul-graduation and heal from this painful human co-dependency. But as an adult, even if this abuse is all you have known, you certainty can.

Logically, we may assume adults have a much easier time letting go of other narcissistic adults, but I assure you that this is not the case. Our wounded inner child causes us to feel small, dependent and unlovable. We hand away our power by assigning another specific adult as our Source, because of feeling like a powerless child on the inside.

In my humble opinion, it usually isn’t until Quantum Inner Healing Shifts (NARP) that we can feel strong, empowered, safe and ‘adult’ inside. Parents and other adults are not there to protect us, yet Source has our back and Life-force eternally.


In Conclusion

Phew – I hope today has explained a lot!

I invite you to open your mind and consciousness to this Higher Level of understanding in order to effectively get out of this emotional prison that is NOT your True Self, True Life or the way your Higher Self intended you to live.

This is why it feels so wrong and terrible!

NARP is my core suggestion to you – always – to come back home.

It’s how I, and countless others, reversed narcissistic trauma and agony and finally claimed more freedom and liberation than we had experienced in our entire life – even before abuse.

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