Wednesday 12 October 2016

17 Tips to Transform your Work Life.

Via Alyssa Gross
Whether you are looking for meaning, more money or a new job altogether, Crystal Marsh has got the career advice for you. As a millennial career coach, she helps people on the job hunt find “greater fulfillment and purpose through their work.”
Here are some of her top tips:
1. Take a moment to ask yourself, “How would you feel if you were in the same spot you are in today one year from now?” Brace yourself. Be brave. Answer honestly.
2. Have a morning routine before work; it is essential to get your day off to a good start. Take time to meditate, write in a journal, read or go for a walk. Whatever your pleasure, have a routine that gets your day started in a positive direction.
3. You are in a rut at work if you’re hitting snooze on more mornings than not, waiting until the very last moment to get to work. “Most people will have days when work’s a bummer and that’s realistic to expect. If it’s the rare occasion that you’re ready to get up and get to work it may be time to make a change.”
4. Effort counts when it comes to the outcomes we want to receive in life. Entitlement to a fun and lucrative job is not a given. Whether it’s with our kids, spouse or at work, you reap what you sow. “For the people willing to put in the effort, it’s okay to expect more than just a paycheck.”
5. Follow your interests. If you’re living for Friday, make sure to pursue one thing outside of work that really peaks your passion. Whether that means signing up for dance classes or training for a marathon, do something. Take one action today.
6. Once you’ve made the decision to find a new job and are actively interviewing, make certain to be prepared. Preparing for an interview is not only about stats and data. You want to enter an interview feeling good, positive and calm.
7. While on the interview, if you are extremely nervous—be honest. Let the employer know that you are excited to be there and feeling a bit nervous. Most of the time, the employer will alleviate your concerns.
8. Address the obvious! There are standard questions that nearly every employer will ask. They will usually begin with an open-ended question like “Tell me about yourself.” Go in prepared to answer in a clear, thoughtful and articulate manner. (Check out Crystal’s website for a free guide on the most commonly asked interview questions.)
9. Know what you’re worth. Perhaps, you like your job but want to earn more money. Take two to three months to evaluate your contributions to the organization and compile a list of what you bring to the table.
10. Moreover, don’t be afraid to speak up if you have other job offers available to you. You might say, while I was offered another position with a higher salary, I love working here. After demonstrating why you are an asset to the company, they may very well be willing to match the offer.
11. You know yourself best. Most people walk into the room as a client with Crystal with an idea about what they’d like to do for a living. But, if you don’t know where to begin, here’s where you start:
12. Write down your quality traits and strengths. “Think about what comes to you naturally.” It may be something that doesn’t even look like work and distill that down to a particular role. For example, Crystal says, “Helping, motivating and inspiring people is part of who I am,” which can be used in a number of forms or positions. Your core character traits can be plugged into a number of positions that are fulfilling to you. When we express the essence of who we are, we tap into our purpose and can contribute in a meaningful way.
13. Let’s say you’re passionate about a hobby but aren’t certain whether to take the leap: pursue your hobby in the meantime. Even if you’re working at a full-time job carve out time for your passions—which may ultimately have the potential to become lucrative. You don’t have to live in a cardboard box in order to pursue your interests. Let it unfold and evolve with little to no risk involved.
14. Reflect on your fears. Write out a description of your ideal world. Then, list the “unintended negative outcomes.” Are you concerned about spending less time with your friends? Are you afraid that you won’t live up to your potential? Are you worried that people may become jealous of your success? Are you afraid of failure? Are you concerned that with greater achievement comes more responsibility? Are you adverse to uncertainty and risk? Dig deep and see what comes up for you. By unlocking internal barriers that may be in your way the awareness itself may dissipate the concern or you may be able to resolve any “unintended negative outcomes” by dealing with it on a logical level.
15. “Do whatever you can to make the best of where you are, wherever you are.” Oftentimes, we just need to tap into the happiness triggers we already have accessible to us. Focus on the skills and strengths that you are utilizing at work. Acknowledge wonderful colleagues and a pleasant work environment. There may only be a few tweaks needed. Express your gratitude for the good.
16. Get into the zone. There are a number of tasks that you repeat each day at work. Now, become the best you can be at the tasks you like the least. One client of Crystal’s hated working with Excel but used it often. After taking this piece of advice, she became the office expert at Excel. Studies show that by becoming deeply involved in a task, by becoming an expert at a task, is a trigger for flow states, which leads to a greater sense of satisfaction and contentment.
17. There is more to your life than your career. Crystal will tell you that work isn’t everything. Do your best. Go for it. But remember, that friends, family, health and other life goals are important to a well-rounded and happy life.

Author: Alyssa Gross

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