Tuesday 11 October 2016


"Life without liberty is like a body without spirit." Kahlil Gibran

I suppose one of the most important qualities of life is liberty, also known as freedom: the concept of saying and doing what you want and when you want, as long as you are not knowingly hurting somebody else. Spirituality is about proclaiming this liberty. Earlier I've said that I don't want to live in a religious box. Let us be clear; religious addiction and religious abuse exist. In the name of God, some people are hurt, maligned, ridiculed, and in extreme cases killed by religious people who feel they have a right to judge and condemn. This unfortunately is still happening in some parts of the world. Spirituality seeks to bring people together with a sincere respect for each others' religions and cultures. Spirituality is the key that opens the religious box.

I affirm a freedom that is inclusive.

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