Tuesday 21 March 2017

Equinox! Transitioning, Balancing & Birth (AB)

Happy Equinox!
The Spring Equinox is a time of renewal, re-birth, and celebration. It is a day of equal light and dark, and marks a gateway period of transition and 'in-between'.
There can be a theme of balance with the Equinox, and of endings and beginnings (perhaps of patterns/cycles/phases/attitudes/beliefs, for example), as you step into the new.
That balancing can be of shadow and light sides, of masculine and feminine, of differing energies and personality traits, archetypes, and so on.

Balancing isn't about straight lines! It can be about the types of energies and qualities that most serve you at any time or period. What's more, sometimes things get unbalanced before they get balanced. There may be times you swing from pendulum extremes of aspects or energies as part of finding balance, for example, discordance can surface to heal or release, things can get messy before they get smooth, and so on.

* Are there areas, energies or qualities that could serve you to embody more of?
* Anything that feels over-active or under-active in a way that doesn’t serve you?
* In a particular area perhaps (health/relationships/career/family…)?
* Anything you'd like to release or integrate that would be beneficial for you, within or without?
What doesn't serve or is off-kilter in your life may get highlighted or have come to the surface in some way in the days preceding the Equinox. This can happen simply through your awareness, noticing that in others in your reality in reflection, with buttons being pressed, epiphanies, through your intuition, and so on.
The Equinox can be a time to allow in love, reflect, spiritually connect, open to inspiration, dream and envision, and feel a sense of enthusiasm and celebration around what you are manifesting or desire to.

Of course, you can experience the above at any time, though shared here as themes of the Spring Equinox.
Much love,
Aine Belton

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