Sunday 15 October 2017


"Violence is counter-productive and produces changes of a sort you do not want. It is a very dangerous instrument and can destroy those who wield it." - John Gardner

I believed I was not violent when I drank, but that was not true. While I was not physically violent, I used emotional and mental violence. I did not hit, fight, or mutilate people with my hands, but I could tear a person apart with my tongue. My sarcasm and criticism made people cry and feel demoralized and useless. Violence always removes the dignity from people-and I did this with my mouth! Today I practice tolerance and patience. I count to ten, and when I do lose my temper and hurt a person unfairly or unnecessarily, I apologize. In my sobriety, the anger, hate, and need to hurt are slowly going away. I am progressively getting better a day at a time.

Teacher, let me offer the hand of peace, not the fist of violence

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