Sunday 21 January 2018

Out of the Darkness, And Into the Light (KB)

“And then the day came, when the risk it took to remain tight in its bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” This is one of my favorite quotes, a beautiful and almost haunting message from writer Anais Nin. 

Each one of us has a road we must take, and no one can take it for us. Just like a seed in the dark cold earth, we too must find our way out from our own mud and into the beautiful warmth and Light of our destiny and purpose. If you have ever talked to anyone who has accomplished a lot in life, you will for sure hear stories of mistakes, failings, doubts, and setbacks. The road of life is filled with blockages that we are here to surmount and be victorious over. I always say that only after time and pressure does coal become a most beautiful diamond. This week, we travel up through the mud with a guarantee the Light will be there with us, helping us break through to freedom and the life of our dreams.
Our portion this week is Va’era.  In it, we read of the famous plagues. We read of the Israelites own journey out of their own mud. For some of you who may be unfamiliar to the story, the Creator sent ten plagues to Pharaoh to force him to release the Israelites from bondage. We read about seven of the ten this week. These plagues were immense energy blows to help release the hold Pharaoh had on the Israelites. We learn, what was really happening was the Israelites were being released from their own fears, insecurities, self-doubts, and limitations – all the things that kept them from reaching that next level on their spiritual journey. The Creator sent the energy of the plagues to break down old thoughts and behaviors that no longer served them. Each year during this week, we too are given this invaluable gift of assistance from the Creator, to pierce our own way out of the darkness and into the Light that is waiting for us. For when we find ourselves in despair and hopelessness, only the Creator can save us. Sometimes, we can find ourselves so deep in the ravine of life, all we can do is look up and ask with a humble and trusting heart for the Creator’s help. 

There is a parable I’d like to share with you this week, about a man who was asked by the Creator to push against a rock. This was to be his work in life. The Creator showed him a large rock explaining that he was to push against the rock with all his might. This the man did, and for many days he toiled from sunup to sundown; pushing with all his might. Yet, try as he may, the rock would not budge. Each night he was sore, worn, and felt his whole day had been spent in vain. The man began to think, “Why try? I am never going to move it!” These thoughts discouraged and disheartened the man and he started to ease up in his efforts. He prayed to the Creator, “I have labored hard and long in putting forth all my strength to do that which You have asked of me. Yet after all this time, I have not even moved that rock half a millimeter. What is wrong? Why am I failing?'' The Creator responded, “I had only asked you to push against the rock. I never asked or expected you to move it. Your task was only to push. It was I who would move it.”
In life, we have many beautiful and wonderful moments, but we can also experience difficult times that serve only to allow us to reach for the more fulfilling and joyful days. We may face insecurities. We may face fear. We may face a thousand No’s. We may face great negativity on the path to our dreams. But we can and will make it to our goals if we continue to have certainty in ourselves, the process itself, and the Creator. We all have come to this world each with a special and unique mission just for us, but we do not have to do it alone. The Creator is there for us, helping and guiding us along the way.
This week, you may feel the Universe pushing you to grow and become more of who you came to Earth to become. The uniqueness, splendor, and rapture that is You is preparing to be born. Let yourself be willing to be free. Let yourself be willing to feel the warmth of the sun on your face, and the wind in your hair.
This week we are also given the gift to see what is holding us back. Identify them with love, gentleness, and, most of all, courage. Write them down each on a small sheet of paper. Are you afraid of failure? Perhaps you doubt your abilities, or lack desire. Write them all down, and then toss them into a fire. Feel the Creator’s hand in your life, removing, one by one, everything that stands in your way to the life you were meant to live.  Stand tall and face the beauty of the future and the new sun rising in the distance.  And like the flower in its bud, know the day, your day, has finally come.
For it has become far too painful to stay the same.  
The time has come for you to blossom, and, this time, nothing will stand in your way.
All my love,

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