Monday 10 December 2018

What it Means to Reclaim our Power: A New Moon Ritual.

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One of my lifetime’s soul stories is that I can’t be in my full power.

Because if I am, it will intimidate people. I will surprise myself with how powerful I am. I will realize there is not one more worthy nor more capable of being me as I am, and that people may be fearful, envious, or try to put me down because of my power.
That people will separate themselves from me and that I will be alone because no one will be able to understand, match, and meet me in my true power—this is one of my greatest fears.
That I will, by stepping fully into my power, isolate myself from the people I love most: my parents, my friends, and my family. That my powers will take me all around the world, teaching, learning, and sharing, and that I will outgrow and forget where I came from and the people who loved me most.
I fear that if I were to step fully into my power, I would never be able to go backward. I’ll never be able to live life small again and have the same, comfortable life I know I could have in my sweet hometown.
I fear that if I step into my power fully, all of my deepest, wildest dreams will come true, and I will wonder, and others will question, why I was so deserving and they were not. That I will live and love and embody everything I have ever dreamed, and the fable script and self-limitingmind-set will be proven wrong once and for all and propel me into the terrifying, boundless unknown.
If I unleash my whole truth, I fear that I will scare myself with how powerful I am, and I fear I will not know how to feel held, contained, protected, and safe.
And yet—the most ancient whisper of my bones, the faintest song of my soul, the deepest resonance of my heart know: this is all a lie.
I am worthy of being in my full power. I am safe and capable of embodying all that I am. How others feel about me being in my power is not mine to carry. In fact, by being in my power, I can best lift others into their own with gentle understanding and compassion.
I will not surprise myself with the force of my own power—for my true power will be the most familiar home the light of my soul has ever seen, and in this home I can never be alone.
By standing in my power, I feel the most understood, known, and seen—by me and by others—because I am in alignment with my fullest expression of truth.
When I rise into my power, I allow my soul family to see me, find me, feel me, thus meeting and matching me in my power.
Stepping into my power allows for the expansion and evolution of my current relationships with my parents, friends, and family for the better and greater good.
My powers will take me all around the world, but I never forget where and who I came from, because there is power and love to claim in all parts of my journey.
By claiming my power, I deconstruct the self-limiting beliefs that once kept me living a safe and small life. I am liberated in choosing growth, and I am free to taste the abundance that is life beyond the ego’s self-destruction and defense mechanisms.
My deepest, wildest dreams come true because I am in my full power, and I am deserving of all of these desires simply because I am love, and courageous love at that. I watch my embodiment allow others to step more fully into their power and remember that they are love, and I witness them drink their fantasies, too.
When I am in my full power, I am the most safe, protected, contained version of me, because I hold me—all of me—wholly.
I am the most free, loving, authentic, divine version of me when I am in my power.
I am of best service to the world, the planet, and to myself when I am in my power, and being in my full power is where I choose to be.
I am powerful. I step fully into my power. I claim my full power.
And so do you.

Power claiming ritual: rewriting the script.

Tools: pen, paper, open mind. Optional: smudge stick (sage, Palo Santo), candle, crystals, any other sacred item.
Get comfortable in a grounding, quiet environment. Close your eyes, connect to your breathing, and ask: “What are my current feelings about being in my full power?”
Journal your stream of consciousness and allow the mind and heart to communicate freely, without placing judgment or expectation on the messages that arise.
Feel free to explore the following prompts:
>> What does being in my power look and feel like?
>> If I had to guess, what is holding me back from claiming my power?
>> What are my deepest fears around stepping into my power?
>> What are these blockages trying to keep me safe from?
>> What are the emotions that arise when thinking about embodying my power, and power in general?
>> If I had to guess, how could I embody my power more fully?
When you feel complete and have read over your script, begin a new entry with the sentence, “And I know…”
Sentence by sentence, recreate your first entry of fears and reservations into positive affirmations, even if you don’t believe them fully just yet.
Feel into the sensations of worthiness, love, and support that surround you.
Read your new power claiming manifesto aloud as often as you need to, and know that you are a magnificent, beaming force simply because you’re you.

Spiritual suggestion:

Ready to amp it up? Perform this ritual on the new moon, the day preceding, or the day after it. New moons have been sacred symbols of new beginnings, creation, and manifestation around the world for centuries.
Plant seeds to your new beginnings in darkness, and watch them bloom to fullness as the moon gains its light.
More than anything, this ritual is effective whenever it is that you most need it, regardless of the day. You are always your own ruler, and new moon or not—more power to you.

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