Sunday 25 August 2019

How to Handle Difficult People (GZ)

Dear Spiritual Partner,

A difficult individual is a frightened individual. Specifically, a part her personality is frightened and when it becomes activated, she feels what it is feeling, such as jealousy, anger, superior, or inferior. These emotions are painful, and they create destructive consequences when acted upon. If she is not aware of this in herself, she thinks that she is feeling these emotions. When she realizes that they come from a part of her personality and not the unchangeable ground of her being (this is emotional awareness), she becomes able to choose whether or not to act on them (this is responsible choice).

Developing emotional awareness and responsible choice is identical with becoming able to create authentic power. When you attempt to change another individual so that you will feel better about yourself or safe, you pursue external power (the ability to manipulate and control). This produces violence and destruction. When you choose to act from a part of your personality that is loving, such as one that is grateful, patient, caring, or content while you are feeling the painful emotions of a frightened part of your personality, such as one that is angry, jealous, or impatient, you create authentic power.

“Difficult people” appear in your life as opportunities for you to create authentic power. When you try to change them, you remain powerless. As you change yourself so that you are no longer in the control of the frightened parts of your personality, you begin to move through the Earth school with an empowered heart without attachment to the outcome. The more you choose to act from the loving parts of your personality, the more you create authentic power.

This is what you were born to do.


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