Thursday 20 August 2020

CoDA Weekly Reading


Keep Coming Back

I’ve kept coming back to CoDA meetings, usually once or twice a week, for almost five years and most recently 3-4 times a week with the availability of online meetings. I’ve been inspired by others' shares, I’ve been vulnerable and received healing from shame and my codependent character defects.

Countless times I’ve shown up and been able to encourage a friend or newcomer. Sometimes I’ve shown up and only one or two other people have shown up with me; these meetings are when I’ve deepened my relationships with my CoDA recovery friends at an even greater level.

Over the years I have been to a lot of different recovery, personal and spiritual growth meetings. From some I receive blessings over and over, yet others I have not. Because of my experience in CoDA I show up with expectation now!

Expectation to bless and be blessed, expectation to learn, grow, connect with God at a deeper level and find true inner peace. If those expectations are not met at least 75% of the time, I wouldn’t show up anymore. Why should I? My blessing is not in that place, my healing and opportunity to be of service is not there. What a waste of time for me.

I’m grateful that my Higher Power prompted me to keep searching until I found CoDA. CoDA has made the Promises a reality, such as “knowing a new love and acceptance of myself and others” and “experiencing serenity, strength and spiritual growth in my daily life”. I keep coming back because it works and I am worth it!

Danielle S. - 7/8/20

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