Tuesday 2 May 2023

“Quantum Living”: What Does It Mean?

 In today’s article, I want to answer a question people ask me A LOT – What does ‘Quantum’ mean?

Personally, it means a lot to me – so much that many years ago, I called my inner self-healing modality Quanta Freedom Healing.

Today I am going to explain to the best of my ability what Quantum means. As well as what ‘Going Quantum’ means and why I believe it is the true solution for going free from narcissistic abuse and rising into Thriving.


The Basic Understanding of the Word Quantum

To many, Quantum refers to the vibrational Universe, the unseen interconnected energy generating the world we see. The wave function beneath matter, even below the sub-atomic level. Quantum Science is a recognition of an all-encompassing intelligence that exists outside space, time and matter, which is ever-present in every moment of now.

I firmly believe this is where spirituality and science become One. We may call this force God, Source, Creation, Higher Divine Mind, or Intelligence. I agree with this recognition of ‘Quantum’ completely.

Living in a Quantum world means constantly participating with a Higher Consciousness – whether we do this consciously or unconsciously. A deeper understanding of how life unfolds and our connection to the works of a Higher Mind allows you to manifest personal realities in a more fulfilling, successful and meaningful way.


Taking Your Power Back

The joy I experience living a ‘Quantum Life’ is because I have evolved beyond feeling powerless. I wanted to move past feeling victimised, frustrated and traumatised – narcissistic abuse was the zenith of that. I wanted to know what had happened to me had meaning – and if so, how I could recover from the trauma and create something better.

I always sensed there was more to the ‘game of life’ than continual struggle and survival, but I lost all faith in the Law of Attraction principles, which certainly did not work even when I was ‘staying positive’. Merely ‘staying positive’ when dealing with extreme inner trauma was impossible.

I wanted to know how the Universe and my part in it actually worked.

Becoming a conscious creator with the Higher Mind joyously became my life. As it can and will for anyone who wants to Go Quantum, and puts in the effort to become this level of Beingness.


The Connected Universe

Quantum Consciousness is Unity Consciousness, which can also be described as ‘Oneness’.

It becomes the lived experience of knowing that You and God / Source /Creation are One. That you are an individual piece of this Higher Consciousness.

The fall of humanity came through the programmed belief of ‘separation’ from God / Source / Creation. You are not separate, but you can have the belief that you are and thus manifest it as your experience – powerful Creator that you are. In this fractured belief you are not worthy of a Higher Power’s blessings. You have to earn it, beg for it or give your soul to get it.

Separation Consciousness is also the belief that there is lack, division, war, poverty, depression and sickness. This creates barbaric acts born out of division, fear and chaos from victims and perpetrators alike. There is rampant self-abuse and other-person abuse. We have been programmed to accept the separation condition as ‘normal’.This disordered consciousness is not natural – it’s a deep insidious sickness.

In fear and pain, and pitted against each other, we keep the delusion of separation consciousness going. We become more broken, are taken further away from Higher Consciousness, and then fall for False Substitutes – false people and systems pretending to be God.

This is what narcissism is – the denying of a Higher Self and the worship of the ego (Edging God Out). It’s the hubris of “I am God!” and the worship of the outer false idols of ‘stuff’ and ‘things’. It’s an attachment to the cost of outer things, whilst denying all true value of the inner self.

Denying the value of the inner self is denying God / Source / Creation – because the Higher Consciousness and your Soul are One. It is where God /Source resides – inside you. Separated people are hurt people, who hurt people and they spew trauma onto others, infecting humanity like a plague. Welcome to the narcissistic delusion of planet Earth.

Going Quantum is the reversal of this: the coming home to ourselves, to Source, to Truth, to Unity Consciousness and the healing of the delusions that have been ripping humanity apart for centuries. It’s a return to Oneness. To belonging (being long – not small) and no longer being out on the edge all by yourself. When you be-long (become long) you become All of IT. You are never separated again – because you never are. You cannot NOT be it, when you ARE it.

And when you BE it then it COMES – everything that will durably gratify your soul. This is what ‘become’ means.

It is all you. It is God / Source / Creation. It is the Oneness. It’s all the same thing.

That’s what ‘Going Quantum’ creates – it’s coming home to Who You Are.


The Inner-standing of Universal Truth

Unity Consciousness knows, “If I honour my soul truth, then I honour the entire Field in honourable and loving ways.”

This is why NO LONGER enabling abuse, by healing yourself beyond it, is the most loving thing you can ever do for humanity and this planet.

As Neale Donald Walsch famously said, “To enable another to abuse you is an act of abuse in itself.” Yes, as children, we were powerless to accept anything other than abuse, but as developing adults Going Quantum, we aren’t.

In separation consciousness, before returning to Quantum Law, we make choices that keep us powerless. They are not coming from your inner connection to Source.They are being controlled by the wishes of people outside of you, whom you were trained to believe are your authority.

Your GPS (God Protection System) – your inner intuition – knows this. It screams “No!” You pay a terrible price every time you deny yourself, Source and the Higher Mind by going against your intuition, and not taking time to thoroughly check things. We know, but we don’t want to know. We don’t want to experience friction, ridicule, attacks, and defamation – all narcissistically engineered to make us comply. If you are NOT your SELF, you are controllable, hackable, and can be weaponised for someone else’s benefit.

Strong words I know – but I must tell you the TRUTH to awaken you from the narcissistic abuse programming that you are in!

We make excuses and tell ourselves stories to make our own intuitive self-denial acceptable. But it never is – it rips at the very fabric of your Soul and Source connection making you sick. Acquiescing to false selves and objects doesn’t grant us health, sanity, safety and power; it takes us further away from it.

It’s only Source Self interconnectedness that grants durable ‘arrival’ of joy, love, prosperity and other Universal Blessings. 

Going Quantum Equals Personal Freedom

Your inner evolution of Going Quantum is what grants your outer revolution of freedom.

What does personal freedom mean? Recognising you were born with limitless inner freedom to be yourself and powerfully create the truth of your Source / Soul Self – living meaningfully and purposefully to make a difference to The All and experience what your true Soul Self desires.

Being yourself requires being free from guilt, shame, pain, and attachment to what other people think of you. It means you no longer hand away your power and enable abuse because of feeling empty, needy, obligated, manipulated, or trapped.

Going along with programmed narratives to be ‘liked’ is a big pitfall, especially when you are disconnected from your inner wisdom and not looking deeper for your truth. Going Quantum means the WHOLESOME truth inside of you is the truth you follow. It MAKES SENSE and it resonates deeply in your being – rather than just accepting what you are told. This allows you to carve out a sane, healthy, happy, loving life regardless of what anyone else is or isn’t doing or saying.

You don’t need to participate, manifest and be a part of mass psychosis and suffering when guided from a much deeper, wider, more powerful place within.

Going Quantum is NOT about ‘learning’ how to be expansive and connected to God / Source. You already ARE organically connected to God / Source and ARE Higher Consciousness and Infinite Unlimited Expansion. You are made of the same stuff as not just The Universe but Infinite Universes.

The problem is being chopped off from knowing this. Being infected with separation consciousness makes you ‘small’. Yet your Inner Being is urging you to come home and reconnect by trying to shed ‘what hurts’ to get there.

This is the screaming inner wounds of the lies, the falsities and the shadows that are not Who You Are. Hence why they ‘react’ inside your emotional somatic self. They hurt because they are NOT you and so cannot sit inside you comfortably and wholesomely.

In separation consciousness, you have been trained to stay ‘separated’ by ignoring those painful feelings, switching them off, numbing them out, projecting them onto others, stuffing them down, faking them away, or trying to blame and shame yourself out of them. Anything BUT going to them and transforming them.

So why not just LET.THEM. GO? Go free from them? Why not release them up to God / Source for recycling? Purge them, detox from them, go empty, clean and clear from them?

Intuitively it is astounding how we all KNOW we have to do this!

I can’t tell how many people have said, “I need to let go! And asked, “Mel, how can I LET GO of these feelings?”

Over the years, I have given people the same answer every time “Use what I did, Quanta Freedom Healing. It works!” But of course, until they start doing this and experience what I am talking about, these are just words to them.

If we don’t let go, then we can’t be free. We can’t remember if we are still operating as small selves clogged with toxic trauma, lies and false programming.

This is where we need more than JUST letting go. Why not bring in the Light of the Higher Mind to replace the traumas? Why would we even think of that in separation consciousness, when we have been taught to be separated from Higher Consciousness and that we are not worthy of it?

When the truth is, it is IMPOSSIBLE to be unworthy of ourselves!

To re-member is to come back together to the Truth of ourselves as a God / Source / Soul Being.

Then False Selves are powerless against you; not being congruent with integrity means the force of Truth cracks them open. Once the shadows of deceit are flushed to the surface, false selves can no longer hide in dark veils of deception, taking you in due to your own disowning and woundedness. Vampires hiss, become powerless and retreat when under a Bright Light.

Plus, you are backed up and protected by The Oneness, The Divine Force of Life-force, as a result of being filled with THAT.

Leaving you to BE that Light.


How Do You Activate Your Quantum Self?

You recognise that you are much greater than just a flesh suit banging around trying to survive. You are made in the image and likeness of God / Source yourself – meaning you have capacity beyond your wildest dreams.

How I went Quantum was simple, and I had no idea at the time that it would happen. I just LET GO of what was hurting inside me with Quanta Freedom Healing – The Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program (NARP) modules. I shed those parts of me in separation consciousnesses – fear, pain, dis-ease, scarcity thinking and more. Every part of me that felt small, powerless, victimised, heartbroken, abandoned, afraid and confused or suffered any other negative emotion.

When I first channelled Quanta Freedom Healing, I was ‘told’ how to do this, and to fill the space where the trauma had been with God / Source Light. I had no idea that this was going to be as impactful as it was. I originally though bringing in The Light – to the space left by releasing the trauma – would be ‘healing’ and ‘soothing’. I had NO idea it would activate my Source /Soul self to come on-line.

I didn’t even know I was One with the Higher Infinite Mind.

Clearly, I have no regrets about this! You could not give me trillions of dollars to go back to living life the Old Way, even before abuse. If it had not been for narcissistic abuse I would have kept trying to “Law of Attraction” my life, instead of shifting out fear and bringing in the re-membering of Who I Am.

And helping others activate their Source / Soul / True Self as well.



There you go, the meaning of Quantum and Going Quantum.

I hope I’ve explained how powerful this is as a direct path to elevate you up and out of narcissistic abuse, and also make you impervious to it in the future.

I know for all of us ‘Going Quantum’ is not spectacular – it’s merely and magnificently natural. We are all coded to be released organically into this. It allows us to live in heaven rather than in hell, as we were always supposed to be. It is the direct shift out of being sick and tired, into being expanded and well.

It’s the place where the pain stops and real life begins.

It’s yours and my birthright.

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