Tuesday 6 February 2024



  • ·       The things you own end up owning you. It’s only after you lose everything that you’re free to do anything. - Chuck Palahniuk

    ·       “Ask yourself these two questions: Do I remember at every moment that I am dying, and that everyone and everything else is, and so treat all beings at all times with compassion? Has my understanding of death and impermanence become so keen and so urgent that I am devoting every second to the pursuit of enlightenment? If you can answer ‘yes’ to both of these, then you really understand impermanence.” ~ Sogyal Rinpoche

    ·       “Thanks to impermanence, everything is possible. Life itself is possible. If a grain of corn is not impermanent, it can never be transformed into a stalk of corn. If the stalk were not impermanent, it could never provide us with the ear of corn we eat.” - Thich Nhat Hanh

    ·       “Impermanence does not necessarily lead to suffering. What makes us suffer is wanting things to be permanent when they are not.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

    ·       Today I take the time to be with me and find peace and love and truth. It is mine if I just stop. It is mine if I just think the thoughts I want to feel. - Ruth Fishel

    ·        “Jesus was baptized at the very height of John’s preaching when Palestine was aflame with the expectancy of his message—“the kingdom of God is at hand”.”

    ·       If you can be patient, just a little patient and allow whatever is happening, soon you will be aware of a new quality in your being. - Osho

    ·        “I will remember your small room, the feel of you, the light in the window, your records, your books, our morning coffee, our noons, our nights, our bodies spilled together, sleeping, the tiny flowing currents, immediate and forever. Your leg, my leg, your arm, my arm, your smile and the warmth of you who made me laugh again.” ~ Charles Bukowski

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